2023-10-07 19:42:30 +08:00

18 KiB



Minor Changes

  • In order to move towards stricter TypeScript support in the future, we're aiming to replace current usages of any with unknown on exposed typings for user-provided data. To do this in Remix v2 without introducing breaking changes in React Router v6, we have added generics to a number of shared types. These continue to default to any in React Router and are overridden with unknown in Remix. In React Router v7 we plan to move these to unknown as a breaking change. (#10843)
    • Location now accepts a generic for the location.state value
    • ActionFunctionArgs/ActionFunction/LoaderFunctionArgs/LoaderFunction now accept a generic for the context parameter (only used in SSR usages via createStaticHandler)
    • The return type of useMatches (now exported as UIMatch) accepts generics for and match.handle - both of which were already set to unknown
  • Move the @private class export ErrorResponse to an UNSAFE_ErrorResponseImpl export since it is an implementation detail and there should be no construction of ErrorResponse instances in userland. This frees us up to export a type ErrorResponse which correlates to an instance of the class via InstanceType. Userland code should only ever be using ErrorResponse as a type and should be type-narrowing via isRouteErrorResponse. (#10811)
  • Export ShouldRevalidateFunctionArgs interface (#10797)
  • Removed private/internal APIs only required for the Remix v1 backwards compatibility layer and no longer needed in Remix v2 (_isFetchActionRedirect, _hasFetcherDoneAnything) (#10715)

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.9.0


Minor Changes

  • Add's a new redirectDocument() function which allows users to specify that a redirect from a loader/action should trigger a document reload (via window.location) instead of attempting to navigate to the redirected location via React Router (#10705)

Patch Changes

  • Ensure useRevalidator is referentially stable across re-renders if revalidations are not actively occurring (#10707)
  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.8.0


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.7.2


Patch Changes

  • Fix loop in unstable_useBlocker when used with an unstable blocker function (#10652)
  • Fix issues with reused blockers on subsequent navigations (#10656)
  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.7.1


Patch Changes

  • Strip basename from locations provided to unstable_useBlocker functions to match useLocation (#10573)
  • Fix generatePath when passed a numeric 0 value parameter (#10612)
  • Fix unstable_useBlocker key issues in StrictMode (#10573)
  • Fix tsc --skipLibCheck:false issues on React 17 (#10622)
  • Upgrade typescript to 5.1 (#10581)
  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.7.0


Minor Changes

  • Move React.startTransition usage behind a future flag to avoid issues with existing incompatible Suspense usages. We recommend folks adopting this flag to be better compatible with React concurrent mode, but if you run into issues you can continue without the use of startTransition until v7. Issues usually boils down to creating net-new promises during the render cycle, so if you run into issues you should either lift your promise creation out of the render cycle or put it behind a useMemo. (#10596)

    Existing behavior will no longer include React.startTransition:

    <RouterProvider router={router} />

    If you wish to enable React.startTransition, pass the future flag to your component:

    <BrowserRouter future={{ v7_startTransition: true }}>
    <RouterProvider router={router} future={{ v7_startTransition: true }}/>

Patch Changes

  • Work around webpack/terser React.startTransition minification bug in production mode (#10588)



Please use version 6.13.0 or later instead of 6.12.1. This version suffers from a webpack/terser minification issue resulting in invalid minified code in your resulting production bundles which can cause issues in your application. See #10579 for more details.

Patch Changes

  • Adjust feature detection of React.startTransition to fix webpack + react 17 compilation error (#10569)


Minor Changes

  • Wrap internal router state updates with React.startTransition if it exists (#10438)

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.6.3


Patch Changes

  • Fix basename duplication in descendant <Routes> inside a <RouterProvider> (#10492)
  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.6.2


Patch Changes

  • Fix usage of Component API within descendant <Routes> (#10434)
  • Fix bug when calling useNavigate from <Routes> inside a <RouterProvider> (#10432)
  • Fix usage of <Navigate> in strict mode when using a data router (#10435)
  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.6.1


Patch Changes

  • Log loader/action errors to the console in dev for easier stack trace evaluation (#10286)
  • Fix bug preventing rendering of descendant <Routes> when RouterProvider errors existed (#10374)
  • Fix inadvertent re-renders when using Component instead of element on a route definition (#10287)
  • Fix detection of useNavigate in the render cycle by setting the activeRef in a layout effect, allowing the navigate function to be passed to child components and called in a useEffect there. (#10394)
  • Switched from useSyncExternalStore to useState for internal @remix-run/router router state syncing in <RouterProvider>. We found some subtle bugs where router state updates got propagated before other normal useState updates, which could lead to footguns in useEffect calls. (#10377, #10409)
  • Allow useRevalidator() to resolve a loader-driven error boundary scenario (#10369)
  • Avoid unnecessary unsubscribe/resubscribes on router state changes (#10409)
  • When using a RouterProvider, useNavigate/useSubmit/fetcher.submit are now stable across location changes, since we can handle relative routing via the @remix-run/router instance and get rid of our dependence on useLocation(). When using BrowserRouter, these hooks remain unstable across location changes because they still rely on useLocation(). (#10336)
  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.6.0


Minor Changes

  • Added support for Future Flags in React Router. The first flag being introduced is future.v7_normalizeFormMethod which will normalize the exposed useNavigation()/useFetcher() formMethod fields as uppercase HTTP methods to align with the fetch() behavior. (#10207)

    • When future.v7_normalizeFormMethod === false (default v6 behavior),
      • useNavigation().formMethod is lowercase
      • useFetcher().formMethod is lowercase
    • When future.v7_normalizeFormMethod === true:
      • useNavigation().formMethod is uppercase
      • useFetcher().formMethod is uppercase

Patch Changes

  • Fix route ID generation when using Fragments in createRoutesFromElements (#10193)
  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.5.0


Minor Changes

  • React Router now supports an alternative way to define your route element and errorElement fields as React Components instead of React Elements. You can instead pass a React Component to the new Component and ErrorBoundary fields if you choose. There is no functional difference between the two, so use whichever approach you prefer 😀. You shouldn't be defining both, but if you do Component/ErrorBoundary will "win". (#10045)

    Example JSON Syntax

    // Both of these work the same:
    const elementRoutes = [{
      path: '/',
      element: <Home />,
      errorElement: <HomeError />,
    const componentRoutes = [{
      path: '/',
      Component: Home,
      ErrorBoundary: HomeError,
    function Home() { ... }
    function HomeError() { ... }

    Example JSX Syntax

    // Both of these work the same:
    const elementRoutes = createRoutesFromElements(
      <Route path='/' element={<Home />} errorElement={<HomeError /> } />
    const componentRoutes = createRoutesFromElements(
      <Route path='/' Component={Home} ErrorBoundary={HomeError} />
    function Home() { ... }
    function HomeError() { ... }
  • Introducing Lazy Route Modules! (#10045)

    In order to keep your application bundles small and support code-splitting of your routes, we've introduced a new lazy() route property. This is an async function that resolves the non-route-matching portions of your route definition (loader, action, element/Component, errorElement/ErrorBoundary, shouldRevalidate, handle).

    Lazy routes are resolved on initial load and during the loading or submitting phase of a navigation or fetcher call. You cannot lazily define route-matching properties (path, index, children) since we only execute your lazy route functions after we've matched known routes.

    Your lazy functions will typically return the result of a dynamic import.

    // In this example, we assume most folks land on the homepage so we include that
    // in our critical-path bundle, but then we lazily load modules for /a and /b so
    // they don't load until the user navigates to those routes
    let routes = createRoutesFromElements(
      <Route path="/" element={<Layout />}>
        <Route index element={<Home />} />
        <Route path="a" lazy={() => import("./a")} />
        <Route path="b" lazy={() => import("./b")} />

    Then in your lazy route modules, export the properties you want defined for the route:

    export async function loader({ request }) {
      let data = await fetchData(request);
      return json(data);
    // Export a `Component` directly instead of needing to create a React Element from it
    export function Component() {
      let data = useLoaderData();
      return (
          <h1>You made it!</h1>
    // Export an `ErrorBoundary` directly instead of needing to create a React Element from it
    export function ErrorBoundary() {
      let error = useRouteError();
      return isRouteErrorResponse(error) ? (
          {error.status} {error.statusText}
      ) : (
        <h1>{error.message || error}</h1>

    An example of this in action can be found in the examples/lazy-loading-router-provider directory of the repository.

    🙌 Huge thanks to @rossipedia for the Initial Proposal and POC Implementation.

  • Updated dependencies:

    • @remix-run/router@1.4.0

Patch Changes

  • Fix generatePath incorrectly applying parameters in some cases (#10078)
  • Improve memoization for context providers to avoid unnecessary re-renders (#9983)


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.3.3


Patch Changes

  • Remove inaccurate console warning for POP navigations and update active blocker logic (#10030)
  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.3.2


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.3.1


Minor Changes

  • Add unstable_useBlocker hook for blocking navigations within the app's location origin (#9709)

Patch Changes

  • Fix generatePath when optional params are present (#9764)
  • Update <Await> to accept ReactNode as children function return result (#9896)
  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.3.0


Patch Changes

  • Ensure useId consistency during SSR (#9805)


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.2.1


Patch Changes

  • Prevent useLoaderData usage in errorElement (#9735)
  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.2.0


This release introduces support for Optional Route Segments. Now, adding a ? to the end of any path segment will make that entire segment optional. This works for both static segments and dynamic parameters.

Optional Params Examples

  • <Route path=":lang?/about> will match:
    • /:lang/about
    • /about
  • <Route path="/multistep/:widget1?/widget2?/widget3?"> will match:
    • /multistep
    • /multistep/:widget1
    • /multistep/:widget1/:widget2
    • /multistep/:widget1/:widget2/:widget3

Optional Static Segment Example

  • <Route path="/home?"> will match:
    • /
    • /home
  • <Route path="/fr?/about"> will match:
    • /about
    • /fr/about

Minor Changes

  • Allows optional routes and optional static segments (#9650)

Patch Changes

  • Stop incorrectly matching on partial named parameters, i.e. <Route path="prefix-:param">, to align with how splat parameters work. If you were previously relying on this behavior then it's recommended to extract the static portion of the path at the useParams call site: (#9506)
// Old behavior at URL /prefix-123
<Route path="prefix-:id" element={<Comp /> }>

function Comp() {
  let params = useParams(); // { id: '123' }
  let id =; // "123"

// New behavior at URL /prefix-123
<Route path=":id" element={<Comp /> }>

function Comp() {
  let params = useParams(); // { id: 'prefix-123' }
  let id =^prefix-/, ''); // "123"
  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.1.0


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.0.5


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.0.4


Patch Changes

  • useRoutes should be able to return null when passing locationArg (#9485)
  • fix initialEntries type in createMemoryRouter (#9498)
  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.0.3


Patch Changes

  • Fix IndexRouteObject and NonIndexRouteObject types to make hasErrorElement optional (#9394)
  • Enhance console error messages for invalid usage of data router hooks (#9311)
  • If an index route has children, it will result in a runtime error. We have strengthened our RouteObject/RouteProps types to surface the error in TypeScript. (#9366)
  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.0.2


Patch Changes

  • Preserve state from initialEntries (#9288)
  • Updated dependencies:
    • @remix-run/router@1.0.1


Whoa this is a big one! 6.4.0 brings all the data loading and mutation APIs over from Remix. Here's a quick high level overview, but it's recommended you go check out the docs, especially the feature overview and the tutorial.

New APIs

  • Create your router with createMemoryRouter
  • Render your router with <RouterProvider>
  • Load data with a Route loader and mutate with a Route action
  • Handle errors with Route errorElement
  • Defer non-critical data with defer and Await

Bug Fixes

  • Path resolution is now trailing slash agnostic (#8861)
  • useLocation returns the scoped location inside a <Routes location> component (#9094)

Updated Dependencies

  • @remix-run/router@1.0.0