2023-10-07 19:42:30 +08:00

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# [React Pro Sidebar](
React Pro Sidebar provides a set of components for creating high level and customizable side navigation
## Old versions
- [v0.x](
## Live Preview
- [Demo](
- [Storybook](
## Screenshot
## Installation
### yarn
yarn add react-pro-sidebar
### npm
npm install react-pro-sidebar
## Usage
import { Sidebar, Menu, MenuItem, SubMenu } from 'react-pro-sidebar';
<SubMenu label="Charts">
<MenuItem> Pie charts </MenuItem>
<MenuItem> Line charts </MenuItem>
<MenuItem> Documentation </MenuItem>
<MenuItem> Calendar </MenuItem>
## Using React Router
You can make use of the `component` prop to integrate [React Router]( link
**Example Usage**
import { Sidebar, Menu, MenuItem } from 'react-pro-sidebar';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
button: {
// the active class will be added automatically by react router
// so we can use it to style the active menu item
[`&.active`]: {
backgroundColor: '#13395e',
color: '#b6c8d9',
<MenuItem component={<Link to="/documentation" />}> Documentation</MenuItem>
<MenuItem component={<Link to="/calendar" />}> Calendar</MenuItem>
<MenuItem component={<Link to="/e-commerce" />}> E-commerce</MenuItem>
## Customization
We provide for each component `rootStyles` prop that can be used to customize the styles
its recommended using utility classes (`sidebarClasses`, `menuClasses`) for selecting target child nodes
**Example usage**
[`.${sidebarClasses.container}`]: {
backgroundColor: 'red',
// ...
For `Menu` component, in addition to `rootStyles` you can also use `menuItemStyles` prop for customizing all `MenuItem` & `SubMenu` components and their children
**Type definition**
interface MenuItemStyles {
root?: ElementStyles;
button?: ElementStyles;
label?: ElementStyles;
prefix?: ElementStyles;
suffix?: ElementStyles;
icon?: ElementStyles;
subMenuContent?: ElementStyles;
SubMenuExpandIcon?: ElementStyles;
type ElementStyles = CSSObject | ((params: MenuItemStylesParams) => CSSObject | undefined);
**Example usage**
button: ({ level, active, disabled }) => {
// only apply styles on first level elements of the tree
if (level === 0)
return {
color: disabled ? '#f5d9ff' : '#d359ff',
backgroundColor: active ? '#eecef9' : undefined,
## API
<td rowspan=13>Sidebar</td>
<td >defaultCollapsed</td>
<td>Initial collapsed status</td>
<td>Sidebar collapsed state</td>
<td>Sidebar toggled state</td>
<td><code>number | string</code></td>
<td>Width of the sidebar</td>
<td><code>number | string</code></td>
<td>Width of the sidebar on collapsed state</td>
<td>Set background color for sidebar</td>
<td><code>rgb(249, 249, 249, 0.7)</code></td>
<td>Url of the image to use in the sidebar background, need to apply transparency to background color </td>
<td><code>xs</code> | <code>sm</code> | <code>md</code> | <code>lg</code> | <code>xl</code> | <code>xxl</code> | <code>all</code></td>
<td>Set when the sidebar should trigger responsiveness behavior </td>
<td>Set custom breakpoint value, this will override breakPoint prop </td>
<td>Duration for the transition in milliseconds to be used in collapse and toggle behavior</td>
<td>RTL direction</td>
<td>Apply styles to sidebar element</td>
<td><code>() => void</code></td>
<td>Callback function to be called when backdrop is clicked</td>
<td rowspan=5>Menu</td>
<td>If <code>true</code> and sidebar is in collapsed state, submenu popper will automatically close on MenuItem click</td>
<td>Apply styles to MenuItem and SubMenu components and their children </td>
<td><code>(params: { level: number; collapsed: boolean; disabled: boolean; active: boolean; open: boolean; }) => React.ReactNode</code></td>
<td>Render method for customizing submenu expand icon</td>
<td>Transition duration in milliseconds to use when sliding submenu content</td>
<td>Apply styles from Menu root element</td>
<td rowspan=7>MenuItem</td>
<td>Icon for the menu item </td>
<td>If <code>true</code>, the component is active</td>
<td>If <code>true</code>, the component is disabled </td>
<td>Add a prefix to the menuItem </td>
<td>Add a suffix to the menuItem </td>
<td><code>string | ReactElement</code></td>
<td>A component used for menu button node, can be string (ex: 'div') or a component </td>
<td>Apply styles to MenuItem element</td>
<td rowspan=11>SubMenu</td>
<td><code>string | ReactNode</code></td>
<td>Label for the submenu </td>
<td>Icon for submenu</td>
<td>Set if the submenu is open by default</td>
<td>Set open value if you want to control the state</td>
<td>If <code>true</code>, the component is active</td>
<td>If <code>true</code>, the component is disabled </td>
<td>Add a prefix to the submenu </td>
<td>Add a suffix to the submenu </td>
<td><code>(open: boolean) => void</code></td>
<td>Callback function called when submenu state changes</td>
<td><code>string | React.ReactElement</code></td>
<td>A component used for menu button node, can be string (ex: 'div') or a component </td>
<td>Apply styles to SubMenu element</td>
## License
MIT © [Mohamed Azouaoui](