2023-10-07 19:42:30 +08:00

259 lines
7.8 KiB

* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include "MessageConverters.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <folly/Conv.h>
namespace facebook {
namespace hermes {
namespace inspector {
namespace chrome {
namespace h = ::facebook::hermes;
namespace m = ::facebook::hermes::inspector::chrome::message;
m::makeErrorResponse(int id, m::ErrorCode code, const std::string &message) {
m::ErrorResponse resp; = id;
resp.code = static_cast<int>(code);
resp.message = message;
return resp;
m::OkResponse m::makeOkResponse(int id) {
m::OkResponse resp; = id;
return resp;
std::string m::stripCachePrevention(const std::string &url) {
std::regex regex("&?cachePrevention=[0-9]*");
return std::regex_replace(url, regex, "");
* debugger message conversion helpers
m::debugger::Location m::debugger::makeLocation(
const h::debugger::SourceLocation &loc) {
m::debugger::Location result;
result.scriptId = folly::to<std::string>(loc.fileId);
m::setChromeLocation(result, loc);
return result;
m::debugger::CallFrame m::debugger::makeCallFrame(
uint32_t callFrameIndex,
const h::debugger::CallFrameInfo &callFrameInfo,
const h::debugger::LexicalInfo &lexicalInfo,
RemoteObjectsTable &objTable,
jsi::Runtime &runtime,
const facebook::hermes::debugger::ProgramState &state) {
m::debugger::CallFrame result;
result.callFrameId = folly::to<std::string>(callFrameIndex);
result.functionName = callFrameInfo.functionName;
result.location = makeLocation(callFrameInfo.location);
uint32_t scopeCount = lexicalInfo.getScopesCount();
// First we have our local scope (unless we're in the global function)
if (scopeCount > 1) {
m::debugger::Scope scope;
scope.type = "local";
scope.object.objectId = objTable.addScope(
std::make_pair(callFrameIndex, 0), BacktraceObjectGroup);
scope.object.type = "object";
scope.object.className = "Object";
// Then we have zero or more parent closure scopes
for (uint32_t scopeIndex = 1; scopeIndex < scopeCount - 1; scopeIndex++) {
m::debugger::Scope scope;
scope.type = "closure";
// TODO: Get the parent closure's name = folly::to<std::string>(scopeIndex);
scope.object.objectId = objTable.addScope(
std::make_pair(callFrameIndex, scopeIndex), BacktraceObjectGroup);
scope.object.type = "object";
scope.object.className = "Object";
// Finally, we always have the global scope
m::debugger::Scope scope;
scope.type = "global";
scope.object.objectId =
objTable.addValue(, BacktraceObjectGroup);
scope.object.type = "object";
scope.object.className = "Object";
result.thisObj.type = "object";
result.thisObj.objectId = objTable.addValue(
state.getVariableInfoForThis(callFrameIndex).value, BacktraceObjectGroup);
return result;
std::vector<m::debugger::CallFrame> m::debugger::makeCallFrames(
const h::debugger::ProgramState &state,
RemoteObjectsTable &objTable,
jsi::Runtime &runtime) {
const h::debugger::StackTrace &stackTrace = state.getStackTrace();
uint32_t count = stackTrace.callFrameCount();
std::vector<m::debugger::CallFrame> result;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
h::debugger::CallFrameInfo callFrameInfo = stackTrace.callFrameForIndex(i);
h::debugger::LexicalInfo lexicalInfo = state.getLexicalInfo(i);
makeCallFrame(i, callFrameInfo, lexicalInfo, objTable, runtime, state));
return result;
* runtime message conversion helpers
m::runtime::CallFrame m::runtime::makeCallFrame(
const h::debugger::CallFrameInfo &info) {
m::runtime::CallFrame result;
result.functionName = info.functionName;
result.scriptId = folly::to<std::string>(info.location.fileId);
result.url = info.location.fileName;
m::setChromeLocation(result, info.location);
return result;
std::vector<m::runtime::CallFrame> m::runtime::makeCallFrames(
const facebook::hermes::debugger::StackTrace &stackTrace) {
std::vector<m::runtime::CallFrame> result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < stackTrace.callFrameCount(); i++) {
h::debugger::CallFrameInfo info = stackTrace.callFrameForIndex(i);
return result;
m::runtime::ExceptionDetails m::runtime::makeExceptionDetails(
const h::debugger::ExceptionDetails &details) {
m::runtime::ExceptionDetails result;
result.text = details.text;
result.scriptId = folly::to<std::string>(details.location.fileId);
result.url = details.location.fileName;
result.stackTrace = m::runtime::StackTrace();
result.stackTrace->callFrames = makeCallFrames(details.getStackTrace());
m::setChromeLocation(result, details.location);
return result;
m::runtime::RemoteObject m::runtime::makeRemoteObject(
facebook::jsi::Runtime &runtime,
const facebook::jsi::Value &value,
RemoteObjectsTable &objTable,
const std::string &objectGroup,
bool byValue) {
m::runtime::RemoteObject result;
if (value.isUndefined()) {
result.type = "undefined";
} else if (value.isNull()) {
result.type = "object";
result.subtype = "null";
result.value = "null";
} else if (value.isBool()) {
result.type = "boolean";
result.value = value.getBool();
} else if (value.isNumber()) {
double numberValue = value.getNumber();
result.type = "number";
if (std::isnan(numberValue)) {
result.description = result.unserializableValue = "NaN";
} else if (numberValue == -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
result.description = result.unserializableValue = "-Infinity";
} else if (numberValue == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
result.description = result.unserializableValue = "Infinity";
} else if (numberValue == 0.0 && std::signbit(numberValue)) {
result.description = result.unserializableValue = "-0";
} else {
result.value = numberValue;
} else if (value.isString()) {
result.type = "string";
result.value = value.getString(runtime).utf8(runtime);
} else if (value.isSymbol()) {
result.type = "symbol";
auto sym = value.getSymbol(runtime);
result.description = sym.toString(runtime);
result.objectId =
objTable.addValue(jsi::Value(std::move(sym)), objectGroup);
} else if (value.isBigInt()) {
auto strRepresentation =
value.getBigInt(runtime).toString(runtime).utf8(runtime) + 'n';
result.description = result.unserializableValue = strRepresentation;
} else if (value.isObject()) {
jsi::Object obj = value.getObject(runtime);
if (obj.isFunction(runtime)) {
result.type = "function";
result.value = "";
} else if (obj.isArray(runtime)) {
auto array = obj.getArray(runtime);
size_t arrayCount = array.length(runtime);
result.type = "object";
result.subtype = "array";
result.className = "Array";
result.description = "Array(" + folly::to<std::string>(arrayCount) + ")";
} else {
result.type = "object";
result.description = result.className = "Object";
if (byValue) {
// FIXME: JSI currently does not handle cycles and functions well here
result.value = jsi::dynamicFromValue(runtime, value);
} else {
result.objectId =
objTable.addValue(jsi::Value(std::move(obj)), objectGroup);
return result;
} // namespace chrome
} // namespace inspector
} // namespace hermes
} // namespace facebook