2023-10-07 19:42:30 +08:00

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* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @flow
* @format
const React = require('react');
const View = require('../Components/View/View');
import typeof ScrollViewNativeComponent from '../Components/ScrollView/ScrollViewNativeComponent';
import {type ScrollResponderType} from '../Components/ScrollView/ScrollView';
import type {ViewStyleProp} from '../StyleSheet/StyleSheet';
import type {
} from '@react-native/virtualized-lists';
import {typeof VirtualizedList} from '@react-native/virtualized-lists';
type RequiredProps<ItemT> = {|
* For simplicity, data is just a plain array. If you want to use something else, like an
* immutable list, use the underlying `VirtualizedList` directly.
data: ?$ReadOnlyArray<ItemT>,
type OptionalProps<ItemT> = {|
renderItem?: ?RenderItemType<ItemT>,
columnWrapperStyle?: ViewStyleProp,
extraData?: any,
getItemLayout?: (
data: ?Array<ItemT>,
index: number,
) => {
length: number,
offset: number,
index: number,
horizontal?: ?boolean,
initialNumToRender?: ?number,
initialScrollIndex?: ?number,
inverted?: ?boolean,
keyExtractor?: ?(item: ItemT, index: number) => string,
numColumns?: number,
removeClippedSubviews?: boolean,
fadingEdgeLength?: ?number,
strictMode?: boolean,
* Default Props Helper Functions
* Use the following helper functions for default values
type FlatListProps<ItemT> = {|
type VirtualizedListProps = React.ElementConfig<VirtualizedList>;
export type Props<ItemT> = {
getItem: $PropertyType<VirtualizedListProps, 'getItem'>,
getItemCount: $PropertyType<VirtualizedListProps, 'getItemCount'>,
getItemLayout: $PropertyType<VirtualizedListProps, 'getItemLayout'>,
renderItem: $PropertyType<VirtualizedListProps, 'renderItem'>,
keyExtractor: $PropertyType<VirtualizedListProps, 'keyExtractor'>,
declare class FlatList<ItemT> extends React.PureComponent<Props<ItemT>, void> {
scrollToEnd(params?: ?{animated?: ?boolean, ...}): void;
scrollToIndex(params: {
animated?: ?boolean,
index: number,
viewOffset?: number,
viewPosition?: number,
}): void;
scrollToItem(params: {
animated?: ?boolean,
item: ItemT,
viewPosition?: number,
}): void;
scrollToOffset(params: {animated?: ?boolean, offset: number, ...}): void;
recordInteraction(): void;
* Displays the scroll indicators momentarily.
* @platform ios
flashScrollIndicators(): void;
getScrollResponder(): ?ScrollResponderType;
| ?React.ElementRef<typeof View>
| ?React.ElementRef<ScrollViewNativeComponent>;
getScrollableNode(): any;
setNativeProps(props: {[string]: mixed, ...}): void;
module.exports = FlatList;