2023-10-07 19:42:30 +08:00

136 lines
4.7 KiB

import _typeof from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof";
import _objectSpread from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectSpread2";
import _slicedToArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray";
/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
import * as React from 'react';
import raf from "rc-util/es/raf";
import useLayoutEffect from "rc-util/es/hooks/useLayoutEffect";
import { warning } from 'rc-util';
var MAX_TIMES = 10;
export default function useScrollTo(containerRef, data, heights, itemHeight, getKey, collectHeight, syncScrollTop, triggerFlash) {
var scrollRef = React.useRef();
var _React$useState = React.useState(null),
_React$useState2 = _slicedToArray(_React$useState, 2),
syncState = _React$useState2[0],
setSyncState = _React$useState2[1];
// ========================== Sync Scroll ==========================
useLayoutEffect(function () {
if (syncState && syncState.times < MAX_TIMES) {
// Never reach
if (!containerRef.current) {
setSyncState(function (ori) {
return _objectSpread({}, ori);
var targetAlign = syncState.targetAlign,
originAlign = syncState.originAlign,
index = syncState.index,
offset = syncState.offset;
var height = containerRef.current.clientHeight;
var needCollectHeight = false;
var newTargetAlign = targetAlign;
var targetTop = null;
// Go to next frame if height not exist
if (height) {
var mergedAlign = targetAlign || originAlign;
// Get top & bottom
var stackTop = 0;
var itemTop = 0;
var itemBottom = 0;
var maxLen = Math.min(data.length - 1, index);
for (var i = 0; i <= maxLen; i += 1) {
var key = getKey(data[i]);
itemTop = stackTop;
var cacheHeight = heights.get(key);
itemBottom = itemTop + (cacheHeight === undefined ? itemHeight : cacheHeight);
stackTop = itemBottom;
// Check if need sync height (visible range has item not record height)
var leftHeight = mergedAlign === 'top' ? offset : height - offset;
for (var _i = maxLen; _i >= 0; _i -= 1) {
var _key = getKey(data[_i]);
var _cacheHeight = heights.get(_key);
if (_cacheHeight === undefined) {
needCollectHeight = true;
leftHeight -= _cacheHeight;
if (leftHeight <= 0) {
// Scroll to
switch (mergedAlign) {
case 'top':
targetTop = itemTop - offset;
case 'bottom':
targetTop = itemBottom - height + offset;
var scrollTop = containerRef.current.scrollTop;
var scrollBottom = scrollTop + height;
if (itemTop < scrollTop) {
newTargetAlign = 'top';
} else if (itemBottom > scrollBottom) {
newTargetAlign = 'bottom';
if (targetTop !== null) {
// One more time for sync
if (targetTop !== syncState.lastTop) {
needCollectHeight = true;
// Trigger next effect
if (needCollectHeight) {
setSyncState(function (ori) {
return _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, ori), {}, {
times: ori.times + 1,
targetAlign: newTargetAlign,
lastTop: targetTop
} else if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && (syncState === null || syncState === void 0 ? void 0 : syncState.times) === MAX_TIMES) {
warning(false, 'Seems `scrollTo` with `rc-virtual-list` reach the max limitation. Please fire issue for us. Thanks.');
}, [syncState, containerRef.current]);
// =========================== Scroll To ===========================
return function (arg) {
// When not argument provided, we think dev may want to show the scrollbar
if (arg === null || arg === undefined) {
// Normal scroll logic
if (typeof arg === 'number') {
} else if (arg && _typeof(arg) === 'object') {
var index;
var align = arg.align;
if ('index' in arg) {
index = arg.index;
} else {
index = data.findIndex(function (item) {
return getKey(item) === arg.key;
var _arg$offset = arg.offset,
offset = _arg$offset === void 0 ? 0 : _arg$offset;
times: 0,
index: index,
offset: offset,
originAlign: align