2023-10-07 19:42:30 +08:00

42 lines
1.9 KiB

import * as React from 'react';
import type { ComponentType } from './RawItem';
import RawItem from './RawItem';
declare const RESPONSIVE: "responsive";
declare const INVALIDATE: "invalidate";
export { OverflowContext } from './context';
export type { ComponentType } from './RawItem';
export interface OverflowProps<ItemType> extends React.HTMLAttributes<any> {
prefixCls?: string;
className?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
data?: ItemType[];
itemKey?: React.Key | ((item: ItemType) => React.Key);
/** Used for `responsive`. It will limit render node to avoid perf issue */
itemWidth?: number;
renderItem?: (item: ItemType) => React.ReactNode;
/** @private Do not use in your production. Render raw node that need wrap Item by developer self */
renderRawItem?: (item: ItemType, index: number) => React.ReactElement;
maxCount?: number | typeof RESPONSIVE | typeof INVALIDATE;
renderRest?: React.ReactNode | ((omittedItems: ItemType[]) => React.ReactNode);
/** @private Do not use in your production. Render raw node that need wrap Item by developer self */
renderRawRest?: (omittedItems: ItemType[]) => React.ReactElement;
suffix?: React.ReactNode;
component?: ComponentType;
itemComponent?: ComponentType;
/** @private This API may be refactor since not well design */
onVisibleChange?: (visibleCount: number) => void;
/** When set to `full`, ssr will render full items by default and remove at client side */
ssr?: 'full';
type ForwardOverflowType = <ItemType = any>(props: React.PropsWithChildren<OverflowProps<ItemType>> & {
ref?: React.Ref<HTMLDivElement>;
}) => React.ReactElement;
type FilledOverflowType = ForwardOverflowType & {
Item: typeof RawItem;
/** Will work as normal `component`. Skip patch props like `prefixCls`. */
declare const _default: FilledOverflowType;
export default _default;