2023-10-07 19:42:30 +08:00

95 lines
2.8 KiB

import type { FormInstance, InternalFormInstance, InternalNamePath, StoreValue } from './interface';
interface UpdateAction {
type: 'updateValue';
namePath: InternalNamePath;
value: StoreValue;
interface ValidateAction {
type: 'validateField';
namePath: InternalNamePath;
triggerName: string;
export type ReducerAction = UpdateAction | ValidateAction;
export declare class FormStore {
private formHooked;
private forceRootUpdate;
private subscribable;
private store;
private fieldEntities;
private initialValues;
private callbacks;
private validateMessages;
private preserve?;
private lastValidatePromise;
constructor(forceRootUpdate: () => void);
getForm: () => InternalFormInstance;
private getInternalHooks;
private useSubscribe;
* Record prev Form unmount fieldEntities which config preserve false.
* This need to be refill with initialValues instead of store value.
private prevWithoutPreserves;
* First time `setInitialValues` should update store with initial value
private setInitialValues;
private destroyForm;
private getInitialValue;
private setCallbacks;
private setValidateMessages;
private setPreserve;
private watchList;
private registerWatch;
private notifyWatch;
private timeoutId;
private warningUnhooked;
private updateStore;
* Get registered field entities.
* @param pure Only return field which has a `name`. Default: false
private getFieldEntities;
private getFieldsMap;
private getFieldEntitiesForNamePathList;
private getFieldsValue;
private getFieldValue;
private getFieldsError;
private getFieldError;
private getFieldWarning;
private isFieldsTouched;
private isFieldTouched;
private isFieldsValidating;
private isFieldValidating;
* Reset Field with field `initialValue` prop.
* Can pass `entities` or `namePathList` or just nothing.
private resetWithFieldInitialValue;
private resetFields;
private setFields;
private getFields;
* This only trigger when a field is on constructor to avoid we get initialValue too late
private initEntityValue;
private isMergedPreserve;
private registerField;
private dispatch;
private notifyObservers;
* Notify dependencies children with parent update
* We need delay to trigger validate in case Field is under render props
private triggerDependenciesUpdate;
private updateValue;
private setFieldsValue;
private setFieldValue;
private getDependencyChildrenFields;
private triggerOnFieldsChange;
private validateFields;
private submit;
declare function useForm<Values = any>(form?: FormInstance<Values>): [FormInstance<Values>];
export default useForm;