2023-10-07 19:42:30 +08:00

879 lines
32 KiB

import _slicedToArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray";
import _objectSpread from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectSpread2";
import _objectWithoutProperties from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutProperties";
import _toConsumableArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/toConsumableArray";
import _typeof from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof";
import _createClass from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/createClass";
import _classCallCheck from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/classCallCheck";
import _defineProperty from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty";
var _excluded = ["name"];
import warning from "rc-util/es/warning";
import * as React from 'react';
import { HOOK_MARK } from "./FieldContext";
import { allPromiseFinish } from "./utils/asyncUtil";
import { merge } from "rc-util/es/utils/set";
import { defaultValidateMessages } from "./utils/messages";
import NameMap from "./utils/NameMap";
import { cloneByNamePathList, containsNamePath, getNamePath, getValue, matchNamePath, setValue } from "./utils/valueUtil";
export var FormStore = /*#__PURE__*/_createClass(function FormStore(forceRootUpdate) {
var _this = this;
_classCallCheck(this, FormStore);
_defineProperty(this, "formHooked", false);
_defineProperty(this, "forceRootUpdate", void 0);
_defineProperty(this, "subscribable", true);
_defineProperty(this, "store", {});
_defineProperty(this, "fieldEntities", []);
_defineProperty(this, "initialValues", {});
_defineProperty(this, "callbacks", {});
_defineProperty(this, "validateMessages", null);
_defineProperty(this, "preserve", null);
_defineProperty(this, "lastValidatePromise", null);
_defineProperty(this, "getForm", function () {
return {
getFieldValue: _this.getFieldValue,
getFieldsValue: _this.getFieldsValue,
getFieldError: _this.getFieldError,
getFieldWarning: _this.getFieldWarning,
getFieldsError: _this.getFieldsError,
isFieldsTouched: _this.isFieldsTouched,
isFieldTouched: _this.isFieldTouched,
isFieldValidating: _this.isFieldValidating,
isFieldsValidating: _this.isFieldsValidating,
resetFields: _this.resetFields,
setFields: _this.setFields,
setFieldValue: _this.setFieldValue,
setFieldsValue: _this.setFieldsValue,
validateFields: _this.validateFields,
submit: _this.submit,
_init: true,
getInternalHooks: _this.getInternalHooks
// ======================== Internal Hooks ========================
_defineProperty(this, "getInternalHooks", function (key) {
if (key === HOOK_MARK) {
_this.formHooked = true;
return {
dispatch: _this.dispatch,
initEntityValue: _this.initEntityValue,
registerField: _this.registerField,
useSubscribe: _this.useSubscribe,
setInitialValues: _this.setInitialValues,
destroyForm: _this.destroyForm,
setCallbacks: _this.setCallbacks,
setValidateMessages: _this.setValidateMessages,
getFields: _this.getFields,
setPreserve: _this.setPreserve,
getInitialValue: _this.getInitialValue,
registerWatch: _this.registerWatch
warning(false, '`getInternalHooks` is internal usage. Should not call directly.');
return null;
_defineProperty(this, "useSubscribe", function (subscribable) {
_this.subscribable = subscribable;
* Record prev Form unmount fieldEntities which config preserve false.
* This need to be refill with initialValues instead of store value.
_defineProperty(this, "prevWithoutPreserves", null);
* First time `setInitialValues` should update store with initial value
_defineProperty(this, "setInitialValues", function (initialValues, init) {
_this.initialValues = initialValues || {};
if (init) {
var _this$prevWithoutPres;
var nextStore = merge(initialValues,;
// We will take consider prev form unmount fields.
// When the field is not `preserve`, we need fill this with initialValues instead of store.
// eslint-disable-next-line array-callback-return
(_this$prevWithoutPres = _this.prevWithoutPreserves) === null || _this$prevWithoutPres === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$ (_ref) {
var namePath = _ref.key;
nextStore = setValue(nextStore, namePath, getValue(initialValues, namePath));
_this.prevWithoutPreserves = null;
_defineProperty(this, "destroyForm", function () {
var prevWithoutPreserves = new NameMap();
_this.getFieldEntities(true).forEach(function (entity) {
if (!_this.isMergedPreserve(entity.isPreserve())) {
prevWithoutPreserves.set(entity.getNamePath(), true);
_this.prevWithoutPreserves = prevWithoutPreserves;
_defineProperty(this, "getInitialValue", function (namePath) {
var initValue = getValue(_this.initialValues, namePath);
// Not cloneDeep when without `namePath`
return namePath.length ? merge(initValue) : initValue;
_defineProperty(this, "setCallbacks", function (callbacks) {
_this.callbacks = callbacks;
_defineProperty(this, "setValidateMessages", function (validateMessages) {
_this.validateMessages = validateMessages;
_defineProperty(this, "setPreserve", function (preserve) {
_this.preserve = preserve;
// ============================= Watch ============================
_defineProperty(this, "watchList", []);
_defineProperty(this, "registerWatch", function (callback) {
return function () {
_this.watchList = _this.watchList.filter(function (fn) {
return fn !== callback;
_defineProperty(this, "notifyWatch", function () {
var namePath = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [];
// No need to cost perf when nothing need to watch
if (_this.watchList.length) {
var values = _this.getFieldsValue();
var allValues = _this.getFieldsValue(true);
_this.watchList.forEach(function (callback) {
callback(values, allValues, namePath);
// ========================== Dev Warning =========================
_defineProperty(this, "timeoutId", null);
_defineProperty(this, "warningUnhooked", function () {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && !_this.timeoutId && typeof window !== 'undefined') {
_this.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
_this.timeoutId = null;
if (!_this.formHooked) {
warning(false, 'Instance created by `useForm` is not connected to any Form element. Forget to pass `form` prop?');
// ============================ Store =============================
_defineProperty(this, "updateStore", function (nextStore) { = nextStore;
// ============================ Fields ============================
* Get registered field entities.
* @param pure Only return field which has a `name`. Default: false
_defineProperty(this, "getFieldEntities", function () {
var pure = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : false;
if (!pure) {
return _this.fieldEntities;
return _this.fieldEntities.filter(function (field) {
return field.getNamePath().length;
_defineProperty(this, "getFieldsMap", function () {
var pure = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : false;
var cache = new NameMap();
_this.getFieldEntities(pure).forEach(function (field) {
var namePath = field.getNamePath();
cache.set(namePath, field);
return cache;
_defineProperty(this, "getFieldEntitiesForNamePathList", function (nameList) {
if (!nameList) {
return _this.getFieldEntities(true);
var cache = _this.getFieldsMap(true);
return (name) {
var namePath = getNamePath(name);
return cache.get(namePath) || {
_defineProperty(this, "getFieldsValue", function (nameList, filterFunc) {
// Fill args
var mergedNameList;
var mergedFilterFunc;
var mergedStrict;
if (nameList === true || Array.isArray(nameList)) {
mergedNameList = nameList;
mergedFilterFunc = filterFunc;
} else if (nameList && _typeof(nameList) === 'object') {
mergedStrict = nameList.strict;
mergedFilterFunc = nameList.filter;
if (mergedNameList === true && !mergedFilterFunc) {
var fieldEntities = _this.getFieldEntitiesForNamePathList(Array.isArray(mergedNameList) ? mergedNameList : null);
var filteredNameList = [];
fieldEntities.forEach(function (entity) {
var _isListField, _ref3;
var namePath = 'INVALIDATE_NAME_PATH' in entity ? entity.INVALIDATE_NAME_PATH : entity.getNamePath();
// Ignore when it's a list item and not specific the namePath,
// since parent field is already take in count
if (mergedStrict) {
var _isList, _ref2;
if ((_isList = (_ref2 = entity).isList) !== null && _isList !== void 0 && {
} else if (!mergedNameList && (_isListField = (_ref3 = entity).isListField) !== null && _isListField !== void 0 && {
if (!mergedFilterFunc) {
} else {
var meta = 'getMeta' in entity ? entity.getMeta() : null;
if (mergedFilterFunc(meta)) {
return cloneByNamePathList(,;
_defineProperty(this, "getFieldValue", function (name) {
var namePath = getNamePath(name);
return getValue(, namePath);
_defineProperty(this, "getFieldsError", function (nameList) {
var fieldEntities = _this.getFieldEntitiesForNamePathList(nameList);
return (entity, index) {
if (entity && !('INVALIDATE_NAME_PATH' in entity)) {
return {
name: entity.getNamePath(),
errors: entity.getErrors(),
warnings: entity.getWarnings()
return {
name: getNamePath(nameList[index]),
errors: [],
warnings: []
_defineProperty(this, "getFieldError", function (name) {
var namePath = getNamePath(name);
var fieldError = _this.getFieldsError([namePath])[0];
return fieldError.errors;
_defineProperty(this, "getFieldWarning", function (name) {
var namePath = getNamePath(name);
var fieldError = _this.getFieldsError([namePath])[0];
return fieldError.warnings;
_defineProperty(this, "isFieldsTouched", function () {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
var arg0 = args[0],
arg1 = args[1];
var namePathList;
var isAllFieldsTouched = false;
if (args.length === 0) {
namePathList = null;
} else if (args.length === 1) {
if (Array.isArray(arg0)) {
namePathList =;
isAllFieldsTouched = false;
} else {
namePathList = null;
isAllFieldsTouched = arg0;
} else {
namePathList =;
isAllFieldsTouched = arg1;
var fieldEntities = _this.getFieldEntities(true);
var isFieldTouched = function isFieldTouched(field) {
return field.isFieldTouched();
// ===== Will get fully compare when not config namePathList =====
if (!namePathList) {
return isAllFieldsTouched ? fieldEntities.every(isFieldTouched) : fieldEntities.some(isFieldTouched);
// Generate a nest tree for validate
var map = new NameMap();
namePathList.forEach(function (shortNamePath) {
map.set(shortNamePath, []);
fieldEntities.forEach(function (field) {
var fieldNamePath = field.getNamePath();
// Find matched entity and put into list
namePathList.forEach(function (shortNamePath) {
if (shortNamePath.every(function (nameUnit, i) {
return fieldNamePath[i] === nameUnit;
})) {
map.update(shortNamePath, function (list) {
return [].concat(_toConsumableArray(list), [field]);
// Check if NameMap value is touched
var isNamePathListTouched = function isNamePathListTouched(entities) {
return entities.some(isFieldTouched);
var namePathListEntities = (_ref4) {
var value = _ref4.value;
return value;
return isAllFieldsTouched ? namePathListEntities.every(isNamePathListTouched) : namePathListEntities.some(isNamePathListTouched);
_defineProperty(this, "isFieldTouched", function (name) {
return _this.isFieldsTouched([name]);
_defineProperty(this, "isFieldsValidating", function (nameList) {
var fieldEntities = _this.getFieldEntities();
if (!nameList) {
return fieldEntities.some(function (testField) {
return testField.isFieldValidating();
var namePathList =;
return fieldEntities.some(function (testField) {
var fieldNamePath = testField.getNamePath();
return containsNamePath(namePathList, fieldNamePath) && testField.isFieldValidating();
_defineProperty(this, "isFieldValidating", function (name) {
return _this.isFieldsValidating([name]);
* Reset Field with field `initialValue` prop.
* Can pass `entities` or `namePathList` or just nothing.
_defineProperty(this, "resetWithFieldInitialValue", function () {
var info = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
// Create cache
var cache = new NameMap();
var fieldEntities = _this.getFieldEntities(true);
fieldEntities.forEach(function (field) {
var initialValue = field.props.initialValue;
var namePath = field.getNamePath();
// Record only if has `initialValue`
if (initialValue !== undefined) {
var records = cache.get(namePath) || new Set();
entity: field,
value: initialValue
cache.set(namePath, records);
// Reset
var resetWithFields = function resetWithFields(entities) {
entities.forEach(function (field) {
var initialValue = field.props.initialValue;
if (initialValue !== undefined) {
var namePath = field.getNamePath();
var formInitialValue = _this.getInitialValue(namePath);
if (formInitialValue !== undefined) {
// Warning if conflict with form initialValues and do not modify value
warning(false, "Form already set 'initialValues' with path '".concat(namePath.join('.'), "'. Field can not overwrite it."));
} else {
var records = cache.get(namePath);
if (records && records.size > 1) {
// Warning if multiple field set `initialValue`and do not modify value
warning(false, "Multiple Field with path '".concat(namePath.join('.'), "' set 'initialValue'. Can not decide which one to pick."));
} else if (records) {
var originValue = _this.getFieldValue(namePath);
// Set `initialValue`
if (!info.skipExist || originValue === undefined) {
_this.updateStore(setValue(, namePath, _toConsumableArray(records)[0].value));
var requiredFieldEntities;
if (info.entities) {
requiredFieldEntities = info.entities;
} else if (info.namePathList) {
requiredFieldEntities = [];
info.namePathList.forEach(function (namePath) {
var records = cache.get(namePath);
if (records) {
var _requiredFieldEntitie;
(_requiredFieldEntitie = requiredFieldEntities).push.apply(_requiredFieldEntitie, _toConsumableArray(_toConsumableArray(records).map(function (r) {
return r.entity;
} else {
requiredFieldEntities = fieldEntities;
_defineProperty(this, "resetFields", function (nameList) {
var prevStore =;
if (!nameList) {
_this.notifyObservers(prevStore, null, {
type: 'reset'
// Reset by `nameList`
var namePathList =;
namePathList.forEach(function (namePath) {
var initialValue = _this.getInitialValue(namePath);
_this.updateStore(setValue(, namePath, initialValue));
namePathList: namePathList
_this.notifyObservers(prevStore, namePathList, {
type: 'reset'
_defineProperty(this, "setFields", function (fields) {
var prevStore =;
var namePathList = [];
fields.forEach(function (fieldData) {
var name =,
data = _objectWithoutProperties(fieldData, _excluded);
var namePath = getNamePath(name);
// Value
if ('value' in data) {
_this.updateStore(setValue(, namePath, data.value));
_this.notifyObservers(prevStore, [namePath], {
type: 'setField',
data: fieldData
_defineProperty(this, "getFields", function () {
var entities = _this.getFieldEntities(true);
var fields = (field) {
var namePath = field.getNamePath();
var meta = field.getMeta();
var fieldData = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, meta), {}, {
name: namePath,
value: _this.getFieldValue(namePath)
Object.defineProperty(fieldData, 'originRCField', {
value: true
return fieldData;
return fields;
// =========================== Observer ===========================
* This only trigger when a field is on constructor to avoid we get initialValue too late
_defineProperty(this, "initEntityValue", function (entity) {
var initialValue = entity.props.initialValue;
if (initialValue !== undefined) {
var namePath = entity.getNamePath();
var prevValue = getValue(, namePath);
if (prevValue === undefined) {
_this.updateStore(setValue(, namePath, initialValue));
_defineProperty(this, "isMergedPreserve", function (fieldPreserve) {
var mergedPreserve = fieldPreserve !== undefined ? fieldPreserve : _this.preserve;
return mergedPreserve !== null && mergedPreserve !== void 0 ? mergedPreserve : true;
_defineProperty(this, "registerField", function (entity) {
var namePath = entity.getNamePath();
// Set initial values
if (entity.props.initialValue !== undefined) {
var prevStore =;
entities: [entity],
skipExist: true
_this.notifyObservers(prevStore, [entity.getNamePath()], {
type: 'valueUpdate',
source: 'internal'
// un-register field callback
return function (isListField, preserve) {
var subNamePath = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : [];
_this.fieldEntities = _this.fieldEntities.filter(function (item) {
return item !== entity;
// Clean up store value if not preserve
if (!_this.isMergedPreserve(preserve) && (!isListField || subNamePath.length > 1)) {
var defaultValue = isListField ? undefined : _this.getInitialValue(namePath);
if (namePath.length && _this.getFieldValue(namePath) !== defaultValue && _this.fieldEntities.every(function (field) {
return (
// Only reset when no namePath exist
!matchNamePath(field.getNamePath(), namePath)
})) {
var _prevStore =;
_this.updateStore(setValue(_prevStore, namePath, defaultValue, true));
// Notify that field is unmount
_this.notifyObservers(_prevStore, [namePath], {
type: 'remove'
// Dependencies update
_this.triggerDependenciesUpdate(_prevStore, namePath);
_defineProperty(this, "dispatch", function (action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'updateValue':
var namePath = action.namePath,
value = action.value;
_this.updateValue(namePath, value);
case 'validateField':
var _namePath = action.namePath,
triggerName = action.triggerName;
_this.validateFields([_namePath], {
triggerName: triggerName
// Currently we don't have other action. Do nothing.
_defineProperty(this, "notifyObservers", function (prevStore, namePathList, info) {
if (_this.subscribable) {
var mergedInfo = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, info), {}, {
store: _this.getFieldsValue(true)
_this.getFieldEntities().forEach(function (_ref5) {
var onStoreChange = _ref5.onStoreChange;
onStoreChange(prevStore, namePathList, mergedInfo);
} else {
* Notify dependencies children with parent update
* We need delay to trigger validate in case Field is under render props
_defineProperty(this, "triggerDependenciesUpdate", function (prevStore, namePath) {
var childrenFields = _this.getDependencyChildrenFields(namePath);
if (childrenFields.length) {
_this.notifyObservers(prevStore, childrenFields, {
type: 'dependenciesUpdate',
relatedFields: [namePath].concat(_toConsumableArray(childrenFields))
return childrenFields;
_defineProperty(this, "updateValue", function (name, value) {
var namePath = getNamePath(name);
var prevStore =;
_this.updateStore(setValue(, namePath, value));
_this.notifyObservers(prevStore, [namePath], {
type: 'valueUpdate',
source: 'internal'
// Dependencies update
var childrenFields = _this.triggerDependenciesUpdate(prevStore, namePath);
// trigger callback function
var onValuesChange = _this.callbacks.onValuesChange;
if (onValuesChange) {
var changedValues = cloneByNamePathList(, [namePath]);
onValuesChange(changedValues, _this.getFieldsValue());
// Let all child Field get update.
_defineProperty(this, "setFieldsValue", function (store) {
var prevStore =;
if (store) {
var nextStore = merge(, store);
_this.notifyObservers(prevStore, null, {
type: 'valueUpdate',
source: 'external'
_defineProperty(this, "setFieldValue", function (name, value) {
name: name,
value: value
_defineProperty(this, "getDependencyChildrenFields", function (rootNamePath) {
var children = new Set();
var childrenFields = [];
var dependencies2fields = new NameMap();
* Generate maps
* Can use cache to save perf if user report performance issue with this
_this.getFieldEntities().forEach(function (field) {
var dependencies = field.props.dependencies;
(dependencies || []).forEach(function (dependency) {
var dependencyNamePath = getNamePath(dependency);
dependencies2fields.update(dependencyNamePath, function () {
var fields = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : new Set();
return fields;
var fillChildren = function fillChildren(namePath) {
var fields = dependencies2fields.get(namePath) || new Set();
fields.forEach(function (field) {
if (!children.has(field)) {
var fieldNamePath = field.getNamePath();
if (field.isFieldDirty() && fieldNamePath.length) {
return childrenFields;
_defineProperty(this, "triggerOnFieldsChange", function (namePathList, filedErrors) {
var onFieldsChange = _this.callbacks.onFieldsChange;
if (onFieldsChange) {
var fields = _this.getFields();
* Fill errors since `fields` may be replaced by controlled fields
if (filedErrors) {
var cache = new NameMap();
filedErrors.forEach(function (_ref6) {
var name =,
errors = _ref6.errors;
cache.set(name, errors);
fields.forEach(function (field) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
field.errors = cache.get( || field.errors;
var changedFields = fields.filter(function (_ref7) {
var fieldName =;
return containsNamePath(namePathList, fieldName);
if (changedFields.length) {
onFieldsChange(changedFields, fields);
// =========================== Validate ===========================
_defineProperty(this, "validateFields", function (arg1, arg2) {
var _options;
var nameList;
var options;
if (Array.isArray(arg1) || typeof arg1 === 'string' || typeof arg2 === 'string') {
nameList = arg1;
options = arg2;
} else {
options = arg1;
var provideNameList = !!nameList;
var namePathList = provideNameList ? : [];
// Collect result in promise list
var promiseList = [];
// We temp save the path which need trigger for `onFieldsChange`
var TMP_SPLIT = String(;
var validateNamePathList = new Set();
var recursive = (_options = options) === null || _options === void 0 ? void 0 : _options.recursive;
_this.getFieldEntities(true).forEach(function (field) {
// Add field if not provide `nameList`
if (!provideNameList) {
// Skip if without rule
if (!field.props.rules || !field.props.rules.length) {
var fieldNamePath = field.getNamePath();
// Add field validate rule in to promise list
if (!provideNameList || containsNamePath(namePathList, fieldNamePath, recursive)) {
var promise = field.validateRules(_objectSpread({
validateMessages: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, defaultValidateMessages), _this.validateMessages)
}, options));
// Wrap promise with field
promiseList.push(promise.then(function () {
return {
name: fieldNamePath,
errors: [],
warnings: []
}).catch(function (ruleErrors) {
var _ruleErrors$forEach;
var mergedErrors = [];
var mergedWarnings = [];
(_ruleErrors$forEach = ruleErrors.forEach) === null || _ruleErrors$forEach === void 0 ? void 0 : _ruleErrors$, function (_ref8) {
var warningOnly = _ref8.rule.warningOnly,
errors = _ref8.errors;
if (warningOnly) {
mergedWarnings.push.apply(mergedWarnings, _toConsumableArray(errors));
} else {
mergedErrors.push.apply(mergedErrors, _toConsumableArray(errors));
if (mergedErrors.length) {
return Promise.reject({
name: fieldNamePath,
errors: mergedErrors,
warnings: mergedWarnings
return {
name: fieldNamePath,
errors: mergedErrors,
warnings: mergedWarnings
var summaryPromise = allPromiseFinish(promiseList);
_this.lastValidatePromise = summaryPromise;
// Notify fields with rule that validate has finished and need update
summaryPromise.catch(function (results) {
return results;
}).then(function (results) {
var resultNamePathList = (_ref9) {
var name =;
return name;
_this.notifyObservers(, resultNamePathList, {
type: 'validateFinish'
_this.triggerOnFieldsChange(resultNamePathList, results);
var returnPromise = summaryPromise.then(function () {
if (_this.lastValidatePromise === summaryPromise) {
return Promise.resolve(_this.getFieldsValue(namePathList));
return Promise.reject([]);
}).catch(function (results) {
var errorList = results.filter(function (result) {
return result && result.errors.length;
return Promise.reject({
values: _this.getFieldsValue(namePathList),
errorFields: errorList,
outOfDate: _this.lastValidatePromise !== summaryPromise
// Do not throw in console
returnPromise.catch(function (e) {
return e;
// `validating` changed. Trigger `onFieldsChange`
var triggerNamePathList = namePathList.filter(function (namePath) {
return validateNamePathList.has(namePath.join(TMP_SPLIT));
return returnPromise;
// ============================ Submit ============================
_defineProperty(this, "submit", function () {
_this.validateFields().then(function (values) {
var onFinish = _this.callbacks.onFinish;
if (onFinish) {
try {
} catch (err) {
// Should print error if user `onFinish` callback failed
}).catch(function (e) {
var onFinishFailed = _this.callbacks.onFinishFailed;
if (onFinishFailed) {
this.forceRootUpdate = forceRootUpdate;
function useForm(form) {
var formRef = React.useRef();
var _React$useState = React.useState({}),
_React$useState2 = _slicedToArray(_React$useState, 2),
forceUpdate = _React$useState2[1];
if (!formRef.current) {
if (form) {
formRef.current = form;
} else {
// Create a new FormStore if not provided
var forceReRender = function forceReRender() {
var formStore = new FormStore(forceReRender);
formRef.current = formStore.getForm();
return [formRef.current];
export default useForm;