2023-10-07 19:42:30 +08:00

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# rc-collapse
rc-collapse ui component for react
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## Live Demo
## Install
## Usage
var Collapse = require('rc-collapse');
var Panel = Collapse.Panel;
var React = require('react');
var ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
var App = (
<Collapse accordion={true}>
<Panel header="hello" headerClass="my-header-class">
this is panel content
<Panel header="title2">this is panel content2 or other</Panel>
ReactDOM.render(App, container);
## Features
- support ie8,ie8+,chrome,firefox,safari
## API
### Collapse props
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
<th style="width: 100px;">name</th>
<th style="width: 50px;">type</th>
<th>The first panel key</th>
<td>current active Panel key</td>
<td>String or object</td>
<td>custom className to apply</td>
<td>default active key</td>
<td>If destroy the panel which not active, default false. </td>
<td>accordion mode, default is null, is collapse mode</td>
<td>called when collapse Panel is changed</td>
<td>(props: PanelProps) => ReactNode</td>
<td>specific the custom expand icon.</td>
<td>'header' | 'icon' | 'disabled'</td>
<td>specify whether the panel of children is collapsible or the area of collapsible.</td>
<a href="./src/interface.ts#ItemType">interface.ts#ItemType</a>
<td>collapse items content</td>
If `accordion` is null or false, every panel can open. Opening another panel will not close any of the other panels. `activeKey` should be an string, if passing an array (the first item in the array will be used).
If `accordion` is true, only one panel can be open. Opening another panel will cause the previously opened panel to close. `activeKey` should be an string, if passing an array (the first item in the array will be used).
### Collapse.Panel props
> **deprecated** use `items` instead, will be removed in `v4.0.0`
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
<th style="width: 100px;">name</th>
<th style="width: 50px;">type</th>
<td>String or node</td>
<td>header content of Panel</td>
<th>' '</th>
<td>custom className to apply to header</td>
<td>show arrow beside header</td>
<td>String or object</td>
<td>custom className to apply</td>
<td>custom style</td>
<td>set the animation of open behavior, [more]( Different with v2, closed pane use a `rc-collapse-content-hidden` class to set `display: none` for hidden.</td>
<td>forced render of content in panel, not lazy render after clicking on header</td>
<td>String | ReactNode</td>
<td>Content to render in the right of the panel header</td>
<td>'header' | 'icon' | 'disabled'</td>
<td>specify whether the panel be collapsible or the area of collapsible.</td>
> `disabled` is removed since 3.0.0, please use `collapsible=disabled` replace it.
#### key
If `key` is not provided, the panel's index will be used instead.
#### KeyBoard Event
By default, Collapse will listen `onKeyDown`(<3.7.0 `onKeyPress`) event with `enter` key to toggle panel's active state when `collapsible` is not `disabled`. If you want to disable this behavior, you can prevent the event from bubbling like this:
const App = () => {
const items: CollapseProps['items'] = [
label: <input onKeyDown={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} />,
children: 'content',
label: (
<div onKeyDown={(e) => e.stopPropagation()}>
<CustomComponent />
children: 'content',
label: 'title 2',
children: 'content 2',
collapsible: 'disabled',
label: 'title 3',
children: 'content 3',
onItemClick: console.log,
return <Collapse items={items} />;
## Development
npm install
npm start
## Test Case
npm test
## Coverage
npm test -- --coverage
## License
rc-collapse is released under the MIT license.