2023-10-07 19:42:30 +08:00

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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { matchesFuzzy } from './filters.js';
import { ltrim } from './strings.js';
import { ThemeIcon } from './themables.js';
const iconStartMarker = '$(';
const iconsRegex = new RegExp(`\\$\\(${ThemeIcon.iconNameExpression}(?:${ThemeIcon.iconModifierExpression})?\\)`, 'g'); // no capturing groups
const escapeIconsRegex = new RegExp(`(\\\\)?${iconsRegex.source}`, 'g');
export function escapeIcons(text) {
return text.replace(escapeIconsRegex, (match, escaped) => escaped ? match : `\\${match}`);
const markdownEscapedIconsRegex = new RegExp(`\\\\${iconsRegex.source}`, 'g');
export function markdownEscapeEscapedIcons(text) {
// Need to add an extra \ for escaping in markdown
return text.replace(markdownEscapedIconsRegex, match => `\\${match}`);
const stripIconsRegex = new RegExp(`(\\s)?(\\\\)?${iconsRegex.source}(\\s)?`, 'g');
* Takes a label with icons (`$(iconId)xyz`) and strips the icons out (`xyz`)
export function stripIcons(text) {
if (text.indexOf(iconStartMarker) === -1) {
return text;
return text.replace(stripIconsRegex, (match, preWhitespace, escaped, postWhitespace) => escaped ? match : preWhitespace || postWhitespace || '');
* Takes a label with icons (`$(iconId)xyz`), removes the icon syntax adds whitespace so that screen readers can read the text better.
export function getCodiconAriaLabel(text) {
if (!text) {
return '';
return text.replace(/\$\((.*?)\)/g, (_match, codiconName) => ` ${codiconName} `).trim();
const _parseIconsRegex = new RegExp(`\\$\\(${ThemeIcon.iconNameCharacter}+\\)`, 'g');
* Takes a label with icons (`abc $(iconId)xyz`) and returns the text (`abc xyz`) and the offsets of the icons (`[3]`)
export function parseLabelWithIcons(input) {
_parseIconsRegex.lastIndex = 0;
let text = '';
const iconOffsets = [];
let iconsOffset = 0;
while (true) {
const pos = _parseIconsRegex.lastIndex;
const match = _parseIconsRegex.exec(input);
const chars = input.substring(pos, match === null || match === void 0 ? void 0 : match.index);
if (chars.length > 0) {
text += chars;
for (let i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
if (!match) {
iconsOffset += match[0].length;
return { text, iconOffsets };
export function matchesFuzzyIconAware(query, target, enableSeparateSubstringMatching = false) {
const { text, iconOffsets } = target;
// Return early if there are no icon markers in the word to match against
if (!iconOffsets || iconOffsets.length === 0) {
return matchesFuzzy(query, text, enableSeparateSubstringMatching);
// Trim the word to match against because it could have leading
// whitespace now if the word started with an icon
const wordToMatchAgainstWithoutIconsTrimmed = ltrim(text, ' ');
const leadingWhitespaceOffset = text.length - wordToMatchAgainstWithoutIconsTrimmed.length;
// match on value without icon
const matches = matchesFuzzy(query, wordToMatchAgainstWithoutIconsTrimmed, enableSeparateSubstringMatching);
// Map matches back to offsets with icon and trimming
if (matches) {
for (const match of matches) {
const iconOffset = iconOffsets[match.start + leadingWhitespaceOffset] /* icon offsets at index */ + leadingWhitespaceOffset /* overall leading whitespace offset */;
match.start += iconOffset;
match.end += iconOffset;
return matches;