573 lines
14 KiB
573 lines
14 KiB
"use strict";
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Version: 0.43.0(94c055bcbdd49f04a0fa15515e848542a79fb948)
* Released under the MIT license
* https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor/blob/main/LICENSE.txt
define("vs/basic-languages/postiats/postiats", ["require"],(require)=>{
var moduleExports = (() => {
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
// src/basic-languages/postiats/postiats.ts
var postiats_exports = {};
__export(postiats_exports, {
conf: () => conf,
language: () => language
var conf = {
comments: {
lineComment: "//",
blockComment: ["(*", "*)"]
brackets: [
["{", "}"],
["[", "]"],
["(", ")"],
["<", ">"]
autoClosingPairs: [
{ open: '"', close: '"', notIn: ["string", "comment"] },
{ open: "{", close: "}", notIn: ["string", "comment"] },
{ open: "[", close: "]", notIn: ["string", "comment"] },
{ open: "(", close: ")", notIn: ["string", "comment"] }
var language = {
tokenPostfix: ".pats",
defaultToken: "invalid",
keywords: [
keywords_dlr: [
keywords_srp: [
irregular_keyword_list: [
keywords_types: [
keywords_effects: [
operators: [
brackets: [
{ open: ",(", close: ")", token: "delimiter.parenthesis" },
{ open: "`(", close: ")", token: "delimiter.parenthesis" },
{ open: "%(", close: ")", token: "delimiter.parenthesis" },
{ open: "'(", close: ")", token: "delimiter.parenthesis" },
{ open: "'{", close: "}", token: "delimiter.parenthesis" },
{ open: "@(", close: ")", token: "delimiter.parenthesis" },
{ open: "@{", close: "}", token: "delimiter.brace" },
{ open: "@[", close: "]", token: "delimiter.square" },
{ open: "#[", close: "]", token: "delimiter.square" },
{ open: "{", close: "}", token: "delimiter.curly" },
{ open: "[", close: "]", token: "delimiter.square" },
{ open: "(", close: ")", token: "delimiter.parenthesis" },
{ open: "<", close: ">", token: "delimiter.angle" }
symbols: /[=><!~?:&|+\-*\/\^%]+/,
IDENTFST: /[a-zA-Z_]/,
IDENTRST: /[a-zA-Z0-9_'$]/,
symbolic: /[%&+-./:=@~`^|*!$#?<>]/,
digit: /[0-9]/,
digitseq0: /@digit*/,
xdigit: /[0-9A-Za-z]/,
xdigitseq0: /@xdigit*/,
INTSP: /[lLuU]/,
FLOATSP: /[fFlL]/,
fexponent: /[eE][+-]?[0-9]+/,
fexponent_bin: /[pP][+-]?[0-9]+/,
deciexp: /\.[0-9]*@fexponent?/,
hexiexp: /\.[0-9a-zA-Z]*@fexponent_bin?/,
irregular_keywords: /val[+-]?|case[+-]?|addr\@?|fold\@|free\@|fix\@?|lam\@?|llam\@?|prop[+-]?|type[+-]?|view[+-@]?|viewt@?ype[+-]?|t@?ype[+-]?|v(iew)?t@?ype[+-]?|abst@?ype|absv(iew)?t@?ype|for\*?|while\*?/,
ESCHAR: /[ntvbrfa\\\?'"\(\[\{]/,
start: "root",
tokenizer: {
root: [
{ regex: /[ \t\r\n]+/, action: { token: "" } },
{ regex: /\(\*\)/, action: { token: "invalid" } },
regex: /\(\*/,
action: { token: "comment", next: "lexing_COMMENT_block_ml" }
regex: /\(/,
action: "@brackets"
regex: /\)/,
action: "@brackets"
regex: /\[/,
action: "@brackets"
regex: /\]/,
action: "@brackets"
regex: /\{/,
action: "@brackets"
regex: /\}/,
action: "@brackets"
regex: /,\(/,
action: "@brackets"
{ regex: /,/, action: { token: "delimiter.comma" } },
{ regex: /;/, action: { token: "delimiter.semicolon" } },
regex: /@\(/,
action: "@brackets"
regex: /@\[/,
action: "@brackets"
regex: /@\{/,
action: "@brackets"
regex: /:</,
action: { token: "keyword", next: "@lexing_EFFECT_commaseq0" }
{ regex: /\.@symbolic+/, action: { token: "identifier.sym" } },
regex: /\.@digit*@fexponent@FLOATSP*/,
action: { token: "number.float" }
{ regex: /\.@digit+/, action: { token: "number.float" } },
action: {
cases: {
"@keywords_dlr": { token: "keyword.dlr" },
"@default": { token: "namespace" }
action: {
cases: {
"@keywords_srp": { token: "keyword.srp" },
"@default": { token: "identifier" }
{ regex: /%\(/, action: { token: "delimiter.parenthesis" } },
regex: /^%{(#|\^|\$)?/,
action: {
token: "keyword",
next: "@lexing_EXTCODE",
nextEmbedded: "text/javascript"
{ regex: /^%}/, action: { token: "keyword" } },
{ regex: /'\(/, action: { token: "delimiter.parenthesis" } },
{ regex: /'\[/, action: { token: "delimiter.bracket" } },
{ regex: /'\{/, action: { token: "delimiter.brace" } },
[/(')(\\@ESCHAR|\\[xX]@xdigit+|\\@digit+)(')/, ["string", "string.escape", "string"]],
[/'[^\\']'/, "string"],
[/"/, "string.quote", "@lexing_DQUOTE"],
regex: /`\(/,
action: "@brackets"
{ regex: /\\/, action: { token: "punctuation" } },
regex: /@irregular_keywords(?!@IDENTRST)/,
action: { token: "keyword" }
regex: /@IDENTFST@IDENTRST*[<!\[]?/,
action: {
cases: {
"@keywords": { token: "keyword" },
"@keywords_types": { token: "type" },
"@default": { token: "identifier" }
regex: /\/\/\/\//,
action: { token: "comment", next: "@lexing_COMMENT_rest" }
{ regex: /\/\/.*$/, action: { token: "comment" } },
regex: /\/\*/,
action: { token: "comment", next: "@lexing_COMMENT_block_c" }
regex: /-<|=</,
action: { token: "keyword", next: "@lexing_EFFECT_commaseq0" }
regex: /@symbolic+/,
action: {
cases: {
"@operators": "keyword",
"@default": "operator"
regex: /0[xX]@xdigit+(@hexiexp|@fexponent_bin)@FLOATSP*/,
action: { token: "number.float" }
{ regex: /0[xX]@xdigit+@INTSP*/, action: { token: "number.hex" } },
regex: /0[0-7]+(?![0-9])@INTSP*/,
action: { token: "number.octal" }
regex: /@digit+(@fexponent|@deciexp)@FLOATSP*/,
action: { token: "number.float" }
regex: /@digit@digitseq0@INTSP*/,
action: { token: "number.decimal" }
{ regex: /@digit+@INTSP*/, action: { token: "number" } }
lexing_COMMENT_block_ml: [
[/[^\(\*]+/, "comment"],
[/\(\*/, "comment", "@push"],
[/\(\*/, "comment.invalid"],
[/\*\)/, "comment", "@pop"],
[/\*/, "comment"]
lexing_COMMENT_block_c: [
[/[^\/*]+/, "comment"],
[/\*\//, "comment", "@pop"],
[/[\/*]/, "comment"]
lexing_COMMENT_rest: [
[/$/, "comment", "@pop"],
[/.*/, "comment"]
lexing_EFFECT_commaseq0: [
regex: /@IDENTFST@IDENTRST+|@digit+/,
action: {
cases: {
"@keywords_effects": { token: "type.effect" },
"@default": { token: "identifier" }
{ regex: /,/, action: { token: "punctuation" } },
{ regex: />/, action: { token: "@rematch", next: "@pop" } }
lexing_EXTCODE: [
regex: /^%}/,
action: {
token: "@rematch",
next: "@pop",
nextEmbedded: "@pop"
{ regex: /[^%]+/, action: "" }
lexing_DQUOTE: [
{ regex: /"/, action: { token: "string.quote", next: "@pop" } },
regex: /(\{\$)(@IDENTFST@IDENTRST*)(\})/,
action: [{ token: "string.escape" }, { token: "identifier" }, { token: "string.escape" }]
{ regex: /\\$/, action: { token: "string.escape" } },
regex: /\\(@ESCHAR|[xX]@xdigit+|@digit+)/,
action: { token: "string.escape" }
{ regex: /[^\\"]+/, action: { token: "string" } }
return __toCommonJS(postiats_exports);
return moduleExports;