2023-10-07 19:42:30 +08:00

204 lines
5.9 KiB

import type { FullToken } from '../../theme/internal';
export interface ComponentToken {
* @desc 表头背景
* @descEN Background of table header
headerBg: string;
* @desc 表头文字颜色
* @descEN Color of table header text
headerColor: string;
* @desc 表头排序激活态背景色
* @descEN Background color of table header when sorted
headerSortActiveBg: string;
* @desc 表头排序激活态悬浮背景色
* @descEN Background color of table header when sorted and hovered
headerSortHoverBg: string;
* @desc 表格排序列背景色
* @descEN Background color of table sorted column
bodySortBg: string;
* @desc 表格行悬浮背景色
* @descEN Background color of table hovered row
rowHoverBg: string;
* @desc 表格行选中背景色
* @descEN Background color of table selected row
rowSelectedBg: string;
* @desc 表格行选中悬浮背景色
* @descEN Background color of table selected row when hovered
rowSelectedHoverBg: string;
* @desc 表格行展开背景色
* @descEN Background color of table expanded row
rowExpandedBg: string;
* @desc 单元格纵向内间距
* @descEN Vertical padding of table cell
cellPaddingBlock: number;
* @desc 单元格横向内间距(默认大尺寸)
* @descEN Horizontal padding of table cell (large size by default)
cellPaddingInline: number;
* @desc 单元格纵向内间距(中等尺寸)
* @descEN Vertical padding of table cell (middle size)
cellPaddingBlockMD: number;
* @desc 单元格横向内间距(中等尺寸)
* @descEN Horizontal padding of table cell (middle size)
cellPaddingInlineMD: number;
* @desc 单元格纵向内间距(小尺寸)
* @descEN Vertical padding of table cell (small size)
cellPaddingBlockSM: number;
* @desc 单元格横向内间距(小尺寸)
* @descEN Horizontal padding of table cell (small size)
cellPaddingInlineSM: number;
* @desc 表格边框/分割线颜色
* @descEN Border color of table
borderColor: string;
* @desc 表头圆角
* @descEN Border radius of table header
headerBorderRadius: number;
* @desc 表格底部背景色
* @descEN Background of footer
footerBg: string;
* @desc 表格底部文字颜色
* @descEN Color of footer text
footerColor: string;
* @desc 单元格文字大小(默认大尺寸)
* @descEN Font size of table cell (large size by default)
cellFontSize: number;
* @desc 单元格文字大小(中等尺寸)
* @descEN Font size of table cell (middle size)
cellFontSizeMD: number;
* @desc 单元格文字大小(小尺寸)
* @descEN Font size of table cell (small size)
cellFontSizeSM: number;
* @desc 表头分割线颜色
* @descEN Split border color of table header
headerSplitColor: string;
* @desc 固定表头排序激活态背景色
* @descEN Background color of fixed table header when sorted
fixedHeaderSortActiveBg: string;
* @desc 表头过滤按钮悬浮背景色
* @descEN Background color of table header filter button when hovered
headerFilterHoverBg: string;
* @desc 过滤下拉菜单选项背景
* @descEN Background of filter dropdown menu item
filterDropdownMenuBg: string;
* @desc 过滤下拉菜单颜色
* @descEN Color of filter dropdown
filterDropdownBg: string;
* @desc 展开按钮背景色
* @descEN Background of expand button
expandIconBg: string;
* @desc 选择列宽度
* @descEN Width of selection column
selectionColumnWidth: number;
* @desc Sticky 模式下滚动条背景色
* @descEN Background of sticky scrollbar
stickyScrollBarBg: string;
* @desc Sticky 模式下滚动条圆角
* @descEN Border radius of sticky scrollbar
stickyScrollBarBorderRadius: number;
export interface TableToken extends FullToken<'Table'> {
tableFontSize: number;
tableBg: string;
tableRadius: number;
tablePaddingHorizontal: number;
tablePaddingVertical: number;
tablePaddingHorizontalMiddle: number;
tablePaddingVerticalMiddle: number;
tablePaddingHorizontalSmall: number;
tablePaddingVerticalSmall: number;
tableBorderColor: string;
tableHeaderTextColor: string;
tableHeaderBg: string;
tableFooterTextColor: string;
tableFooterBg: string;
tableHeaderCellSplitColor: string;
tableHeaderSortBg: string;
tableHeaderSortHoverBg: string;
tableHeaderIconColor: string;
tableHeaderIconColorHover: string;
tableBodySortBg: string;
tableFixedHeaderSortActiveBg: string;
tableHeaderFilterActiveBg: string;
tableFilterDropdownBg: string;
tableFilterDropdownHeight: number;
tableRowHoverBg: string;
tableSelectedRowBg: string;
tableSelectedRowHoverBg: string;
tableFontSizeMiddle: number;
tableFontSizeSmall: number;
tableSelectionColumnWidth: number;
tableExpandIconBg: string;
tableExpandColumnWidth: number;
tableExpandedRowBg: string;
tableFilterDropdownWidth: number;
tableFilterDropdownSearchWidth: number;
zIndexTableFixed: number;
zIndexTableSticky: number;
tableScrollThumbSize: number;
tableScrollThumbBg: string;
tableScrollThumbBgHover: string;
tableScrollBg: string;
declare const _default: (prefixCls: string) => import("../../theme/interface").UseComponentStyleResult;
export default _default;