2023-10-07 19:42:30 +08:00

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Minor Changes

  • In order to move towards stricter TypeScript support in the future, we're aiming to replace current usages of any with unknown on exposed typings for user-provided data. To do this in Remix v2 without introducing breaking changes in React Router v6, we have added generics to a number of shared types. These continue to default to any in React Router and are overridden with unknown in Remix. In React Router v7 we plan to move these to unknown as a breaking change. (#10843)
    • Location now accepts a generic for the location.state value
    • ActionFunctionArgs/ActionFunction/LoaderFunctionArgs/LoaderFunction now accept a generic for the context parameter (only used in SSR usages via createStaticHandler)
    • The return type of useMatches (now exported as UIMatch) accepts generics for and match.handle - both of which were already set to unknown
  • Move the @private class export ErrorResponse to an UNSAFE_ErrorResponseImpl export since it is an implementation detail and there should be no construction of ErrorResponse instances in userland. This frees us up to export a type ErrorResponse which correlates to an instance of the class via InstanceType. Userland code should only ever be using ErrorResponse as a type and should be type-narrowing via isRouteErrorResponse. (#10811)
  • Export ShouldRevalidateFunctionArgs interface (#10797)
  • Removed private/internal APIs only required for the Remix v1 backwards compatibility layer and no longer needed in Remix v2 (_isFetchActionRedirect, _hasFetcherDoneAnything) (#10715)

Patch Changes

  • Add method/url to error message on aborted query/queryRoute calls (#10793)
  • Fix a race-condition with loader/action-thrown errors on route.lazy routes (#10778)
  • Fix type for actionResult on the arguments object passed to shouldRevalidate (#10779)


Minor Changes

  • Add's a new redirectDocument() function which allows users to specify that a redirect from a loader/action should trigger a document reload (via window.location) instead of attempting to navigate to the redirected location via React Router (#10705)

Patch Changes

  • Fix an issue in queryRoute that was not always identifying thrown Response instances (#10717)
  • Ensure hash history always includes a leading slash on hash pathnames (#10753)


Patch Changes

  • Trigger an error if a defer promise resolves/rejects with undefined in order to match the behavior of loaders and actions which must return a value or null (#10690)
  • Properly handle fetcher redirects interrupted by normal navigations (#10674, #10709)
  • Initial-load fetchers should not automatically revalidate on GET navigations (#10688)
  • Enhance the return type of Route.lazy to prohibit returning an empty object (#10634)


Patch Changes

  • Fix issues with reused blockers on subsequent navigations (#10656)


Minor Changes

  • Add support for application/json and text/plain encodings for router.navigate/router.fetch submissions. To leverage these encodings, pass your data in a body parameter and specify the desired formEncType: (#10413)

    // By default, the encoding is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    router.navigate("/", {
      formMethod: "post",
      body: { key: "value" },
    async function action({ request }) {
      // await request.formData() => FormData instance with entry [key=value]
    // Pass `formEncType` to opt-into a different encoding (json)
    router.navigate("/", {
      formMethod: "post",
      formEncType: "application/json",
      body: { key: "value" },
    async function action({ request }) {
      // await request.json() => { key: "value" }
    // Pass `formEncType` to opt-into a different encoding (text)
    router.navigate("/", {
      formMethod: "post",
      formEncType: "text/plain",
      body: "Text submission",
    async function action({ request }) {
      // await request.text() => "Text submission"

Patch Changes

  • Call window.history.pushState/replaceState before updating React Router state (instead of after) so that window.location matches useLocation during synchronous React 17 rendering (#10448)
    • ⚠️ However, generally apps should not be relying on window.location and should always reference useLocation when possible, as window.location will not be in sync 100% of the time (due to popstate events, concurrent mode, etc.)
  • Strip basename from the location provided to <ScrollRestoration getKey> to match the useLocation behavior (#10550)
  • Avoid calling shouldRevalidate for fetchers that have not yet completed a data load (#10623)
  • Fix unstable_useBlocker key issues in StrictMode (#10573)
  • Upgrade typescript to 5.1 (#10581)


Patch Changes

  • Allow fetcher revalidations to complete if submitting fetcher is deleted (#10535)
  • Re-throw DOMException (DataCloneError) when attempting to perform a PUSH navigation with non-serializable state. (#10427)
  • Ensure revalidations happen when hash is present (#10516)
  • upgrade jest and jsdom (#10453)


Patch Changes

  • Fix HMR-driven error boundaries by properly reconstructing new routes and manifest in \_internalSetRoutes (#10437)
  • Fix bug where initial data load would not kick off when hash is present (#10493)


Patch Changes

  • Fix basename handling when navigating without a path (#10433)
  • "Same hash" navigations no longer re-run loaders to match browser behavior (i.e. /path#hash -> /path#hash) (#10408)


Minor Changes

  • Enable relative routing in the @remix-run/router when providing a source route ID from which the path is relative to: (#10336)

    • Example: router.navigate("../path", { fromRouteId: "some-route" }).
    • This also applies to router.fetch which already receives a source route ID
  • Introduce a new @remix-run/router future.v7_prependBasename flag to enable basename prefixing to all paths coming into router.navigate and router.fetch.

    • Previously the basename was prepended in the React Router layer, but now that relative routing is being handled by the router we need prepend the basename after resolving any relative paths
    • This also enables basename support in useFetcher as well

Patch Changes

  • Enhance LoaderFunction/ActionFunction return type to prevent undefined from being a valid return value (#10267)
  • Ensure proper 404 error on fetcher.load call to a route without a loader (#10345)
  • Deprecate the createRouter detectErrorBoundary option in favor of the new mapRouteProperties option for converting a framework-agnostic route to a framework-aware route. This allows us to set more than just the hasErrorBoundary property during route pre-processing, and is now used for mapping Component -> element and ErrorBoundary -> errorElement in react-router. (#10287)
  • Fixed a bug where fetchers were incorrectly attempting to revalidate on search params changes or routing to the same URL (using the same logic for route loader revalidations). However, since fetchers have a static href, they should only revalidate on action submissions or router.revalidate calls. (#10344)
  • Decouple AbortController usage between revalidating fetchers and the thing that triggered them such that the unmount/deletion of a revalidating fetcher doesn't impact the ongoing triggering navigation/revalidation (#10271)


Minor Changes

  • Added support for Future Flags in React Router. The first flag being introduced is future.v7_normalizeFormMethod which will normalize the exposed useNavigation()/useFetcher() formMethod fields as uppercase HTTP methods to align with the fetch() behavior. (#10207)

    • When future.v7_normalizeFormMethod === false (default v6 behavior),
      • useNavigation().formMethod is lowercase
      • useFetcher().formMethod is lowercase
    • When future.v7_normalizeFormMethod === true:
      • useNavigation().formMethod is uppercase
      • useFetcher().formMethod is uppercase

Patch Changes

  • Provide fetcher submission to shouldRevalidate if the fetcher action redirects (#10208)
  • Properly handle lazy() errors during router initialization (#10201)
  • Remove instanceof check for DeferredData to be resilient to ESM/CJS boundaries in SSR bundling scenarios (#10247)
  • Update to latest @remix-run/web-fetch@4.3.3 (#10216)


Minor Changes

  • Introducing Lazy Route Modules! (#10045)

    In order to keep your application bundles small and support code-splitting of your routes, we've introduced a new lazy() route property. This is an async function that resolves the non-route-matching portions of your route definition (loader, action, element/Component, errorElement/ErrorBoundary, shouldRevalidate, handle).

    Lazy routes are resolved on initial load and during the loading or submitting phase of a navigation or fetcher call. You cannot lazily define route-matching properties (path, index, children) since we only execute your lazy route functions after we've matched known routes.

    Your lazy functions will typically return the result of a dynamic import.

    // In this example, we assume most folks land on the homepage so we include that
    // in our critical-path bundle, but then we lazily load modules for /a and /b so
    // they don't load until the user navigates to those routes
    let routes = createRoutesFromElements(
      <Route path="/" element={<Layout />}>
        <Route index element={<Home />} />
        <Route path="a" lazy={() => import("./a")} />
        <Route path="b" lazy={() => import("./b")} />

    Then in your lazy route modules, export the properties you want defined for the route:

    export async function loader({ request }) {
      let data = await fetchData(request);
      return json(data);
    // Export a `Component` directly instead of needing to create a React Element from it
    export function Component() {
      let data = useLoaderData();
      return (
          <h1>You made it!</h1>
    // Export an `ErrorBoundary` directly instead of needing to create a React Element from it
    export function ErrorBoundary() {
      let error = useRouteError();
      return isRouteErrorResponse(error) ? (
          {error.status} {error.statusText}
      ) : (
        <h1>{error.message || error}</h1>

    An example of this in action can be found in the examples/lazy-loading-router-provider directory of the repository.

    🙌 Huge thanks to @rossipedia for the Initial Proposal and POC Implementation.

Patch Changes

  • Fix generatePath incorrectly applying parameters in some cases (#10078)


Patch Changes

  • Correctly perform a hard redirect for same-origin absolute URLs outside of the router basename (#10076)
  • Ensure status code and headers are maintained for defer loader responses in createStaticHandler's query() method (#10077)
  • Change invariant to an UNSAFE_invariant export since it's only intended for internal use (#10066)
  • Add internal API for custom HMR implementations (#9996)


Patch Changes

  • Remove inaccurate console warning for POP navigations and update active blocker logic (#10030)
  • Only check for differing origin on absolute URL redirects (#10033)


Patch Changes

  • Fixes 2 separate issues for revalidating fetcher shouldRevalidate calls (#9948)
    • The shouldRevalidate function was only being called for explicit revalidation scenarios (after a mutation, manual useRevalidator call, or an X-Remix-Revalidate header used for cookie setting in Remix). It was not properly being called on implicit revalidation scenarios that also apply to navigation loader revalidation, such as a change in search params or clicking a link for the page we're already on. It's now correctly called in those additional scenarios.
    • The parameters being passed were incorrect and inconsistent with one another since the current*/next* parameters reflected the static fetcher.load URL (and thus were identical). Instead, they should have reflected the the navigation that triggered the revalidation (as the form* parameters did). These parameters now correctly reflect the triggering navigation.
  • Respect preventScrollReset on <fetcher.Form> (#9963)
  • Do not short circuit on hash change only mutation submissions (#9944)
  • Remove instanceof check from isRouteErrorResponse to avoid bundling issues on the server (#9930)
  • Fix navigation for hash routers on manual URL changes (#9980)
  • Detect when a defer call only contains critical data and remove the AbortController (#9965)
  • Send the name as the value when url-encoding File FormData entries (#9867)


Minor Changes

  • Added support for navigation blocking APIs (#9709)
  • Expose deferred information from createStaticHandler (#9760)

Patch Changes

  • Improved absolute redirect url detection in actions/loaders (#9829)
  • Fix URL creation with memory histories (#9814)
  • Fix generatePath when optional params are present (#9764)
  • Fix scroll reset if a submission redirects (#9886)
  • Fix 404 bug with same-origin absolute redirects (#9913)
  • Support OPTIONS requests in staticHandler.queryRoute (#9914)


Patch Changes

  • Include submission info in shouldRevalidate on action redirects (#9777, #9782)
  • Reset actionData on action redirect to current location (#9772)


Minor Changes

  • Remove unstable_ prefix from createStaticHandler/createStaticRouter/StaticRouterProvider (#9738)

Patch Changes

  • Fix explicit replace on submissions and PUSH on submission to new paths (#9734)
  • Fix a few bugs where loader/action data wasn't properly cleared on errors (#9735)
  • Prevent useLoaderData usage in errorElement (#9735)
  • Skip initial scroll restoration for SSR apps with hydrationData (#9664)


This release introduces support for Optional Route Segments. Now, adding a ? to the end of any path segment will make that entire segment optional. This works for both static segments and dynamic parameters.

Optional Params Examples

  • Path lang?/about will match:
    • /:lang/about
    • /about
  • Path /multistep/:widget1?/widget2?/widget3? will match:
    • /multistep
    • /multistep/:widget1
    • /multistep/:widget1/:widget2
    • /multistep/:widget1/:widget2/:widget3

Optional Static Segment Example

  • Path /home? will match:
    • /
    • /home
  • Path /fr?/about will match:
    • /about
    • /fr/about

Minor Changes

  • Allows optional routes and optional static segments (#9650)

Patch Changes

  • Stop incorrectly matching on partial named parameters, i.e. <Route path="prefix-:param">, to align with how splat parameters work. If you were previously relying on this behavior then it's recommended to extract the static portion of the path at the useParams call site: (#9506)
// Old behavior at URL /prefix-123
<Route path="prefix-:id" element={<Comp /> }>

function Comp() {
  let params = useParams(); // { id: '123' }
  let id =; // "123"

// New behavior at URL /prefix-123
<Route path=":id" element={<Comp /> }>

function Comp() {
  let params = useParams(); // { id: 'prefix-123' }
  let id =^prefix-/, ''); // "123"
  • Persist headers on loader request's after SSR document action request (#9721)
  • Fix requests sent to revalidating loaders so they reflect a GET request (#9660)
  • Fix issue with deeply nested optional segments (#9727)
  • GET forms now expose a submission on the loading navigation (#9695)
  • Fix error boundary tracking for multiple errors bubbling to the same boundary (#9702)


Patch Changes

  • Fix requests sent to revalidating loaders so they reflect a GET request (#9680)
  • Remove instanceof Response checks in favor of isResponse (#9690)
  • Fix URL creation in Cloudflare Pages or other non-browser-environments (#9682, #9689)
  • Add requestContext support to static handler query/queryRoute (#9696)
    • Note that the unstable API of queryRoute(path, routeId) has been changed to queryRoute(path, { routeId, requestContext })


Patch Changes

  • Throw an error if an action/loader function returns undefined as revalidations need to know whether the loader has previously been executed. undefined also causes issues during SSR stringification for hydration. You should always ensure you loader/action returns a value, and you may return null if you don't wish to return anything. (#9511)
  • Properly handle redirects to external domains (#9590, #9654)
  • Preserve the HTTP method on 307/308 redirects (#9597)
  • Support basename in static data routers (#9591)
  • Enhanced ErrorResponse bodies to contain more descriptive text in internal 403/404/405 scenarios


Patch Changes

  • Fix hrefs generated when using createHashRouter (#9409)
  • fix encoding/matching issues with special chars (#9477, #9496)
  • Support basename and relative routing in loader/action redirects (#9447)
  • Ignore pathless layout routes when looking for proper submission action function (#9455)
  • properly support index routes with a path in useResolvedPath (#9486)
  • Add UMD build for @remix-run/router (#9446)
  • fix createURL in local file execution in Firefox (#9464)
  • Updates to unstable_createStaticHandler for incorporating into Remix (#9482, #9465)


Patch Changes

  • Reset actionData after a successful action redirect (#9334)
  • Update matchPath to avoid false positives on dash-separated segments (#9300)
  • If an index route has children, it will result in a runtime error. We have strengthened our RouteObject/RouteProps types to surface the error in TypeScript. (#9366)


Patch Changes

  • Preserve state from initialEntries (#9288)
  • Preserve ?index for fetcher get submissions to index routes (#9312)


This is the first stable release of @remix-run/router, which provides all the underlying routing and data loading/mutation logic for react-router. You should not be using this package directly unless you are authoring a routing library similar to react-router.

For an overview of the features provided by react-router, we recommend you go check out the docs, especially the feature overview and the tutorial.

For an overview of the features provided by @remix-run/router, please check out the README.