2023-10-07 19:42:30 +08:00

147 lines
6.3 KiB

import { getActionFromState as getActionFromStateDefault, getStateFromPath as getStateFromPathDefault } from '@react-navigation/core';
import * as React from 'react';
import { Linking, Platform } from 'react-native';
import extractPathFromURL from './extractPathFromURL';
let linkingHandlers = [];
export default function useLinking(ref, _ref) {
let {
enabled = true,
getInitialURL = () => Promise.race([Linking.getInitialURL(), new Promise(resolve =>
// Timeout in 150ms if `getInitialState` doesn't resolve
// Workaround for
setTimeout(resolve, 150))]),
subscribe = listener => {
var _Linking$removeEventL;
const callback = _ref2 => {
let {
} = _ref2;
return listener(url);
const subscription = Linking.addEventListener('url', callback);
// Storing this in a local variable stops Jest from complaining about import after teardown
// @ts-expect-error: removeEventListener is not present in newer RN versions
const removeEventListener = (_Linking$removeEventL = Linking.removeEventListener) === null || _Linking$removeEventL === void 0 ? void 0 : _Linking$removeEventL.bind(Linking);
return () => {
if (subscription !== null && subscription !== void 0 && subscription.remove) {
} else {
removeEventListener === null || removeEventListener === void 0 ? void 0 : removeEventListener('url', callback);
getStateFromPath = getStateFromPathDefault,
getActionFromState = getActionFromStateDefault
} = _ref;
React.useEffect(() => {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
return undefined;
if (independent) {
return undefined;
if (enabled !== false && linkingHandlers.length) {
console.error(['Looks like you have configured linking in multiple places. This is likely an error since deep links should only be handled in one place to avoid conflicts. Make sure that:', "- You don't have multiple NavigationContainers in the app each with 'linking' enabled", '- Only a single instance of the root component is rendered', Platform.OS === 'android' ? "- You have set 'android:launchMode=singleTask' in the '<activity />' section of the 'AndroidManifest.xml' file to avoid launching multiple instances" : ''].join('\n').trim());
const handler = Symbol();
if (enabled !== false) {
return () => {
const index = linkingHandlers.indexOf(handler);
if (index > -1) {
linkingHandlers.splice(index, 1);
}, [enabled, independent]);
// We store these options in ref to avoid re-creating getInitialState and re-subscribing listeners
// This lets user avoid wrapping the items in `React.useCallback` or `React.useMemo`
// Not re-creating `getInitialState` is important coz it makes it easier for the user to use in an effect
const enabledRef = React.useRef(enabled);
const prefixesRef = React.useRef(prefixes);
const filterRef = React.useRef(filter);
const configRef = React.useRef(config);
const getInitialURLRef = React.useRef(getInitialURL);
const getStateFromPathRef = React.useRef(getStateFromPath);
const getActionFromStateRef = React.useRef(getActionFromState);
React.useEffect(() => {
enabledRef.current = enabled;
prefixesRef.current = prefixes;
filterRef.current = filter;
configRef.current = config;
getInitialURLRef.current = getInitialURL;
getStateFromPathRef.current = getStateFromPath;
getActionFromStateRef.current = getActionFromState;
const getStateFromURL = React.useCallback(url => {
if (!url || filterRef.current && !filterRef.current(url)) {
return undefined;
const path = extractPathFromURL(prefixesRef.current, url);
return path !== undefined ? getStateFromPathRef.current(path, configRef.current) : undefined;
}, []);
const getInitialState = React.useCallback(() => {
let state;
if (enabledRef.current) {
const url = getInitialURLRef.current();
if (url != null && typeof url !== 'string') {
return url.then(url => {
const state = getStateFromURL(url);
return state;
state = getStateFromURL(url);
const thenable = {
then(onfulfilled) {
return Promise.resolve(onfulfilled ? onfulfilled(state) : state);
catch() {
return thenable;
return thenable;
}, [getStateFromURL]);
React.useEffect(() => {
const listener = url => {
if (!enabled) {
const navigation = ref.current;
const state = navigation ? getStateFromURL(url) : undefined;
if (navigation && state) {
// Make sure that the routes in the state exist in the root navigator
// Otherwise there's an error in the linking configuration
const rootState = navigation.getRootState();
if (state.routes.some(r => !(rootState !== null && rootState !== void 0 && rootState.routeNames.includes( {
console.warn("The navigation state parsed from the URL contains routes not present in the root navigator. This usually means that the linking configuration doesn't match the navigation structure. See for more details on how to specify a linking configuration.");
const action = getActionFromStateRef.current(state, configRef.current);
if (action !== undefined) {
try {
} catch (e) {
// Ignore any errors from deep linking.
// This could happen in case of malformed links, navigation object not being initialized etc.
console.warn(`An error occurred when trying to handle the link '${url}': ${typeof e === 'object' && e != null && 'message' in e ? e.message : e}`);
} else {
return subscribe(listener);
}, [enabled, getStateFromURL, ref, subscribe]);
return {