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This package is part of the React Native CLI. It contains commands for managing the Metro bundler.
yarn add @react-native-community/cli-plugin-metro
react-native start [option]
Starts the server that communicates with connected devices
--port <number>
Specify port to listen on
--projectRoot <path>
Path to a custom project root
--watchFolders <list>
Specify any additional folders to be added to the watch list
--assetPlugins <list>
Specify any additional asset plugins to be used by the packager by full filepath
--sourceExts <list>
Specify any additional source extensions to be used by the packager
--max-workers <number>
Specifies the maximum number of workers the worker-pool will spawn for transforming files. This defaults to the number of the cores available on your machine
--transformer <string>
Specify a custom transformer to be used
--reset-cache, --resetCache
Removes cached files
--custom-log-reporter-path, --customLogReporterPath <string>
Path to a JavaScript file that exports a log reporter as a replacement for TerminalReporter
Enables https connections to the server
--key <path>
Path to custom SSL key
--cert <path>
Path to custom SSL cert
--config <string>
Path to the CLI configuration file
Disables interactive mode
react-native bundle <flag>
Builds the JavaScript bundle for offline use.
--entry-file <path>
Path to the root JS file, either absolute or relative to JS root.
--platform <string>
default: ios
Either "ios" or "android".
--transformer <string>
Specify a custom transformer to be used.
--dev [boolean]
default: true
If false, warnings are disabled and the bundle is minified.
--minify [boolean]
Allows overriding whether bundle is minified. This defaults to false if dev is true, and true if dev is false. Disabling minification can be useful for speeding up production builds for testing purposes.
--bundle-output <string>
File name where to store the resulting bundle, ex. /tmp/groups.bundle
If you are planning on building a debug APK, that will run without the packager, by invoking ./gradlew assembleDebug
you can simply set bundleInDebug: true
in your app/build.gradle file, inside the project.ext.react
react-native bundle
manually and then create the APK with ./gradlew assembleDebug
you have to make sure to put the bundle into the right directory and give it the right name, so that gradle can find it.
For react-native versions 0.57 and above the bundle output path should be:
To find out the correct path for previous react-native versions, take a look at the react.gradle
file here: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/blob/0.57-stable/react.gradle or inside your node_modules/react-native
The expected path for the js bundle can be found on the line that starts with jsBundleDir =
--bundle-encoding <string>
default: utf8
Encoding the bundle should be written in (https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html#buffer_buffer).
--max-workers <number>
Specifies the maximum number of workers the worker-pool will spawn for transforming files. This defaults to the number of the cores available on your machine.
--sourcemap-output <string>
File name where to store the sourcemap file for resulting bundle, ex. /tmp/groups.map
--sourcemap-sources-root <string>
Path to make sourcemap sources entries relative to, ex. /root/dir
default: false
Report SourceMapURL using its full path.
--assets-dest <string>
Directory name where to store assets referenced in the bundle.
If you are planning on building a debug APK that will run without the packager, see (--bundle-output)
react-native bundle
manually and then create the APK with ./gradlew assembleDebug
you have to make sure to put the assets into the right directory, so that gradle can find them.
For react-native versions 0.57 and above the --assets-dest
path should be:
The expected path for the assets can be found in the react.gradle file on the line that starts with resourcesDir =
default: false
Removes cached files.
default: false
Try to fetch transformed JS code from the global cache, if configured.
--config <string>
Path to the CLI configuration file.
react-native ram-bundle [options]
Builds JavaScript as a "Random Access Module" bundle for offline use.
Accepts all of bundle commands and following:
Force the "Indexed RAM" bundle file format, even when building for Android.