import { k as kTrue, s as string$1, a as array$1, b as stringableFunc, f as func, c as symbol$1, C as CHANNEL_END_TYPE, e as expanding, d as check, g as buffer, o as once, M as MULTICAST, n as notUndef, h as MATCH, r as remove, i as none, j as internalErr, S as SAGA_ACTION, l as CANCEL, T as TAKE, P as PUT, A as ALL, R as RACE, m as CALL, p as CPS, F as FORK, J as JOIN, q as CANCEL$1, t as SELECT, u as ACTION_CHANNEL, v as CANCELLED$1, w as FLUSH, G as GET_CONTEXT, x as SET_CONTEXT, y as promise, z as iterator, B as getMetaInfo, D as undef, E as createAllStyleChildCallbacks, H as SELF_CANCELLATION, I as createEmptyArray, K as assignWithSymbols, L as makeIterator, N as TERMINATE, O as shouldComplete, Q as noop, U as flatMap, V as getLocation, W as TASK, X as TASK_CANCEL, Y as createSetContextWarning, Z as object, _ as asyncIteratorSymbol, $ as shouldCancel, a0 as shouldTerminate, a1 as IO, a2 as logError, a3 as wrapSagaDispatch, a4 as identity, a5 as channel$1, a6 as _extends } from './io-3f0849c3.js'; export { l as CANCEL, a8 as SAGA_LOCATION, a7 as buffers, a9 as detach } from './io-3f0849c3.js'; function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; } var queue = []; /** Variable to hold a counting semaphore - Incrementing adds a lock and puts the scheduler in a `suspended` state (if it's not already suspended) - Decrementing releases a lock. Zero locks puts the scheduler in a `released` state. This triggers flushing the queued tasks. **/ var semaphore = 0; /** Executes a task 'atomically'. Tasks scheduled during this execution will be queued and flushed after this task has finished (assuming the scheduler endup in a released state). **/ function exec(task) { try { suspend(); task(); } finally { release(); } } /** Executes or queues a task depending on the state of the scheduler (`suspended` or `released`) **/ function asap(task) { queue.push(task); if (!semaphore) { suspend(); flush(); } } /** * Puts the scheduler in a `suspended` state and executes a task immediately. */ function immediately(task) { try { suspend(); return task(); } finally { flush(); } } /** Puts the scheduler in a `suspended` state. Scheduled tasks will be queued until the scheduler is released. **/ function suspend() { semaphore++; } /** Puts the scheduler in a `released` state. **/ function release() { semaphore--; } /** Releases the current lock. Executes all queued tasks if the scheduler is in the released state. **/ function flush() { release(); var task; while (!semaphore && (task = queue.shift()) !== undefined) { exec(task); } } var array = patterns => input => patterns.some(p => matcher(p)(input)); var predicate = predicate => input => predicate(input); var string = pattern => input => input.type === String(pattern); var symbol = pattern => input => input.type === pattern; var wildcard = () => kTrue; function matcher(pattern) { // prettier-ignore var matcherCreator = pattern === '*' ? wildcard : string$1(pattern) ? string : array$1(pattern) ? array : stringableFunc(pattern) ? string : func(pattern) ? predicate : symbol$1(pattern) ? symbol : null; if (matcherCreator === null) { throw new Error("invalid pattern: " + pattern); } return matcherCreator(pattern); } var END = { type: CHANNEL_END_TYPE }; var isEnd = a => a && a.type === CHANNEL_END_TYPE; var CLOSED_CHANNEL_WITH_TAKERS = 'Cannot have a closed channel with pending takers'; var INVALID_BUFFER = 'invalid buffer passed to channel factory function'; var UNDEFINED_INPUT_ERROR = "Saga or channel was provided with an undefined action\nHints:\n - check that your Action Creator returns a non-undefined value\n - if the Saga was started using runSaga, check that your subscribe source provides the action to its listeners"; function channel(buffer$1) { if (buffer$1 === void 0) { buffer$1 = expanding(); } var closed = false; var takers = []; { check(buffer$1, buffer, INVALID_BUFFER); } function checkForbiddenStates() { if (closed && takers.length) { throw internalErr(CLOSED_CHANNEL_WITH_TAKERS); } if (takers.length && !buffer$1.isEmpty()) { throw internalErr('Cannot have pending takers with non empty buffer'); } } function put(input) { { checkForbiddenStates(); check(input, notUndef, UNDEFINED_INPUT_ERROR); } if (closed) { return; } if (takers.length === 0) { return buffer$1.put(input); } var cb = takers.shift(); cb(input); } function take(cb) { { checkForbiddenStates(); check(cb, func, "channel.take's callback must be a function"); } if (closed && buffer$1.isEmpty()) { cb(END); } else if (!buffer$1.isEmpty()) { cb(buffer$1.take()); } else { takers.push(cb); cb.cancel = () => { remove(takers, cb); }; } } function flush(cb) { { checkForbiddenStates(); check(cb, func, "channel.flush' callback must be a function"); } if (closed && buffer$1.isEmpty()) { cb(END); return; } cb(buffer$1.flush()); } function close() { { checkForbiddenStates(); } if (closed) { return; } closed = true; var arr = takers; takers = []; for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) { var taker = arr[i]; taker(END); } } return { take, put, flush, close }; } function eventChannel(subscribe, buffer) { if (buffer === void 0) { buffer = none(); } var closed = false; var unsubscribe; var chan = channel(buffer); var close = () => { if (closed) { return; } closed = true; if (func(unsubscribe)) { unsubscribe(); } chan.close(); }; unsubscribe = subscribe(input => { if (isEnd(input)) { close(); return; } chan.put(input); }); { check(unsubscribe, func, 'in eventChannel: subscribe should return a function to unsubscribe'); } unsubscribe = once(unsubscribe); if (closed) { unsubscribe(); } return { take: chan.take, flush: chan.flush, close }; } function multicastChannel() { var closed = false; var currentTakers = []; var nextTakers = currentTakers; function checkForbiddenStates() { if (closed && nextTakers.length) { throw internalErr(CLOSED_CHANNEL_WITH_TAKERS); } } var ensureCanMutateNextTakers = () => { if (nextTakers !== currentTakers) { return; } nextTakers = currentTakers.slice(); }; var close = () => { { checkForbiddenStates(); } closed = true; var takers = currentTakers = nextTakers; nextTakers = []; takers.forEach(taker => { taker(END); }); }; return { [MULTICAST]: true, put(input) { { checkForbiddenStates(); check(input, notUndef, UNDEFINED_INPUT_ERROR); } if (closed) { return; } if (isEnd(input)) { close(); return; } var takers = currentTakers = nextTakers; for (var i = 0, len = takers.length; i < len; i++) { var taker = takers[i]; if (taker[MATCH](input)) { taker.cancel(); taker(input); } } }, take(cb, matcher) { if (matcher === void 0) { matcher = wildcard; } { checkForbiddenStates(); } if (closed) { cb(END); return; } cb[MATCH] = matcher; ensureCanMutateNextTakers(); nextTakers.push(cb); cb.cancel = once(() => { ensureCanMutateNextTakers(); remove(nextTakers, cb); }); }, close }; } function stdChannel() { var chan = multicastChannel(); var { put } = chan; chan.put = input => { if (input[SAGA_ACTION]) { put(input); return; } asap(() => { put(input); }); }; return chan; } function symbolObservablePonyfill(root) { var result; var Symbol = root.Symbol; if (typeof Symbol === 'function') { if (Symbol.observable) { result = Symbol.observable; } else { result = Symbol('observable'); Symbol.observable = result; } } else { result = '@@observable'; } return result; } /* global window */ var root; if (typeof self !== 'undefined') { root = self; } else if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { root = window; } else if (typeof global !== 'undefined') { root = global; } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { root = module; } else { root = Function('return this')(); } var result = symbolObservablePonyfill(root); /** * These are private action types reserved by Redux. * For any unknown actions, you must return the current state. * If the current state is undefined, you must return the initial state. * Do not reference these action types directly in your code. */ var randomString = function randomString() { return Math.random().toString(36).substring(7).split('').join('.'); }; var ActionTypes = { INIT: "@@redux/INIT" + randomString(), REPLACE: "@@redux/REPLACE" + randomString(), PROBE_UNKNOWN_ACTION: function PROBE_UNKNOWN_ACTION() { return "@@redux/PROBE_UNKNOWN_ACTION" + randomString(); } }; /** * Prints a warning in the console if it exists. * * @param {String} message The warning message. * @returns {void} */ function warning(message) { /* eslint-disable no-console */ if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && typeof console.error === 'function') { console.error(message); } /* eslint-enable no-console */ try { // This error was thrown as a convenience so that if you enable // "break on all exceptions" in your console, // it would pause the execution at this line. throw new Error(message); } catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line no-empty } /** * Composes single-argument functions from right to left. The rightmost * function can take multiple arguments as it provides the signature for * the resulting composite function. * * @param {...Function} funcs The functions to compose. * @returns {Function} A function obtained by composing the argument functions * from right to left. For example, compose(f, g, h) is identical to doing * (...args) => f(g(h(...args))). */ function compose() { for (var _len = arguments.length, funcs = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { funcs[_key] = arguments[_key]; } if (funcs.length === 0) { return function (arg) { return arg; }; } if (funcs.length === 1) { return funcs[0]; } return funcs.reduce(function (a, b) { return function () { return a(b.apply(void 0, arguments)); }; }); } /* * This is a dummy function to check if the function name has been altered by minification. * If the function has been minified and NODE_ENV !== 'production', warn the user. */ function isCrushed() {} if ( typeof === 'string' && !== 'isCrushed') { warning('You are currently using minified code outside of NODE_ENV === "production". ' + 'This means that you are running a slower development build of Redux. ' + 'You can use loose-envify ( for browserify ' + 'or setting mode to production in webpack ( ' + 'to ensure you have the correct code for your production build.'); } var RUNNING = 0; var CANCELLED = 1; var ABORTED = 2; var DONE = 3; function resolvePromise(promise, cb) { var cancelPromise = promise[CANCEL]; if (func(cancelPromise)) { cb.cancel = cancelPromise; } promise.then(cb, error => { cb(error, true); }); } var current = 0; var nextSagaId = (() => ++current); function getIteratorMetaInfo(iterator, fn) { if (iterator.isSagaIterator) { return { name: }; } return getMetaInfo(fn); } function createTaskIterator(_ref) { var { context, fn, args } = _ref; // catch synchronous failures; see #152 and #441 try { var result = fn.apply(context, args); // i.e. a generator function returns an iterator if (iterator(result)) { return result; } var resolved = false; var next = arg => { if (!resolved) { resolved = true; // Only promises returned from fork will be interpreted. See #1573 return { value: result, done: !promise(result) }; } else { return { value: arg, done: true }; } }; return makeIterator(next); } catch (err) { // do not bubble up synchronous failures for detached forks // instead create a failed task. See #152 and #441 return makeIterator(() => { throw err; }); } } function runPutEffect(env, _ref2, cb) { var { channel, action, resolve } = _ref2; /** Schedule the put in case another saga is holding a lock. The put will be executed atomically. ie nested puts will execute after this put has terminated. **/ asap(() => { var result; try { result = (channel ? channel.put : env.dispatch)(action); } catch (error) { cb(error, true); return; } if (resolve && promise(result)) { resolvePromise(result, cb); } else { cb(result); } }); // Put effects are non cancellables } function runTakeEffect(env, _ref3, cb) { var { channel =, pattern, maybe } = _ref3; var takeCb = input => { if (input instanceof Error) { cb(input, true); return; } if (isEnd(input) && !maybe) { cb(TERMINATE); return; } cb(input); }; try { channel.take(takeCb, notUndef(pattern) ? matcher(pattern) : null); } catch (err) { cb(err, true); return; } cb.cancel = takeCb.cancel; } function runCallEffect(env, _ref4, cb, _ref5) { var { context, fn, args } = _ref4; var { task } = _ref5; // catch synchronous failures; see #152 try { var result = fn.apply(context, args); if (promise(result)) { resolvePromise(result, cb); return; } if (iterator(result)) { // resolve iterator proc(env, result, task.context, current, getMetaInfo(fn), /* isRoot */ false, cb); return; } cb(result); } catch (error) { cb(error, true); } } function runCPSEffect(env, _ref6, cb) { var { context, fn, args } = _ref6; // CPS (ie node style functions) can define their own cancellation logic // by setting cancel field on the cb // catch synchronous failures; see #152 try { var cpsCb = (err, res) => { if (undef(err)) { cb(res); } else { cb(err, true); } }; fn.apply(context, args.concat(cpsCb)); if (cpsCb.cancel) { cb.cancel = cpsCb.cancel; } } catch (error) { cb(error, true); } } function runForkEffect(env, _ref7, cb, _ref8) { var { context, fn, args, detached } = _ref7; var { task: parent } = _ref8; var taskIterator = createTaskIterator({ context, fn, args }); var meta = getIteratorMetaInfo(taskIterator, fn); immediately(() => { var child = proc(env, taskIterator, parent.context, current, meta, detached, undefined); if (detached) { cb(child); } else { if (child.isRunning()) { parent.queue.addTask(child); cb(child); } else if (child.isAborted()) { parent.queue.abort(child.error()); } else { cb(child); } } }); // Fork effects are non cancellables } function runJoinEffect(env, taskOrTasks, cb, _ref9) { var { task } = _ref9; var joinSingleTask = (taskToJoin, cb) => { if (taskToJoin.isRunning()) { var joiner = { task, cb }; cb.cancel = () => { if (taskToJoin.isRunning()) remove(taskToJoin.joiners, joiner); }; taskToJoin.joiners.push(joiner); } else { if (taskToJoin.isAborted()) { cb(taskToJoin.error(), true); } else { cb(taskToJoin.result()); } } }; if (array$1(taskOrTasks)) { if (taskOrTasks.length === 0) { cb([]); return; } var childCallbacks = createAllStyleChildCallbacks(taskOrTasks, cb); taskOrTasks.forEach((t, i) => { joinSingleTask(t, childCallbacks[i]); }); } else { joinSingleTask(taskOrTasks, cb); } } function cancelSingleTask(taskToCancel) { if (taskToCancel.isRunning()) { taskToCancel.cancel(); } } function runCancelEffect(env, taskOrTasks, cb, _ref10) { var { task } = _ref10; if (taskOrTasks === SELF_CANCELLATION) { cancelSingleTask(task); } else if (array$1(taskOrTasks)) { taskOrTasks.forEach(cancelSingleTask); } else { cancelSingleTask(taskOrTasks); } cb(); // cancel effects are non cancellables } function runAllEffect(env, effects, cb, _ref11) { var { digestEffect } = _ref11; var effectId = current; var keys = Object.keys(effects); if (keys.length === 0) { cb(array$1(effects) ? [] : {}); return; } var childCallbacks = createAllStyleChildCallbacks(effects, cb); keys.forEach(key => { digestEffect(effects[key], effectId, childCallbacks[key], key); }); } function runRaceEffect(env, effects, cb, _ref12) { var { digestEffect } = _ref12; var effectId = current; var keys = Object.keys(effects); var response = array$1(effects) ? createEmptyArray(keys.length) : {}; var childCbs = {}; var completed = false; keys.forEach(key => { var chCbAtKey = (res, isErr) => { if (completed) { return; } if (isErr || shouldComplete(res)) { // Race Auto cancellation cb.cancel(); cb(res, isErr); } else { cb.cancel(); completed = true; response[key] = res; cb(response); } }; chCbAtKey.cancel = noop; childCbs[key] = chCbAtKey; }); cb.cancel = () => { // prevents unnecessary cancellation if (!completed) { completed = true; keys.forEach(key => childCbs[key].cancel()); } }; keys.forEach(key => { if (completed) { return; } digestEffect(effects[key], effectId, childCbs[key], key); }); } function runSelectEffect(env, _ref13, cb) { var { selector, args } = _ref13; try { var state = selector(env.getState(), ...args); cb(state); } catch (error) { cb(error, true); } } function runChannelEffect(env, _ref14, cb) { var { pattern, buffer } = _ref14; var chan = channel(buffer); var match = matcher(pattern); var taker = action => { if (!isEnd(action)) {, match); } chan.put(action); }; var { close } = chan; chan.close = () => { taker.cancel(); close(); };, match); cb(chan); } function runCancelledEffect(env, data, cb, _ref15) { var { task } = _ref15; cb(task.isCancelled()); } function runFlushEffect(env, channel, cb) { channel.flush(cb); } function runGetContextEffect(env, prop, cb, _ref16) { var { task } = _ref16; cb(task.context[prop]); } function runSetContextEffect(env, props, cb, _ref17) { var { task } = _ref17; assignWithSymbols(task.context, props); cb(); } var effectRunnerMap = { [TAKE]: runTakeEffect, [PUT]: runPutEffect, [ALL]: runAllEffect, [RACE]: runRaceEffect, [CALL]: runCallEffect, [CPS]: runCPSEffect, [FORK]: runForkEffect, [JOIN]: runJoinEffect, [CANCEL$1]: runCancelEffect, [SELECT]: runSelectEffect, [ACTION_CHANNEL]: runChannelEffect, [CANCELLED$1]: runCancelledEffect, [FLUSH]: runFlushEffect, [GET_CONTEXT]: runGetContextEffect, [SET_CONTEXT]: runSetContextEffect }; function deferred() { var def = {}; def.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { def.resolve = resolve; def.reject = reject; }); return def; } /** Used to track a parent task and its forks In the fork model, forked tasks are attached by default to their parent We model this using the concept of Parent task && main Task main task is the main flow of the current Generator, the parent tasks is the aggregation of the main tasks + all its forked tasks. Thus the whole model represents an execution tree with multiple branches (vs the linear execution tree in sequential (non parallel) programming) A parent tasks has the following semantics - It completes if all its forks either complete or all cancelled - If it's cancelled, all forks are cancelled as well - It aborts if any uncaught error bubbles up from forks - If it completes, the return value is the one returned by the main task **/ function forkQueue(mainTask, onAbort, cont) { var tasks = []; var result; var completed = false; addTask(mainTask); var getTasks = () => tasks; function abort(err) { onAbort(); cancelAll(); cont(err, true); } function addTask(task) { tasks.push(task); task.cont = (res, isErr) => { if (completed) { return; } remove(tasks, task); task.cont = noop; if (isErr) { abort(res); } else { if (task === mainTask) { result = res; } if (!tasks.length) { completed = true; cont(result); } } }; } function cancelAll() { if (completed) { return; } completed = true; tasks.forEach(t => { t.cont = noop; t.cancel(); }); tasks = []; } return { addTask, cancelAll, abort, getTasks }; } // there can be only a single saga error created at any given moment function formatLocation(fileName, lineNumber) { return fileName + "?" + lineNumber; } function effectLocationAsString(effect) { var location = getLocation(effect); if (location) { var { code, fileName, lineNumber } = location; var source = code + " " + formatLocation(fileName, lineNumber); return source; } return ''; } function sagaLocationAsString(sagaMeta) { var { name, location } = sagaMeta; if (location) { return name + " " + formatLocation(location.fileName, location.lineNumber); } return name; } function cancelledTasksAsString(sagaStack) { var cancelledTasks = flatMap(i => i.cancelledTasks, sagaStack); if (!cancelledTasks.length) { return ''; } return ['Tasks cancelled due to error:', ...cancelledTasks].join('\n'); } var crashedEffect = null; var sagaStack = []; var addSagaFrame = frame => { frame.crashedEffect = crashedEffect; sagaStack.push(frame); }; var clear = () => { crashedEffect = null; sagaStack.length = 0; }; // this sets crashed effect for the soon-to-be-reported saga frame // this slightly streatches the singleton nature of this module into wrong direction // as it's even less obvious what's the data flow here, but it is what it is for now var setCrashedEffect = effect => { crashedEffect = effect; }; /** @returns {string} @example The above error occurred in task errorInPutSaga {pathToFile} when executing effect put({type: 'REDUCER_ACTION_ERROR_IN_PUT'}) {pathToFile} created by fetchSaga {pathToFile} created by rootSaga {pathToFile} */ var toString = () => { var [firstSaga, ...otherSagas] = sagaStack; var crashedEffectLocation = firstSaga.crashedEffect ? effectLocationAsString(firstSaga.crashedEffect) : null; var errorMessage = "The above error occurred in task " + sagaLocationAsString(firstSaga.meta) + (crashedEffectLocation ? " \n when executing effect " + crashedEffectLocation : ''); return [errorMessage, => " created by " + sagaLocationAsString(s.meta)), cancelledTasksAsString(sagaStack)].join('\n'); }; function newTask(env, mainTask, parentContext, parentEffectId, meta, isRoot, cont) { if (cont === void 0) { cont = noop; } var status = RUNNING; var taskResult; var taskError; var deferredEnd = null; var cancelledDueToErrorTasks = []; var context = Object.create(parentContext); var queue = forkQueue(mainTask, function onAbort() { cancelledDueToErrorTasks.push(...queue.getTasks().map(t =>; }, end); /** This may be called by a parent generator to trigger/propagate cancellation cancel all pending tasks (including the main task), then end the current task. Cancellation propagates down to the whole execution tree held by this Parent task It's also propagated to all joiners of this task and their execution tree/joiners Cancellation is noop for terminated/Cancelled tasks tasks **/ function cancel() { if (status === RUNNING) { // Setting status to CANCELLED does not necessarily mean that the task/iterators are stopped // effects in the iterator's finally block will still be executed status = CANCELLED; queue.cancelAll(); // Ending with a TASK_CANCEL will propagate the Cancellation to all joiners end(TASK_CANCEL, false); } } function end(result, isErr) { if (!isErr) { // The status here may be RUNNING or CANCELLED // If the status is CANCELLED, then we do not need to change it here if (result === TASK_CANCEL) { status = CANCELLED; } else if (status !== CANCELLED) { status = DONE; } taskResult = result; deferredEnd && deferredEnd.resolve(result); } else { status = ABORTED; addSagaFrame({ meta, cancelledTasks: cancelledDueToErrorTasks }); if (task.isRoot) { var sagaStack = toString(); // we've dumped the saga stack to string and are passing it to user's code // we know that it won't be needed anymore and we need to clear it clear(); env.onError(result, { sagaStack }); } taskError = result; deferredEnd && deferredEnd.reject(result); } task.cont(result, isErr); task.joiners.forEach(joiner => { joiner.cb(result, isErr); }); task.joiners = null; } function setContext(props) { { check(props, object, createSetContextWarning('task', props)); } assignWithSymbols(context, props); } function toPromise() { if (deferredEnd) { return deferredEnd.promise; } deferredEnd = deferred(); if (status === ABORTED) { deferredEnd.reject(taskError); } else if (status !== RUNNING) { deferredEnd.resolve(taskResult); } return deferredEnd.promise; } var task = { // fields [TASK]: true, id: parentEffectId, meta, isRoot, context, joiners: [], queue, // methods cancel, cont, end, setContext, toPromise, isRunning: () => status === RUNNING, /* This method is used both for answering the cancellation status of the task and answering for CANCELLED effects. In most cases, the cancellation of a task propagates to all its unfinished children (including all forked tasks and the mainTask), so a naive implementation of this method would be: `() => status === CANCELLED || mainTask.status === CANCELLED` But there are cases that the task is aborted by an error and the abortion caused the mainTask to be cancelled. In such cases, the task is supposed to be aborted rather than cancelled, however the above naive implementation would return true for `task.isCancelled()`. So we need make sure that the task is running before accessing mainTask.status. There are cases that the task is cancelled when the mainTask is done (the task is waiting for forked children when cancellation occurs). In such cases, you may wonder `yield io.cancelled()` would return true because `status === CANCELLED` holds, and which is wrong. However, after the mainTask is done, the iterator cannot yield any further effects, so we can ignore such cases. See discussions in #1704 */ isCancelled: () => status === CANCELLED || status === RUNNING && mainTask.status === CANCELLED, isAborted: () => status === ABORTED, result: () => taskResult, error: () => taskError }; return task; } function proc(env, iterator$1, parentContext, parentEffectId, meta, isRoot, cont) { if ( iterator$1[asyncIteratorSymbol]) { throw new Error("redux-saga doesn't support async generators, please use only regular ones"); } var finalRunEffect = env.finalizeRunEffect(runEffect); /** Tracks the current effect cancellation Each time the generator progresses. calling runEffect will set a new value on it. It allows propagating cancellation to child effects **/ next.cancel = noop; /** Creates a main task to track the main flow */ var mainTask = { meta, cancel: cancelMain, status: RUNNING }; /** Creates a new task descriptor for this generator. A task is the aggregation of it's mainTask and all it's forked tasks. **/ var task = newTask(env, mainTask, parentContext, parentEffectId, meta, isRoot, cont); var executingContext = { task, digestEffect }; /** cancellation of the main task. We'll simply resume the Generator with a TASK_CANCEL **/ function cancelMain() { if (mainTask.status === RUNNING) { mainTask.status = CANCELLED; next(TASK_CANCEL); } } /** attaches cancellation logic to this task's continuation this will permit cancellation to propagate down the call chain **/ if (cont) { cont.cancel = task.cancel; } // kicks up the generator next(); // then return the task descriptor to the caller return task; /** * This is the generator driver * It's a recursive async/continuation function which calls itself * until the generator terminates or throws * @param {internal commands(TASK_CANCEL | TERMINATE) | any} arg - value, generator will be resumed with. * @param {boolean} isErr - the flag shows if effect finished with an error * * receives either (command | effect result, false) or (any thrown thing, true) */ function next(arg, isErr) { try { var result; if (isErr) { result = iterator$1.throw(arg); // user handled the error, we can clear bookkept values clear(); } else if (shouldCancel(arg)) { /** getting TASK_CANCEL automatically cancels the main task We can get this value here - By cancelling the parent task manually - By joining a Cancelled task **/ mainTask.status = CANCELLED; /** Cancels the current effect; this will propagate the cancellation down to any called tasks **/ next.cancel(); /** If this Generator has a `return` method then invokes it This will jump to the finally block **/ result = func(iterator$1.return) ? iterator$1.return(TASK_CANCEL) : { done: true, value: TASK_CANCEL }; } else if (shouldTerminate(arg)) { // We get TERMINATE flag, i.e. by taking from a channel that ended using `take` (and not `takem` used to trap End of channels) result = func(iterator$1.return) ? iterator$1.return() : { done: true }; } else { result = iterator$; } if (!result.done) { digestEffect(result.value, parentEffectId, next); } else { /** This Generator has ended, terminate the main task and notify the fork queue **/ if (mainTask.status !== CANCELLED) { mainTask.status = DONE; } mainTask.cont(result.value); } } catch (error) { if (mainTask.status === CANCELLED) { throw error; } mainTask.status = ABORTED; mainTask.cont(error, true); } } function runEffect(effect, effectId, currCb) { /** each effect runner must attach its own logic of cancellation to the provided callback it allows this generator to propagate cancellation downward. ATTENTION! effect runners must setup the cancel logic by setting cb.cancel = [cancelMethod] And the setup must occur before calling the callback This is a sort of inversion of control: called async functions are responsible of completing the flow by calling the provided continuation; while caller functions are responsible for aborting the current flow by calling the attached cancel function Library users can attach their own cancellation logic to promises by defining a promise[CANCEL] method in their returned promises ATTENTION! calling cancel must have no effect on an already completed or cancelled effect **/ if (promise(effect)) { resolvePromise(effect, currCb); } else if (iterator(effect)) { // resolve iterator proc(env, effect, task.context, effectId, meta, /* isRoot */ false, currCb); } else if (effect && effect[IO]) { var effectRunner = effectRunnerMap[effect.type]; effectRunner(env, effect.payload, currCb, executingContext); } else { // anything else returned as is currCb(effect); } } function digestEffect(effect, parentEffectId, cb, label) { if (label === void 0) { label = ''; } var effectId = nextSagaId(); env.sagaMonitor && env.sagaMonitor.effectTriggered({ effectId, parentEffectId, label, effect }); /** completion callback and cancel callback are mutually exclusive We can't cancel an already completed effect And We can't complete an already cancelled effectId **/ var effectSettled; // Completion callback passed to the appropriate effect runner function currCb(res, isErr) { if (effectSettled) { return; } effectSettled = true; cb.cancel = noop; // defensive measure if (env.sagaMonitor) { if (isErr) { env.sagaMonitor.effectRejected(effectId, res); } else { env.sagaMonitor.effectResolved(effectId, res); } } if (isErr) { setCrashedEffect(effect); } cb(res, isErr); } // tracks down the current cancel currCb.cancel = noop; // setup cancellation logic on the parent cb cb.cancel = () => { // prevents cancelling an already completed effect if (effectSettled) { return; } effectSettled = true; currCb.cancel(); // propagates cancel downward currCb.cancel = noop; // defensive measure env.sagaMonitor && env.sagaMonitor.effectCancelled(effectId); }; finalRunEffect(effect, effectId, currCb); } } var RUN_SAGA_SIGNATURE = 'runSaga(options, saga, ...args)'; var NON_GENERATOR_ERR = RUN_SAGA_SIGNATURE + ": saga argument must be a Generator function!"; function runSaga(_ref, saga) { var { channel = stdChannel(), dispatch, getState, context = {}, sagaMonitor, effectMiddlewares, onError = logError } = _ref; { check(saga, func, NON_GENERATOR_ERR); } for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 2 ? _len - 2 : 0), _key = 2; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key - 2] = arguments[_key]; } var iterator$1 = saga(...args); { check(iterator$1, iterator, NON_GENERATOR_ERR); } var effectId = nextSagaId(); if (sagaMonitor) { // monitors are expected to have a certain interface, let's fill-in any missing ones sagaMonitor.rootSagaStarted = sagaMonitor.rootSagaStarted || noop; sagaMonitor.effectTriggered = sagaMonitor.effectTriggered || noop; sagaMonitor.effectResolved = sagaMonitor.effectResolved || noop; sagaMonitor.effectRejected = sagaMonitor.effectRejected || noop; sagaMonitor.effectCancelled = sagaMonitor.effectCancelled || noop; sagaMonitor.actionDispatched = sagaMonitor.actionDispatched || noop; sagaMonitor.rootSagaStarted({ effectId, saga, args }); } { if (notUndef(dispatch)) { check(dispatch, func, 'dispatch must be a function'); } if (notUndef(getState)) { check(getState, func, 'getState must be a function'); } if (notUndef(effectMiddlewares)) { var MIDDLEWARE_TYPE_ERROR = 'effectMiddlewares must be an array of functions'; check(effectMiddlewares, array$1, MIDDLEWARE_TYPE_ERROR); effectMiddlewares.forEach(effectMiddleware => check(effectMiddleware, func, MIDDLEWARE_TYPE_ERROR)); } check(onError, func, 'onError passed to the redux-saga is not a function!'); } var finalizeRunEffect; if (effectMiddlewares) { var middleware = compose(...effectMiddlewares); finalizeRunEffect = runEffect => { return (effect, effectId, currCb) => { var plainRunEffect = eff => runEffect(eff, effectId, currCb); return middleware(plainRunEffect)(effect); }; }; } else { finalizeRunEffect = identity; } var env = { channel, dispatch: wrapSagaDispatch(dispatch), getState, sagaMonitor, onError, finalizeRunEffect }; return immediately(() => { var task = proc(env, iterator$1, context, effectId, getMetaInfo(saga), /* isRoot */ true, undefined); if (sagaMonitor) { sagaMonitor.effectResolved(effectId, task); } return task; }); } function sagaMiddlewareFactory(_temp) { var _ref = _temp === void 0 ? {} : _temp, { context = {}, channel = stdChannel(), sagaMonitor } = _ref, options = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, ["context", "channel", "sagaMonitor"]); var boundRunSaga; { check(channel, channel$1, ' passed to the Saga middleware is not a channel'); } function sagaMiddleware(_ref2) { var { getState, dispatch } = _ref2; boundRunSaga = runSaga.bind(null, _extends({}, options, { context, channel, dispatch, getState, sagaMonitor })); return next => action => { if (sagaMonitor && sagaMonitor.actionDispatched) { sagaMonitor.actionDispatched(action); } var result = next(action); // hit reducers channel.put(action); return result; }; } = function () { if ( !boundRunSaga) { throw new Error('Before running a Saga, you must mount the Saga middleware on the Store using applyMiddleware'); } return boundRunSaga(...arguments); }; sagaMiddleware.setContext = props => { { check(props, object, createSetContextWarning('sagaMiddleware', props)); } assignWithSymbols(context, props); }; return sagaMiddleware; } export default sagaMiddlewareFactory; export { END, channel, eventChannel, isEnd, multicastChannel, runSaga, stdChannel };