/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #import #import #import NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @class RCTBridge; @class RCTSurfaceView; @protocol RCTSurfaceDelegate; /** * RCTSurface instance represents React Native-powered piece of a user interface * which can be a full-screen app, separate modal view controller, * or even small widget. * It is called "Surface". * * The RCTSurface instance is completely thread-safe by design; * it can be created on any thread, and any its method can be called from * any thread (if the opposite is not mentioned explicitly). * * The primary goals of the RCTSurface are: * * ability to measure and layout the surface in a thread-safe * and synchronous manner; * * ability to create a UIView instance on demand (later); * * ability to communicate the current stage of the surface granularly. */ @interface RCTSurface : NSObject - (instancetype)initWithBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge moduleName:(NSString *)moduleName initialProperties:(NSDictionary *)initialProperties; #pragma mark - Layout: Setting the size constrains /** * Previously set `minimumSize` layout constraint. * Defaults to `{0, 0}`. */ @property (atomic, assign, readonly) CGSize minimumSize; /** * Previously set `maximumSize` layout constraint. * Defaults to `{CGFLOAT_MAX, CGFLOAT_MAX}`. */ @property (atomic, assign, readonly) CGSize maximumSize; /** * Simple shortcut to `-[RCTSurface setMinimumSize:size maximumSize:size]`. */ - (void)setSize:(CGSize)size; #pragma mark - Synchronous waiting /** * Synchronously blocks the current thread up to given `timeout` until * the Surface reaches `stage`. * Limitations: * - Do nothing, if called on `UIManager` queue. * - Calling on the main queue with `RCTSurfaceStageSurfaceDidInitialMounting` * stage temporary is not supported; in this case the stage will be * downgraded to `RCTSurfaceStageSurfaceDidInitialLayout`. */ - (BOOL)synchronouslyWaitForStage:(RCTSurfaceStage)stage timeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout; #pragma mark - Mounting/Unmounting of React components /** * Mount the React component specified by the given moduleName. This is typically * calling runApplication.js from the native side. */ - (void)mountReactComponentWithBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge moduleName:(NSString *)moduleName params:(NSDictionary *)params; /** * Unmount the React component specified by the given rootViewTag, called from native. */ - (void)unmountReactComponentWithBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge rootViewTag:(NSNumber *)rootViewTag; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END