/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format * @flow strict */ // flowlint unsafe-getters-setters:off import type NodeList from '../OldStyleCollections/NodeList'; import type ReadOnlyElement from './ReadOnlyElement'; export default class ReadOnlyNode { get childNodes(): NodeList { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get firstChild(): ReadOnlyNode | null { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get isConnected(): boolean { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get lastChild(): ReadOnlyNode | null { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get nextSibling(): ReadOnlyNode | null { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get nodeName(): string { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get nodeType(): number { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get nodeValue(): string | null { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get parentElement(): ReadOnlyElement | null { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get parentNode(): ReadOnlyNode | null { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get previousSibling(): ReadOnlyNode | null { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get textContent(): string | null { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } compareDocumentPosition(otherNode: ReadOnlyNode): number { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } contains(otherNode: ReadOnlyNode): boolean { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } getRootNode(): ReadOnlyNode { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } hasChildNodes(): boolean { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } /* * Node types, as returned by the `nodeType` property. */ /** * Type of Element, HTMLElement and ReactNativeElement instances. */ static ELEMENT_NODE: number = 1; /** * Currently Unused in React Native. */ static ATTRIBUTE_NODE: number = 2; /** * Text nodes. */ static TEXT_NODE: number = 3; /** * @deprecated Unused in React Native. */ static CDATA_SECTION_NODE: number = 4; /** * @deprecated */ static ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: number = 5; /** * @deprecated */ static ENTITY_NODE: number = 6; /** * @deprecated Unused in React Native. */ static PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: number = 7; /** * @deprecated Unused in React Native. */ static COMMENT_NODE: number = 8; /** * @deprecated Unused in React Native. */ static DOCUMENT_NODE: number = 9; /** * @deprecated Unused in React Native. */ static DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: number = 10; /** * @deprecated Unused in React Native. */ static DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: number = 11; /** * @deprecated */ static NOTATION_NODE: number = 12; /* * Document position flags. Used to check the return value of * `compareDocumentPosition()`. */ /** * Both nodes are in different documents. */ static DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED: number = 1; /** * `otherNode` precedes the node in either a pre-order depth-first traversal of a tree containing both * (e.g., as an ancestor or previous sibling or a descendant of a previous sibling or previous sibling of an ancestor) * or (if they are disconnected) in an arbitrary but consistent ordering. */ static DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING: number = 2; /** * `otherNode` follows the node in either a pre-order depth-first traversal of a tree containing both * (e.g., as a descendant or following sibling or a descendant of a following sibling or following sibling of an ancestor) * or (if they are disconnected) in an arbitrary but consistent ordering. */ static DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING: number = 4; /** * `otherNode` is an ancestor of the node. */ static DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS: number = 8; /** * `otherNode` is a descendant of the node. */ static DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY: number = 16; /** * @deprecated Unused in React Native. */ static DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC: number = 32; }