/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format * @flow strict */ // flowlint unsafe-getters-setters:off import type HTMLCollection from '../OldStyleCollections/HTMLCollection'; import ReadOnlyNode from './ReadOnlyNode'; export default class ReadOnlyElement extends ReadOnlyNode { get childElementCount(): number { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get children(): HTMLCollection { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get clientHeight(): number { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get clientLeft(): number { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get clientTop(): number { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get clientWidth(): number { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get firstElementChild(): ReadOnlyElement | null { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get id(): string { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get lastElementChild(): ReadOnlyElement | null { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get nextElementSibling(): ReadOnlyElement | null { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get previousElementSibling(): ReadOnlyElement | null { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get scrollHeight(): number { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get scrollLeft(): number { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get scrollTop(): number { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get scrollWidth(): number { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } get tagName(): string { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } getBoundingClientRect(): DOMRect { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } getClientRects(): DOMRectList { throw new TypeError('Unimplemented'); } }