/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format */ import type * as React from 'react'; import {ColorValue} from '../StyleSheet/StyleSheet'; import {TouchableNativeFeedbackProps} from './Touchable/TouchableNativeFeedback'; import {TouchableOpacityProps} from './Touchable/TouchableOpacity'; export interface ButtonProps extends Pick< TouchableNativeFeedbackProps & TouchableOpacityProps, | 'accessibilityLabel' | 'accessibilityState' | 'hasTVPreferredFocus' | 'nextFocusDown' | 'nextFocusForward' | 'nextFocusLeft' | 'nextFocusRight' | 'nextFocusUp' | 'testID' | 'disabled' | 'onPress' | 'touchSoundDisabled' > { /** * Text to display inside the button. On Android the given title will be converted to the uppercased form. */ title: string; /** * Color of the text (iOS), or background color of the button (Android). */ color?: ColorValue | undefined; } export class Button extends React.Component {}