import _objectSpread from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectSpread2"; import * as React from 'react'; import { convertDataToEntities } from "rc-tree/es/utils/treeUtil"; import warning from "rc-util/es/warning"; import { isNil } from "../utils/valueUtil"; export default (function (treeData, fieldNames) { return React.useMemo(function () { var collection = convertDataToEntities(treeData, { fieldNames: fieldNames, initWrapper: function initWrapper(wrapper) { return _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, wrapper), {}, { valueEntities: new Map() }); }, processEntity: function processEntity(entity, wrapper) { var val = entity.node[fieldNames.value]; // Check if exist same value if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { var key = entity.node.key; warning(!isNil(val), 'TreeNode `value` is invalidate: undefined'); warning(!wrapper.valueEntities.has(val), "Same `value` exist in the tree: ".concat(val)); warning(!key || String(key) === String(val), "`key` or `value` with TreeNode must be the same or you can remove one of them. key: ".concat(key, ", value: ").concat(val, ".")); } wrapper.valueEntities.set(val, entity); } }); return collection; }, [treeData, fieldNames]); });