import _slicedToArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray"; import _defineProperty from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty"; import _toConsumableArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/toConsumableArray"; import _typeof from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof"; import _objectSpread from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectSpread2"; import _objectWithoutProperties from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutProperties"; var _excluded = ["children"], _excluded2 = ["fixed"]; import toArray from "rc-util/es/Children/toArray"; import warning from "rc-util/es/warning"; import * as React from 'react'; import { EXPAND_COLUMN } from "../../constant"; import { INTERNAL_COL_DEFINE } from "../../utils/legacyUtil"; import useWidthColumns from "./useWidthColumns"; export function convertChildrenToColumns(children) { return toArray(children).filter(function (node) { return /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(node); }).map(function (_ref) { var key = _ref.key, props = _ref.props; var nodeChildren = props.children, restProps = _objectWithoutProperties(props, _excluded); var column = _objectSpread({ key: key }, restProps); if (nodeChildren) { column.children = convertChildrenToColumns(nodeChildren); } return column; }); } function flatColumns(columns) { var parentKey = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'key'; return columns.filter(function (column) { return column && _typeof(column) === 'object'; }).reduce(function (list, column, index) { var fixed = column.fixed; // Convert `fixed='true'` to `fixed='left'` instead var parsedFixed = fixed === true ? 'left' : fixed; var mergedKey = "".concat(parentKey, "-").concat(index); var subColumns = column.children; if (subColumns && subColumns.length > 0) { return [].concat(_toConsumableArray(list), _toConsumableArray(flatColumns(subColumns, mergedKey).map(function (subColum) { return _objectSpread({ fixed: parsedFixed }, subColum); }))); } return [].concat(_toConsumableArray(list), [_objectSpread(_objectSpread({ key: mergedKey }, column), {}, { fixed: parsedFixed })]); }, []); } function warningFixed(flattenColumns) { var allFixLeft = true; for (var i = 0; i < flattenColumns.length; i += 1) { var col = flattenColumns[i]; if (allFixLeft && col.fixed !== 'left') { allFixLeft = false; } else if (!allFixLeft && col.fixed === 'left') { warning(false, "Index ".concat(i - 1, " of `columns` missing `fixed='left'` prop.")); break; } } var allFixRight = true; for (var _i = flattenColumns.length - 1; _i >= 0; _i -= 1) { var _col = flattenColumns[_i]; if (allFixRight && _col.fixed !== 'right') { allFixRight = false; } else if (!allFixRight && _col.fixed === 'right') { warning(false, "Index ".concat(_i + 1, " of `columns` missing `fixed='right'` prop.")); break; } } } function revertForRtl(columns) { return (column) { var fixed = column.fixed, restProps = _objectWithoutProperties(column, _excluded2); // Convert `fixed='left'` to `fixed='right'` instead var parsedFixed = fixed; if (fixed === 'left') { parsedFixed = 'right'; } else if (fixed === 'right') { parsedFixed = 'left'; } return _objectSpread({ fixed: parsedFixed }, restProps); }); } /** * Parse `columns` & `children` into `columns`. */ function useColumns(_ref2, transformColumns) { var prefixCls = _ref2.prefixCls, columns = _ref2.columns, children = _ref2.children, expandable = _ref2.expandable, expandedKeys = _ref2.expandedKeys, columnTitle = _ref2.columnTitle, getRowKey = _ref2.getRowKey, onTriggerExpand = _ref2.onTriggerExpand, expandIcon = _ref2.expandIcon, rowExpandable = _ref2.rowExpandable, expandIconColumnIndex = _ref2.expandIconColumnIndex, direction = _ref2.direction, expandRowByClick = _ref2.expandRowByClick, columnWidth = _ref2.columnWidth, fixed = _ref2.fixed, scrollWidth = _ref2.scrollWidth, clientWidth = _ref2.clientWidth; var baseColumns = React.useMemo(function () { return columns || convertChildrenToColumns(children); }, [columns, children]); // ========================== Expand ========================== var withExpandColumns = React.useMemo(function () { if (expandable) { var _expandColumn; var cloneColumns = baseColumns.slice(); // >>> Warning if use `expandIconColumnIndex` if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && expandIconColumnIndex >= 0) { warning(false, '`expandIconColumnIndex` is deprecated. Please use `Table.EXPAND_COLUMN` in `columns` instead.'); } // >>> Insert expand column if not exist if (!cloneColumns.includes(EXPAND_COLUMN)) { var expandColIndex = expandIconColumnIndex || 0; if (expandColIndex >= 0) { cloneColumns.splice(expandColIndex, 0, EXPAND_COLUMN); } } // >>> Deduplicate additional expand column if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && cloneColumns.filter(function (c) { return c === EXPAND_COLUMN; }).length > 1) { warning(false, 'There exist more than one `EXPAND_COLUMN` in `columns`.'); } var expandColumnIndex = cloneColumns.indexOf(EXPAND_COLUMN); cloneColumns = cloneColumns.filter(function (column, index) { return column !== EXPAND_COLUMN || index === expandColumnIndex; }); // >>> Check if expand column need to fixed var prevColumn = baseColumns[expandColumnIndex]; var fixedColumn; if ((fixed === 'left' || fixed) && !expandIconColumnIndex) { fixedColumn = 'left'; } else if ((fixed === 'right' || fixed) && expandIconColumnIndex === baseColumns.length) { fixedColumn = 'right'; } else { fixedColumn = prevColumn ? prevColumn.fixed : null; } // >>> Create expandable column var expandColumn = (_expandColumn = {}, _defineProperty(_expandColumn, INTERNAL_COL_DEFINE, { className: "".concat(prefixCls, "-expand-icon-col"), columnType: 'EXPAND_COLUMN' }), _defineProperty(_expandColumn, "title", columnTitle), _defineProperty(_expandColumn, "fixed", fixedColumn), _defineProperty(_expandColumn, "className", "".concat(prefixCls, "-row-expand-icon-cell")), _defineProperty(_expandColumn, "width", columnWidth), _defineProperty(_expandColumn, "render", function render(_, record, index) { var rowKey = getRowKey(record, index); var expanded = expandedKeys.has(rowKey); var recordExpandable = rowExpandable ? rowExpandable(record) : true; var icon = expandIcon({ prefixCls: prefixCls, expanded: expanded, expandable: recordExpandable, record: record, onExpand: onTriggerExpand }); if (expandRowByClick) { return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", { onClick: function onClick(e) { return e.stopPropagation(); } }, icon); } return icon; }), _expandColumn); return (col) { return col === EXPAND_COLUMN ? expandColumn : col; }); } if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && baseColumns.includes(EXPAND_COLUMN)) { warning(false, '`expandable` is not config but there exist `EXPAND_COLUMN` in `columns`.'); } return baseColumns.filter(function (col) { return col !== EXPAND_COLUMN; }); }, [expandable, baseColumns, getRowKey, expandedKeys, expandIcon, direction]); // ========================= Transform ======================== var mergedColumns = React.useMemo(function () { var finalColumns = withExpandColumns; if (transformColumns) { finalColumns = transformColumns(finalColumns); } // Always provides at least one column for table display if (!finalColumns.length) { finalColumns = [{ render: function render() { return null; } }]; } return finalColumns; }, [transformColumns, withExpandColumns, direction]); // ========================== Flatten ========================= var flattenColumns = React.useMemo(function () { if (direction === 'rtl') { return revertForRtl(flatColumns(mergedColumns)); } return flatColumns(mergedColumns); }, [mergedColumns, direction, scrollWidth]); // Only check out of production since it's waste for each render if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { warningFixed(direction === 'rtl' ? flattenColumns.slice().reverse() : flattenColumns); } // ========================= FillWidth ======================== var _useWidthColumns = useWidthColumns(flattenColumns, scrollWidth, clientWidth), _useWidthColumns2 = _slicedToArray(_useWidthColumns, 2), filledColumns = _useWidthColumns2[0], realScrollWidth = _useWidthColumns2[1]; return [mergedColumns, filledColumns, realScrollWidth]; } export default useColumns;