import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends"; import _objectWithoutProperties from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutProperties"; var _excluded = ["columnType"]; import * as React from 'react'; import { INTERNAL_COL_DEFINE } from "./utils/legacyUtil"; function ColGroup(_ref) { var colWidths = _ref.colWidths, columns = _ref.columns, columCount = _ref.columCount; var cols = []; var len = columCount || columns.length; // Only insert col with width & additional props // Skip if rest col do not have any useful info var mustInsert = false; for (var i = len - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { var width = colWidths[i]; var column = columns && columns[i]; var additionalProps = column && column[INTERNAL_COL_DEFINE]; if (width || additionalProps || mustInsert) { var _ref2 = additionalProps || {}, columnType = _ref2.columnType, restAdditionalProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref2, _excluded); cols.unshift( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("col", _extends({ key: i, style: { width: width } }, restAdditionalProps))); mustInsert = true; } } return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("colgroup", null, cols); } export default ColGroup;