import type { BaseOptionType, DefaultOptionType } from '../Select'; import type { FieldNames } from '../Select'; import type { FlattenOptionData } from '../interface'; export declare function fillFieldNames(fieldNames: FieldNames | undefined, childrenAsData: boolean): { label: string; value: string; options: string; groupLabel: string; }; /** * Flat options into flatten list. * We use `optionOnly` here is aim to avoid user use nested option group. * Here is simply set `key` to the index if not provided. */ export declare function flattenOptions(options: OptionType[], { fieldNames, childrenAsData }?: { fieldNames?: FieldNames; childrenAsData?: boolean; }): FlattenOptionData[]; /** * Inject `props` into `option` for legacy usage */ export declare function injectPropsWithOption(option: T): T; export declare function getSeparatedContent(text: string, tokens: string[]): string[];