import type { MentionsProps } from './Mentions'; import type { OptionProps } from './Option'; /** * Cut input selection into 2 part and return text before selection start */ export declare function getBeforeSelectionText(input: HTMLTextAreaElement): string; interface MeasureIndex { location: number; prefix: string; } /** * Find the last match prefix index */ export declare function getLastMeasureIndex(text: string, prefix: string[]): MeasureIndex; interface MeasureConfig { measureLocation: number; prefix: string; targetText: string; selectionStart: number; split: string; } /** * Paint targetText into current text: * text: little@litest * targetText: light * => little @light test */ export declare function replaceWithMeasure(text: string, measureConfig: MeasureConfig): { text: string; selectionLocation: number; }; export declare function setInputSelection(input: HTMLTextAreaElement, location: number): void; export declare function validateSearch(text: string, split: MentionsProps['split']): boolean; export declare function filterOption(input: string, { value }: OptionProps): boolean; export {};