import { ValueType } from '@rc-component/mini-decimal'; import * as React from 'react'; export type { ValueType }; export interface InputNumberProps extends Omit, 'value' | 'defaultValue' | 'onInput' | 'onChange' | 'prefix' | 'suffix'> { /** value will show as string */ stringMode?: boolean; defaultValue?: T; value?: T | null; prefixCls?: string; className?: string; style?: React.CSSProperties; min?: T; max?: T; step?: ValueType; tabIndex?: number; controls?: boolean; prefix?: React.ReactNode; suffix?: React.ReactNode; addonBefore?: React.ReactNode; addonAfter?: React.ReactNode; classes?: { affixWrapper?: string; group?: string; wrapper?: string; }; classNames?: { affixWrapper?: string; group?: string; wrapper?: string; input?: string; }; upHandler?: React.ReactNode; downHandler?: React.ReactNode; keyboard?: boolean; /** Parse display value to validate number */ parser?: (displayValue: string | undefined) => T; /** Transform `value` to display value show in input */ formatter?: (value: T | undefined, info: { userTyping: boolean; input: string; }) => string; /** Syntactic sugar of `formatter`. Config precision of display. */ precision?: number; /** Syntactic sugar of `formatter`. Config decimal separator of display. */ decimalSeparator?: string; onInput?: (text: string) => void; onChange?: (value: T | null) => void; onPressEnter?: React.KeyboardEventHandler; onStep?: (value: T, info: { offset: ValueType; type: 'up' | 'down'; }) => void; } declare const InputNumber: ((props: InputNumberProps & { children?: React.ReactNode; } & { ref?: React.Ref; }) => React.ReactElement) & { displayName?: string; }; export default InputNumber;