import { SEARCH_MARK } from "../hooks/useSearchOptions"; export var VALUE_SPLIT = '__RC_CASCADER_SPLIT__'; export var SHOW_PARENT = 'SHOW_PARENT'; export var SHOW_CHILD = 'SHOW_CHILD'; /** * Will convert value to string, and join with `VALUE_SPLIT` */ export function toPathKey(value) { return value.join(VALUE_SPLIT); } /** * Batch convert value to string, and join with `VALUE_SPLIT` */ export function toPathKeys(value) { return; } export function toPathValueStr(pathKey) { return pathKey.split(VALUE_SPLIT); } export function fillFieldNames(fieldNames) { var _ref = fieldNames || {}, label = _ref.label, value = _ref.value, children = _ref.children; var val = value || 'value'; return { label: label || 'label', value: val, key: val, children: children || 'children' }; } export function isLeaf(option, fieldNames) { var _option$isLeaf, _option$fieldNames$ch; return (_option$isLeaf = option.isLeaf) !== null && _option$isLeaf !== void 0 ? _option$isLeaf : !((_option$fieldNames$ch = option[fieldNames.children]) !== null && _option$fieldNames$ch !== void 0 && _option$fieldNames$ch.length); } export function scrollIntoParentView(element) { var parent = element.parentElement; if (!parent) { return; } var elementToParent = element.offsetTop - parent.offsetTop; // offsetParent may not be parent. if (elementToParent - parent.scrollTop < 0) { parent.scrollTo({ top: elementToParent }); } else if (elementToParent + element.offsetHeight - parent.scrollTop > parent.offsetHeight) { parent.scrollTo({ top: elementToParent + element.offsetHeight - parent.offsetHeight }); } } export function getFullPathKeys(options, fieldNames) { return (item) { var _item$SEARCH_MARK; return (_item$SEARCH_MARK = item[SEARCH_MARK]) === null || _item$SEARCH_MARK === void 0 ? void 0 : _item$ (opt) { return opt[fieldNames.value]; }); }); }