import _objectSpread from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectSpread2"; import * as React from 'react'; import { convertDataToEntities } from "rc-tree/es/utils/treeUtil"; import { VALUE_SPLIT } from "../utils/commonUtil"; /** Lazy parse options data into conduct-able info to avoid perf issue in single mode */ export default (function (options, fieldNames) { var cacheRef = React.useRef({ options: null, info: null }); var getEntities = React.useCallback(function () { if (cacheRef.current.options !== options) { cacheRef.current.options = options; = convertDataToEntities(options, { fieldNames: fieldNames, initWrapper: function initWrapper(wrapper) { return _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, wrapper), {}, { pathKeyEntities: {} }); }, processEntity: function processEntity(entity, wrapper) { var pathKey = (node) { return node[fieldNames.value]; }).join(VALUE_SPLIT); wrapper.pathKeyEntities[pathKey] = entity; // Overwrite origin key. // this is very hack but we need let conduct logic work with connect path entity.key = pathKey; } }); } return; }, [fieldNames, options]); return getEntities; });