/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as extpath from './extpath.js'; import { Schemas } from './network.js'; import * as paths from './path.js'; import { isLinux, isWindows } from './platform.js'; import { compare as strCompare, equalsIgnoreCase } from './strings.js'; import { URI, uriToFsPath } from './uri.js'; export function originalFSPath(uri) { return uriToFsPath(uri, true); } export class ExtUri { constructor(_ignorePathCasing) { this._ignorePathCasing = _ignorePathCasing; } compare(uri1, uri2, ignoreFragment = false) { if (uri1 === uri2) { return 0; } return strCompare(this.getComparisonKey(uri1, ignoreFragment), this.getComparisonKey(uri2, ignoreFragment)); } isEqual(uri1, uri2, ignoreFragment = false) { if (uri1 === uri2) { return true; } if (!uri1 || !uri2) { return false; } return this.getComparisonKey(uri1, ignoreFragment) === this.getComparisonKey(uri2, ignoreFragment); } getComparisonKey(uri, ignoreFragment = false) { return uri.with({ path: this._ignorePathCasing(uri) ? uri.path.toLowerCase() : undefined, fragment: ignoreFragment ? null : undefined }).toString(); } isEqualOrParent(base, parentCandidate, ignoreFragment = false) { if (base.scheme === parentCandidate.scheme) { if (base.scheme === Schemas.file) { return extpath.isEqualOrParent(originalFSPath(base), originalFSPath(parentCandidate), this._ignorePathCasing(base)) && base.query === parentCandidate.query && (ignoreFragment || base.fragment === parentCandidate.fragment); } if (isEqualAuthority(base.authority, parentCandidate.authority)) { return extpath.isEqualOrParent(base.path, parentCandidate.path, this._ignorePathCasing(base), '/') && base.query === parentCandidate.query && (ignoreFragment || base.fragment === parentCandidate.fragment); } } return false; } // --- path math joinPath(resource, ...pathFragment) { return URI.joinPath(resource, ...pathFragment); } basenameOrAuthority(resource) { return basename(resource) || resource.authority; } basename(resource) { return paths.posix.basename(resource.path); } extname(resource) { return paths.posix.extname(resource.path); } dirname(resource) { if (resource.path.length === 0) { return resource; } let dirname; if (resource.scheme === Schemas.file) { dirname = URI.file(paths.dirname(originalFSPath(resource))).path; } else { dirname = paths.posix.dirname(resource.path); if (resource.authority && dirname.length && dirname.charCodeAt(0) !== 47 /* CharCode.Slash */) { console.error(`dirname("${resource.toString})) resulted in a relative path`); dirname = '/'; // If a URI contains an authority component, then the path component must either be empty or begin with a CharCode.Slash ("/") character } } return resource.with({ path: dirname }); } normalizePath(resource) { if (!resource.path.length) { return resource; } let normalizedPath; if (resource.scheme === Schemas.file) { normalizedPath = URI.file(paths.normalize(originalFSPath(resource))).path; } else { normalizedPath = paths.posix.normalize(resource.path); } return resource.with({ path: normalizedPath }); } relativePath(from, to) { if (from.scheme !== to.scheme || !isEqualAuthority(from.authority, to.authority)) { return undefined; } if (from.scheme === Schemas.file) { const relativePath = paths.relative(originalFSPath(from), originalFSPath(to)); return isWindows ? extpath.toSlashes(relativePath) : relativePath; } let fromPath = from.path || '/'; const toPath = to.path || '/'; if (this._ignorePathCasing(from)) { // make casing of fromPath match toPath let i = 0; for (const len = Math.min(fromPath.length, toPath.length); i < len; i++) { if (fromPath.charCodeAt(i) !== toPath.charCodeAt(i)) { if (fromPath.charAt(i).toLowerCase() !== toPath.charAt(i).toLowerCase()) { break; } } } fromPath = toPath.substr(0, i) + fromPath.substr(i); } return paths.posix.relative(fromPath, toPath); } resolvePath(base, path) { if (base.scheme === Schemas.file) { const newURI = URI.file(paths.resolve(originalFSPath(base), path)); return base.with({ authority: newURI.authority, path: newURI.path }); } path = extpath.toPosixPath(path); // we allow path to be a windows path return base.with({ path: paths.posix.resolve(base.path, path) }); } // --- misc isAbsolutePath(resource) { return !!resource.path && resource.path[0] === '/'; } isEqualAuthority(a1, a2) { return a1 === a2 || (a1 !== undefined && a2 !== undefined && equalsIgnoreCase(a1, a2)); } hasTrailingPathSeparator(resource, sep = paths.sep) { if (resource.scheme === Schemas.file) { const fsp = originalFSPath(resource); return fsp.length > extpath.getRoot(fsp).length && fsp[fsp.length - 1] === sep; } else { const p = resource.path; return (p.length > 1 && p.charCodeAt(p.length - 1) === 47 /* CharCode.Slash */) && !(/^[a-zA-Z]:(\/$|\\$)/.test(resource.fsPath)); // ignore the slash at offset 0 } } removeTrailingPathSeparator(resource, sep = paths.sep) { // Make sure that the path isn't a drive letter. A trailing separator there is not removable. if (hasTrailingPathSeparator(resource, sep)) { return resource.with({ path: resource.path.substr(0, resource.path.length - 1) }); } return resource; } addTrailingPathSeparator(resource, sep = paths.sep) { let isRootSep = false; if (resource.scheme === Schemas.file) { const fsp = originalFSPath(resource); isRootSep = ((fsp !== undefined) && (fsp.length === extpath.getRoot(fsp).length) && (fsp[fsp.length - 1] === sep)); } else { sep = '/'; const p = resource.path; isRootSep = p.length === 1 && p.charCodeAt(p.length - 1) === 47 /* CharCode.Slash */; } if (!isRootSep && !hasTrailingPathSeparator(resource, sep)) { return resource.with({ path: resource.path + '/' }); } return resource; } } /** * Unbiased utility that takes uris "as they are". This means it can be interchanged with * uri#toString() usages. The following is true * ``` * assertEqual(aUri.toString() === bUri.toString(), exturi.isEqual(aUri, bUri)) * ``` */ export const extUri = new ExtUri(() => false); /** * BIASED utility that _mostly_ ignored the case of urs paths. ONLY use this util if you * understand what you are doing. * * This utility is INCOMPATIBLE with `uri.toString()`-usages and both CANNOT be used interchanged. * * When dealing with uris from files or documents, `extUri` (the unbiased friend)is sufficient * because those uris come from a "trustworthy source". When creating unknown uris it's always * better to use `IUriIdentityService` which exposes an `IExtUri`-instance which knows when path * casing matters. */ export const extUriBiasedIgnorePathCase = new ExtUri(uri => { // A file scheme resource is in the same platform as code, so ignore case for non linux platforms // Resource can be from another platform. Lowering the case as an hack. Should come from File system provider return uri.scheme === Schemas.file ? !isLinux : true; }); /** * BIASED utility that always ignores the casing of uris paths. ONLY use this util if you * understand what you are doing. * * This utility is INCOMPATIBLE with `uri.toString()`-usages and both CANNOT be used interchanged. * * When dealing with uris from files or documents, `extUri` (the unbiased friend)is sufficient * because those uris come from a "trustworthy source". When creating unknown uris it's always * better to use `IUriIdentityService` which exposes an `IExtUri`-instance which knows when path * casing matters. */ export const extUriIgnorePathCase = new ExtUri(_ => true); export const isEqual = extUri.isEqual.bind(extUri); export const isEqualOrParent = extUri.isEqualOrParent.bind(extUri); export const getComparisonKey = extUri.getComparisonKey.bind(extUri); export const basenameOrAuthority = extUri.basenameOrAuthority.bind(extUri); export const basename = extUri.basename.bind(extUri); export const extname = extUri.extname.bind(extUri); export const dirname = extUri.dirname.bind(extUri); export const joinPath = extUri.joinPath.bind(extUri); export const normalizePath = extUri.normalizePath.bind(extUri); export const relativePath = extUri.relativePath.bind(extUri); export const resolvePath = extUri.resolvePath.bind(extUri); export const isAbsolutePath = extUri.isAbsolutePath.bind(extUri); export const isEqualAuthority = extUri.isEqualAuthority.bind(extUri); export const hasTrailingPathSeparator = extUri.hasTrailingPathSeparator.bind(extUri); export const removeTrailingPathSeparator = extUri.removeTrailingPathSeparator.bind(extUri); export const addTrailingPathSeparator = extUri.addTrailingPathSeparator.bind(extUri); /** * Data URI related helpers. */ export var DataUri; (function (DataUri) { DataUri.META_DATA_LABEL = 'label'; DataUri.META_DATA_DESCRIPTION = 'description'; DataUri.META_DATA_SIZE = 'size'; DataUri.META_DATA_MIME = 'mime'; function parseMetaData(dataUri) { const metadata = new Map(); // Given a URI of: data:image/png;size:2313;label:SomeLabel;description:SomeDescription;base64,77+9UE5... // the metadata is: size:2313;label:SomeLabel;description:SomeDescription const meta = dataUri.path.substring(dataUri.path.indexOf(';') + 1, dataUri.path.lastIndexOf(';')); meta.split(';').forEach(property => { const [key, value] = property.split(':'); if (key && value) { metadata.set(key, value); } }); // Given a URI of: data:image/png;size:2313;label:SomeLabel;description:SomeDescription;base64,77+9UE5... // the mime is: image/png const mime = dataUri.path.substring(0, dataUri.path.indexOf(';')); if (mime) { metadata.set(DataUri.META_DATA_MIME, mime); } return metadata; } DataUri.parseMetaData = parseMetaData; })(DataUri || (DataUri = {}));