/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { illegalArgument } from './errors.js'; import { escapeIcons } from './iconLabels.js'; import { isEqual } from './resources.js'; import { escapeRegExpCharacters } from './strings.js'; import { URI } from './uri.js'; export class MarkdownString { constructor(value = '', isTrustedOrOptions = false) { var _a, _b, _c; this.value = value; if (typeof this.value !== 'string') { throw illegalArgument('value'); } if (typeof isTrustedOrOptions === 'boolean') { this.isTrusted = isTrustedOrOptions; this.supportThemeIcons = false; this.supportHtml = false; } else { this.isTrusted = (_a = isTrustedOrOptions.isTrusted) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : undefined; this.supportThemeIcons = (_b = isTrustedOrOptions.supportThemeIcons) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false; this.supportHtml = (_c = isTrustedOrOptions.supportHtml) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : false; } } appendText(value, newlineStyle = 0 /* MarkdownStringTextNewlineStyle.Paragraph */) { this.value += escapeMarkdownSyntaxTokens(this.supportThemeIcons ? escapeIcons(value) : value) .replace(/([ \t]+)/g, (_match, g1) => ' '.repeat(g1.length)) // CodeQL [SM02383] The Markdown is fully sanitized after being rendered. .replace(/\>/gm, '\\>') // CodeQL [SM02383] The Markdown is fully sanitized after being rendered. .replace(/\n/g, newlineStyle === 1 /* MarkdownStringTextNewlineStyle.Break */ ? '\\\n' : '\n\n'); // CodeQL [SM02383] The Markdown is fully sanitized after being rendered. return this; } appendMarkdown(value) { this.value += value; return this; } appendCodeblock(langId, code) { this.value += '\n```'; this.value += langId; this.value += '\n'; this.value += code; this.value += '\n```\n'; return this; } appendLink(target, label, title) { this.value += '['; this.value += this._escape(label, ']'); this.value += ']('; this.value += this._escape(String(target), ')'); if (title) { this.value += ` "${this._escape(this._escape(title, '"'), ')')}"`; } this.value += ')'; return this; } _escape(value, ch) { const r = new RegExp(escapeRegExpCharacters(ch), 'g'); return value.replace(r, (match, offset) => { if (value.charAt(offset - 1) !== '\\') { return `\\${match}`; } else { return match; } }); } } export function isEmptyMarkdownString(oneOrMany) { if (isMarkdownString(oneOrMany)) { return !oneOrMany.value; } else if (Array.isArray(oneOrMany)) { return oneOrMany.every(isEmptyMarkdownString); } else { return true; } } export function isMarkdownString(thing) { if (thing instanceof MarkdownString) { return true; } else if (thing && typeof thing === 'object') { return typeof thing.value === 'string' && (typeof thing.isTrusted === 'boolean' || typeof thing.isTrusted === 'object' || thing.isTrusted === undefined) && (typeof thing.supportThemeIcons === 'boolean' || thing.supportThemeIcons === undefined); } return false; } export function markdownStringEqual(a, b) { if (a === b) { return true; } else if (!a || !b) { return false; } else { return a.value === b.value && a.isTrusted === b.isTrusted && a.supportThemeIcons === b.supportThemeIcons && a.supportHtml === b.supportHtml && (a.baseUri === b.baseUri || !!a.baseUri && !!b.baseUri && isEqual(URI.from(a.baseUri), URI.from(b.baseUri))); } } export function escapeMarkdownSyntaxTokens(text) { // escape markdown syntax tokens: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#backslash return text.replace(/[\\`*_{}[\]()#+\-!~]/g, '\\$&'); // CodeQL [SM02383] Backslash is escaped in the character class } export function escapeDoubleQuotes(input) { return input.replace(/"/g, '"'); } export function removeMarkdownEscapes(text) { if (!text) { return text; } return text.replace(/\\([\\`*_{}[\]()#+\-.!~])/g, '$1'); } export function parseHrefAndDimensions(href) { const dimensions = []; const splitted = href.split('|').map(s => s.trim()); href = splitted[0]; const parameters = splitted[1]; if (parameters) { const heightFromParams = /height=(\d+)/.exec(parameters); const widthFromParams = /width=(\d+)/.exec(parameters); const height = heightFromParams ? heightFromParams[1] : ''; const width = widthFromParams ? widthFromParams[1] : ''; const widthIsFinite = isFinite(parseInt(width)); const heightIsFinite = isFinite(parseInt(height)); if (widthIsFinite) { dimensions.push(`width="${width}"`); } if (heightIsFinite) { dimensions.push(`height="${height}"`); } } return { href, dimensions }; }