"use strict"; /*!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Version: 0.43.0(94c055bcbdd49f04a0fa15515e848542a79fb948) * Released under the MIT license * https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor/blob/main/LICENSE.txt *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ define("vs/basic-languages/elixir/elixir", ["require"],(require)=>{ var moduleExports = (() => { var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // src/basic-languages/elixir/elixir.ts var elixir_exports = {}; __export(elixir_exports, { conf: () => conf, language: () => language }); var conf = { comments: { lineComment: "#" }, brackets: [ ["{", "}"], ["[", "]"], ["(", ")"] ], surroundingPairs: [ { open: "{", close: "}" }, { open: "[", close: "]" }, { open: "(", close: ")" }, { open: "'", close: "'" }, { open: '"', close: '"' } ], autoClosingPairs: [ { open: "'", close: "'", notIn: ["string", "comment"] }, { open: '"', close: '"', notIn: ["comment"] }, { open: '"""', close: '"""' }, { open: "`", close: "`", notIn: ["string", "comment"] }, { open: "(", close: ")" }, { open: "{", close: "}" }, { open: "[", close: "]" }, { open: "<<", close: ">>" } ], indentationRules: { increaseIndentPattern: /^\s*(after|else|catch|rescue|fn|[^#]*(do|<\-|\->|\{|\[|\=))\s*$/, decreaseIndentPattern: /^\s*((\}|\])\s*$|(after|else|catch|rescue|end)\b)/ } }; var language = { defaultToken: "source", tokenPostfix: ".elixir", brackets: [ { open: "[", close: "]", token: "delimiter.square" }, { open: "(", close: ")", token: "delimiter.parenthesis" }, { open: "{", close: "}", token: "delimiter.curly" }, { open: "<<", close: ">>", token: "delimiter.angle.special" } ], declarationKeywords: [ "def", "defp", "defn", "defnp", "defguard", "defguardp", "defmacro", "defmacrop", "defdelegate", "defcallback", "defmacrocallback", "defmodule", "defprotocol", "defexception", "defimpl", "defstruct" ], operatorKeywords: ["and", "in", "not", "or", "when"], namespaceKeywords: ["alias", "import", "require", "use"], otherKeywords: [ "after", "case", "catch", "cond", "do", "else", "end", "fn", "for", "if", "quote", "raise", "receive", "rescue", "super", "throw", "try", "unless", "unquote_splicing", "unquote", "with" ], constants: ["true", "false", "nil"], nameBuiltin: ["__MODULE__", "__DIR__", "__ENV__", "__CALLER__", "__STACKTRACE__"], operator: /-[->]?|!={0,2}|\*{1,2}|\/|\\\\|&{1,3}|\.\.?|\^(?:\^\^)?|\+\+?|<(?:-|<<|=|>|\|>|~>?)?|=~|={1,3}|>(?:=|>>)?|\|~>|\|>|\|{1,3}|~>>?|~~~|::/, variableName: /[a-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*[?!]?/, atomName: /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_@]*[?!]?|@specialAtomName|@operator/, specialAtomName: /\.\.\.|<<>>|%\{\}|%|\{\}/, aliasPart: /[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/, moduleName: /@aliasPart(?:\.@aliasPart)*/, sigilSymmetricDelimiter: /"""|'''|"|'|\/|\|/, sigilStartDelimiter: /@sigilSymmetricDelimiter|<|\{|\[|\(/, sigilEndDelimiter: /@sigilSymmetricDelimiter|>|\}|\]|\)/, sigilModifiers: /[a-zA-Z0-9]*/, decimal: /\d(?:_?\d)*/, hex: /[0-9a-fA-F](_?[0-9a-fA-F])*/, octal: /[0-7](_?[0-7])*/, binary: /[01](_?[01])*/, escape: /\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|\\./, tokenizer: { root: [ { include: "@whitespace" }, { include: "@comments" }, { include: "@keywordsShorthand" }, { include: "@numbers" }, { include: "@identifiers" }, { include: "@strings" }, { include: "@atoms" }, { include: "@sigils" }, { include: "@attributes" }, { include: "@symbols" } ], whitespace: [[/\s+/, "white"]], comments: [[/(#)(.*)/, ["comment.punctuation", "comment"]]], keywordsShorthand: [ [/(@atomName)(:)(\s+)/, ["constant", "constant.punctuation", "white"]], [ /"(?=([^"]|#\{.*?\}|\\")*":)/, { token: "constant.delimiter", next: "@doubleQuotedStringKeyword" } ], [ /'(?=([^']|#\{.*?\}|\\')*':)/, { token: "constant.delimiter", next: "@singleQuotedStringKeyword" } ] ], doubleQuotedStringKeyword: [ [/":/, { token: "constant.delimiter", next: "@pop" }], { include: "@stringConstantContentInterpol" } ], singleQuotedStringKeyword: [ [/':/, { token: "constant.delimiter", next: "@pop" }], { include: "@stringConstantContentInterpol" } ], numbers: [ [/0b@binary/, "number.binary"], [/0o@octal/, "number.octal"], [/0x@hex/, "number.hex"], [/@decimal\.@decimal([eE]-?@decimal)?/, "number.float"], [/@decimal/, "number"] ], identifiers: [ [ /\b(defp?|defnp?|defmacrop?|defguardp?|defdelegate)(\s+)(@variableName)(?!\s+@operator)/, [ "keyword.declaration", "white", { cases: { unquote: "keyword", "@default": "function" } } ] ], [ /(@variableName)(?=\s*\.?\s*\()/, { cases: { "@declarationKeywords": "keyword.declaration", "@namespaceKeywords": "keyword", "@otherKeywords": "keyword", "@default": "function.call" } } ], [ /(@moduleName)(\s*)(\.)(\s*)(@variableName)/, ["type.identifier", "white", "operator", "white", "function.call"] ], [ /(:)(@atomName)(\s*)(\.)(\s*)(@variableName)/, ["constant.punctuation", "constant", "white", "operator", "white", "function.call"] ], [ /(\|>)(\s*)(@variableName)/, [ "operator", "white", { cases: { "@otherKeywords": "keyword", "@default": "function.call" } } ] ], [ /(&)(\s*)(@variableName)/, ["operator", "white", "function.call"] ], [ /@variableName/, { cases: { "@declarationKeywords": "keyword.declaration", "@operatorKeywords": "keyword.operator", "@namespaceKeywords": "keyword", "@otherKeywords": "keyword", "@constants": "constant.language", "@nameBuiltin": "variable.language", "_.*": "comment.unused", "@default": "identifier" } } ], [/@moduleName/, "type.identifier"] ], strings: [ [/"""/, { token: "string.delimiter", next: "@doubleQuotedHeredoc" }], [/'''/, { token: "string.delimiter", next: "@singleQuotedHeredoc" }], [/"/, { token: "string.delimiter", next: "@doubleQuotedString" }], [/'/, { token: "string.delimiter", next: "@singleQuotedString" }] ], doubleQuotedHeredoc: [ [/"""/, { token: "string.delimiter", next: "@pop" }], { include: "@stringContentInterpol" } ], singleQuotedHeredoc: [ [/'''/, { token: "string.delimiter", next: "@pop" }], { include: "@stringContentInterpol" } ], doubleQuotedString: [ [/"/, { token: "string.delimiter", next: "@pop" }], { include: "@stringContentInterpol" } ], singleQuotedString: [ [/'/, { token: "string.delimiter", next: "@pop" }], { include: "@stringContentInterpol" } ], atoms: [ [/(:)(@atomName)/, ["constant.punctuation", "constant"]], [/:"/, { token: "constant.delimiter", next: "@doubleQuotedStringAtom" }], [/:'/, { token: "constant.delimiter", next: "@singleQuotedStringAtom" }] ], doubleQuotedStringAtom: [ [/"/, { token: "constant.delimiter", next: "@pop" }], { include: "@stringConstantContentInterpol" } ], singleQuotedStringAtom: [ [/'/, { token: "constant.delimiter", next: "@pop" }], { include: "@stringConstantContentInterpol" } ], sigils: [ [/~[a-z]@sigilStartDelimiter/, { token: "@rematch", next: "@sigil.interpol" }], [/~([A-Z]+)@sigilStartDelimiter/, { token: "@rematch", next: "@sigil.noInterpol" }] ], sigil: [ [/~([a-z]|[A-Z]+)\{/, { token: "@rematch", switchTo: "@sigilStart.$S2.$1.{.}" }], [/~([a-z]|[A-Z]+)\[/, { token: "@rematch", switchTo: "@sigilStart.$S2.$1.[.]" }], [/~([a-z]|[A-Z]+)\(/, { token: "@rematch", switchTo: "@sigilStart.$S2.$1.(.)" }], [/~([a-z]|[A-Z]+)\" }], [ /~([a-z]|[A-Z]+)(@sigilSymmetricDelimiter)/, { token: "@rematch", switchTo: "@sigilStart.$S2.$1.$2.$2" } ] ], "sigilStart.interpol.s": [ [ /~s@sigilStartDelimiter/, { token: "string.delimiter", switchTo: "@sigilContinue.$S2.$S3.$S4.$S5" } ] ], "sigilContinue.interpol.s": [ [ /(@sigilEndDelimiter)@sigilModifiers/, { cases: { "$1==$S5": { token: "string.delimiter", next: "@pop" }, "@default": "string" } } ], { include: "@stringContentInterpol" } ], "sigilStart.noInterpol.S": [ [ /~S@sigilStartDelimiter/, { token: "string.delimiter", switchTo: "@sigilContinue.$S2.$S3.$S4.$S5" } ] ], "sigilContinue.noInterpol.S": [ [/(^|[^\\])\\@sigilEndDelimiter/, "string"], [ /(@sigilEndDelimiter)@sigilModifiers/, { cases: { "$1==$S5": { token: "string.delimiter", next: "@pop" }, "@default": "string" } } ], { include: "@stringContent" } ], "sigilStart.interpol.r": [ [ /~r@sigilStartDelimiter/, { token: "regexp.delimiter", switchTo: "@sigilContinue.$S2.$S3.$S4.$S5" } ] ], "sigilContinue.interpol.r": [ [ /(@sigilEndDelimiter)@sigilModifiers/, { cases: { "$1==$S5": { token: "regexp.delimiter", next: "@pop" }, "@default": "regexp" } } ], { include: "@regexpContentInterpol" } ], "sigilStart.noInterpol.R": [ [ /~R@sigilStartDelimiter/, { token: "regexp.delimiter", switchTo: "@sigilContinue.$S2.$S3.$S4.$S5" } ] ], "sigilContinue.noInterpol.R": [ [/(^|[^\\])\\@sigilEndDelimiter/, "regexp"], [ /(@sigilEndDelimiter)@sigilModifiers/, { cases: { "$1==$S5": { token: "regexp.delimiter", next: "@pop" }, "@default": "regexp" } } ], { include: "@regexpContent" } ], "sigilStart.interpol": [ [ /~([a-z]|[A-Z]+)@sigilStartDelimiter/, { token: "sigil.delimiter", switchTo: "@sigilContinue.$S2.$S3.$S4.$S5" } ] ], "sigilContinue.interpol": [ [ /(@sigilEndDelimiter)@sigilModifiers/, { cases: { "$1==$S5": { token: "sigil.delimiter", next: "@pop" }, "@default": "sigil" } } ], { include: "@sigilContentInterpol" } ], "sigilStart.noInterpol": [ [ /~([a-z]|[A-Z]+)@sigilStartDelimiter/, { token: "sigil.delimiter", switchTo: "@sigilContinue.$S2.$S3.$S4.$S5" } ] ], "sigilContinue.noInterpol": [ [/(^|[^\\])\\@sigilEndDelimiter/, "sigil"], [ /(@sigilEndDelimiter)@sigilModifiers/, { cases: { "$1==$S5": { token: "sigil.delimiter", next: "@pop" }, "@default": "sigil" } } ], { include: "@sigilContent" } ], attributes: [ [ /\@(module|type)?doc (~[sS])?"""/, { token: "comment.block.documentation", next: "@doubleQuotedHeredocDocstring" } ], [ /\@(module|type)?doc (~[sS])?'''/, { token: "comment.block.documentation", next: "@singleQuotedHeredocDocstring" } ], [ /\@(module|type)?doc (~[sS])?"/, { token: "comment.block.documentation", next: "@doubleQuotedStringDocstring" } ], [ /\@(module|type)?doc (~[sS])?'/, { token: "comment.block.documentation", next: "@singleQuotedStringDocstring" } ], [/\@(module|type)?doc false/, "comment.block.documentation"], [/\@(@variableName)/, "variable"] ], doubleQuotedHeredocDocstring: [ [/"""/, { token: "comment.block.documentation", next: "@pop" }], { include: "@docstringContent" } ], singleQuotedHeredocDocstring: [ [/'''/, { token: "comment.block.documentation", next: "@pop" }], { include: "@docstringContent" } ], doubleQuotedStringDocstring: [ [/"/, { token: "comment.block.documentation", next: "@pop" }], { include: "@docstringContent" } ], singleQuotedStringDocstring: [ [/'/, { token: "comment.block.documentation", next: "@pop" }], { include: "@docstringContent" } ], symbols: [ [/\?(\\.|[^\\\s])/, "number.constant"], [/&\d+/, "operator"], [/<<<|>>>/, "operator"], [/[()\[\]\{\}]|<<|>>/, "@brackets"], [/\.\.\./, "identifier"], [/=>/, "punctuation"], [/@operator/, "operator"], [/[:;,.%]/, "punctuation"] ], stringContentInterpol: [ { include: "@interpolation" }, { include: "@escapeChar" }, { include: "@stringContent" } ], stringContent: [[/./, "string"]], stringConstantContentInterpol: [ { include: "@interpolation" }, { include: "@escapeChar" }, { include: "@stringConstantContent" } ], stringConstantContent: [[/./, "constant"]], regexpContentInterpol: [ { include: "@interpolation" }, { include: "@escapeChar" }, { include: "@regexpContent" } ], regexpContent: [ [/(\s)(#)(\s.*)$/, ["white", "comment.punctuation", "comment"]], [/./, "regexp"] ], sigilContentInterpol: [ { include: "@interpolation" }, { include: "@escapeChar" }, { include: "@sigilContent" } ], sigilContent: [[/./, "sigil"]], docstringContent: [[/./, "comment.block.documentation"]], escapeChar: [[/@escape/, "constant.character.escape"]], interpolation: [[/#{/, { token: "delimiter.bracket.embed", next: "@interpolationContinue" }]], interpolationContinue: [ [/}/, { token: "delimiter.bracket.embed", next: "@pop" }], { include: "@root" } ] } }; return __toCommonJS(elixir_exports); })(); return moduleExports; });