/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * * @format */ 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.getModuleDocblock = getModuleDocblock; exports.parseDocblockString = parseDocblockString; const DIRECTIVE_REGEX = /^\s*@([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)( +.+)?$/; function parseDocblockString(docblock) { const directiveLines = docblock.split('\n') // remove the leading " *" from each line .map(line => line.trimStart().replace(/^\* ?/, '').trim()).filter(line => line.startsWith('@')); const directives = // $FlowExpectedError[incompatible-type] - flow types this return as {...} Object.create(null); for (const line of directiveLines) { var _match$; const match = DIRECTIVE_REGEX.exec(line); if (match == null) { continue; } const name = match[1]; // explicitly use an empty string if there's no value // this way the array length tracks how many instances of the directive there was const value = ((_match$ = match[2]) != null ? _match$ : '').trim(); if (directives[name]) { directives[name].push(value); } else { directives[name] = [value]; } } return directives; } function getModuleDocblock(hermesProgram) { const docblockNode = (() => { if (hermesProgram.type !== 'Program') { return null; } // $FlowExpectedError[incompatible-type] - escape out of the unsafe hermes types const program = hermesProgram; if (program.comments.length === 0) { return null; } const firstComment = (() => { const first = program.comments[0]; if (first.type === 'Block') { return first; } if (program.comments.length === 1) { return null; } // ESLint will always strip out the shebang comment from the code before passing it to the parser // https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/21d647904dc30f9484b22acdd9243a6d0ecfba38/lib/linter/linter.js#L779 // this means that we're forced to parse it as a line comment :( // this hacks around it by selecting the second comment in this case const second = program.comments[1]; if (first.type === 'Line' && first.range[0] === 0 && second.type === 'Block') { return second; } return null; })(); if (firstComment == null) { return null; } /* Handle cases like this where the comment isn't actually the first thing in the code: ``` const x = 1; /* docblock *./ ``` */ if (program.body.length > 0 && program.body[0].range[0] < firstComment.range[0]) { return null; } return firstComment; })(); if (docblockNode == null) { return null; } return { directives: parseDocblockString(docblockNode.value), comment: docblockNode }; }