"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var _helperModuleImports = require("@babel/helper-module-imports"); var _detectors = require("../utils/detectors"); var _options = require("../utils/options"); // Most of this code was taken from @satya164's babel-plugin-css-prop // @see https://github.com/satya164/babel-plugin-css-prop const TAG_NAME_REGEXP = /^[a-z][a-z\d]*(\-[a-z][a-z\d]*)?$/; const getName = (node, t) => { if (typeof node.name === 'string') return node.name; if (t.isJSXMemberExpression(node)) { return `${getName(node.object, t)}.${node.property.name}`; } throw path.buildCodeFrameError(`Cannot infer name from node with type "${node.type}". Please submit an issue at github.com/styled-components/babel-plugin-styled-components with your code so we can take a look at your use case!`); }; const getNameExpression = (node, t) => { if (typeof node.name === 'string') return t.identifier(node.name); if (t.isJSXMemberExpression(node)) { return t.memberExpression(getNameExpression(node.object, t), t.identifier(node.property.name)); } throw path.buildCodeFrameError(`Cannot infer name expression from node with type "${node.type}". Please submit an issue at github.com/styled-components/babel-plugin-styled-components with your code so we can take a look at your use case!`); }; const getLocalIdentifier = path => { const identifier = path.scope.generateUidIdentifier('css'); // make it transient identifier.name = identifier.name.replace('_', '$_'); return identifier; }; var _default = t => (path, state) => { if (!(0, _options.useCssProp)(state)) return; if (path.node.name.name !== 'css') return; const program = state.file.path; // state.customImportName is passed through from styled-components/macro if it's used // since the macro also inserts the import let importName = state.customImportName || (0, _detectors.importLocalName)('default', state); const { bindings } = program.scope; // Insert import if it doesn't exist yet if (!importName || !bindings[importName.name] || !bindings[importName]) { (0, _helperModuleImports.addDefault)(path, 'styled-components', { nameHint: 'styled' }); importName = t.identifier((0, _detectors.importLocalName)('default', state, { bypassCache: true })); } if (!t.isIdentifier(importName)) importName = t.identifier(importName); const elem = path.parentPath; const name = getName(elem.node.name, t); const nameExpression = getNameExpression(elem.node.name, t); const id = path.scope.generateUidIdentifier('Styled' + name.replace(/^([a-z])/, (match, p1) => p1.toUpperCase())); let styled; let injector; if (TAG_NAME_REGEXP.test(name)) { styled = t.callExpression(importName, [t.stringLiteral(name)]); } else { styled = t.callExpression(importName, [nameExpression]); if (bindings[name] && !t.isImportDeclaration(bindings[name].path.parent)) { injector = nodeToInsert => (t.isVariableDeclaration(bindings[name].path.parent) ? bindings[name].path.parentPath : bindings[name].path).insertAfter(nodeToInsert); } } let css; if (t.isStringLiteral(path.node.value)) { css = t.templateLiteral([t.templateElement({ raw: path.node.value.value, cooked: path.node.value.value }, true)], []); } else if (t.isJSXExpressionContainer(path.node.value)) { if (t.isTemplateLiteral(path.node.value.expression)) { css = path.node.value.expression; } else if (t.isTaggedTemplateExpression(path.node.value.expression) && path.node.value.expression.tag.name === 'css') { css = path.node.value.expression.quasi; } else if (t.isObjectExpression(path.node.value.expression)) { css = path.node.value.expression; } else { css = t.templateLiteral([t.templateElement({ raw: '', cooked: '' }, false), t.templateElement({ raw: '', cooked: '' }, true)], [path.node.value.expression]); } } if (!css) return; // strip off css prop from final output elem.node.attributes = elem.node.attributes.filter(x => t.isJSXSpreadAttribute(x) || (t.isJSXAttribute(x) ? x.name.name !== 'css' : false)); elem.node.name = t.jSXIdentifier(id.name); if (elem.parentPath.node.closingElement) { elem.parentPath.node.closingElement.name = t.jSXIdentifier(id.name); } // object syntax if (t.isObjectExpression(css)) { /** * for objects as CSS props, we have to recurse through the object and replace any * object key/value scope references with generated props similar to how the template * literal transform above creates dynamic interpolations */ const p = t.identifier('p'); let replaceObjectWithPropFunction = false; css.properties = css.properties.reduce(function propertiesReducer(acc, property) { /** * handle potential object key interpolations */ if (t.isMemberExpression(property.key) || t.isCallExpression(property.key) || // checking for css={{[something]: something}} t.isIdentifier(property.key) && path.scope.hasBinding(property.key.name) && ( // but not a object reference shorthand like css={{ color }} t.isIdentifier(property.value) ? property.key.name !== property.value.name : true) && // and not a tricky expression !t.isMemberExpression(property.value) && !t.isLogicalExpression(property.value) && !t.isConditionalExpression(property.value)) { replaceObjectWithPropFunction = true; const identifier = getLocalIdentifier(path); elem.node.attributes.push(t.jSXAttribute(t.jSXIdentifier(identifier.name), t.jSXExpressionContainer(property.key))); property.key = t.memberExpression(p, identifier); } if (t.isObjectExpression(property.value)) { // recurse for objects within objects (e.g. {'::before': { content: x }}) property.value.properties = property.value.properties.reduce(propertiesReducer, []); acc.push(property); } else if (t.isSpreadElement(property)) { // handle spread variables and such if (t.isObjectExpression(property.argument)) { property.argument.properties = property.argument.properties.reduce(propertiesReducer, []); } else { replaceObjectWithPropFunction = true; const identifier = getLocalIdentifier(path); elem.node.attributes.push(t.jSXAttribute(t.jSXIdentifier(identifier.name), t.jSXExpressionContainer(property.argument))); property.argument = t.memberExpression(p, identifier); } acc.push(property); } else if ( // if a non-primitive value we have to interpolate it [t.isBigIntLiteral, t.isBooleanLiteral, t.isNullLiteral, t.isNumericLiteral, t.isStringLiteral].filter(Boolean) // older versions of babel might not have bigint support baked in .every(x => !x(property.value))) { replaceObjectWithPropFunction = true; const identifier = getLocalIdentifier(path); elem.node.attributes.push(t.jSXAttribute(t.jSXIdentifier(identifier.name), t.jSXExpressionContainer(property.value))); acc.push(t.objectProperty(property.key, t.memberExpression(p, identifier))); } else { // some sort of primitive which is safe to pass through as-is acc.push(property); } return acc; }, []); if (replaceObjectWithPropFunction) { css = t.arrowFunctionExpression([p], css); } } else { // tagged template literal css.expressions = css.expressions.reduce((acc, ex) => { if (Object.keys(bindings).some(key => bindings[key].referencePaths.find(p => p.node === ex)) || t.isFunctionExpression(ex) || t.isArrowFunctionExpression(ex)) { acc.push(ex); } else { const identifier = getLocalIdentifier(path); const p = t.identifier('p'); elem.node.attributes.push(t.jSXAttribute(t.jSXIdentifier(identifier.name), t.jSXExpressionContainer(ex))); acc.push(t.arrowFunctionExpression([p], t.memberExpression(p, identifier))); } return acc; }, []); } if (!injector) { let parent = elem; while (!t.isProgram(parent)) { parent = parent.parentPath; } injector = nodeToInsert => parent.pushContainer('body', nodeToInsert); } injector(t.variableDeclaration('var', [t.variableDeclarator(id, t.isObjectExpression(css) || t.isArrowFunctionExpression(css) ? t.callExpression(styled, [css]) : t.taggedTemplateExpression(styled, css))])); }; exports.default = _default;