"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.isWithThemeHelper = exports.isValidTopLevelImport = exports.isUseTheme = exports.isStyled = exports.isPureHelper = exports.isKeyframesHelper = exports.isInjectGlobalHelper = exports.isHelper = exports.isCreateGlobalStyleHelper = exports.isCSSHelper = exports.importLocalName = void 0; var _getSequenceExpressionValue = _interopRequireDefault(require("./getSequenceExpressionValue")); var _options = require("./options"); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } const VALID_TOP_LEVEL_IMPORT_PATH_MATCHERS = ['styled-components', 'styled-components/no-tags', 'styled-components/native', 'styled-components/primitives'].map(literal => x => x === literal); const isValidTopLevelImport = (x, state) => { return [...VALID_TOP_LEVEL_IMPORT_PATH_MATCHERS, ...(0, _options.useTopLevelImportPathMatchers)(state)].some(isMatch => isMatch(x)); }; exports.isValidTopLevelImport = isValidTopLevelImport; const localNameCache = {}; const importLocalName = (name, state, options = {}) => { const { cacheIdentifier, bypassCache = false } = options; const cacheKeyAffix = cacheIdentifier ? `|${cacheIdentifier}` : ''; const cacheKey = name + state.file.opts.filename + cacheKeyAffix; if (!bypassCache && cacheKey in localNameCache) { return localNameCache[cacheKey]; // state.customImportName is injected by the babel macro } else if (state.customImportName) { return state.customImportName.name; } let localName = state.styledRequired ? name === 'default' ? 'styled' : name : false; state.file.path.traverse({ ImportDeclaration: { exit(path) { const { node } = path; if (isValidTopLevelImport(node.source.value, state)) { for (const specifier of path.get('specifiers')) { if (specifier.isImportSpecifier() && specifier.node.imported.name === 'styled') { localName = 'styled'; } if (specifier.isImportDefaultSpecifier()) { localName = specifier.node.local.name; } if (specifier.isImportSpecifier() && specifier.node.imported.name === name) { localName = specifier.node.local.name; } if (specifier.isImportNamespaceSpecifier()) { localName = name === 'default' ? specifier.node.local.name : name; } } } } } }); localNameCache[cacheKey] = localName; return localName; }; exports.importLocalName = importLocalName; const isStyled = t => (tag, state) => { if (t.isCallExpression(tag) && t.isMemberExpression(tag.callee) && tag.callee.property.name !== 'default' /** ignore default for #93 below */ ) { // styled.something() return isStyled(t)(tag.callee.object, state); } else if (t.isCallExpression(tag) && t.isSequenceExpression(tag.callee) && t.isMemberExpression((0, _getSequenceExpressionValue.default)(tag.callee)) && (0, _getSequenceExpressionValue.default)(tag.callee).property.name !== 'default' /** ignore default for #93 below */ ) { // (..., styled).something() return isStyled(t)((0, _getSequenceExpressionValue.default)(tag.callee), state); } else { return t.isMemberExpression(tag) && tag.object.name === importLocalName('default', state, { cacheIdentifier: tag.object.name }) && !isHelper(t)(tag.property, state) || t.isCallExpression(tag) && tag.callee.name === importLocalName('default', state, { cacheIdentifier: tag.callee.name }) || t.isCallExpression(tag) && t.isSequenceExpression(tag.callee) && (0, _getSequenceExpressionValue.default)(tag.callee).name === importLocalName('default', state, { cacheIdentifier: (0, _getSequenceExpressionValue.default)(tag.callee).name }) || /** * #93 Support require() * styled-components might be imported using a require() * call and assigned to a variable of any name. * - styled.default.div`` * - styled.default.something() */ state.styledRequired && t.isMemberExpression(tag) && t.isMemberExpression(tag.object) && tag.object.property.name === 'default' && tag.object.object.name === state.styledRequired || state.styledRequired && t.isCallExpression(tag) && t.isMemberExpression(tag.callee) && tag.callee.property.name === 'default' && tag.callee.object.name === state.styledRequired || state.styledRequired && t.isCallExpression(tag) && t.isSequenceExpression(tag.callee) && t.isMemberExpression((0, _getSequenceExpressionValue.default)(tag.callee)) && (0, _getSequenceExpressionValue.default)(tag.callee).property.name === 'default' && (0, _getSequenceExpressionValue.default)(tag.callee).object.name === state.styledRequired || importLocalName('default', state) && t.isMemberExpression(tag) && t.isMemberExpression(tag.object) && tag.object.property.name === 'default' && tag.object.object.name === importLocalName('default', state) || importLocalName('default', state) && t.isCallExpression(tag) && t.isMemberExpression(tag.callee) && tag.object.property.name === 'default' && tag.object.object.name === importLocalName('default', state); } }; exports.isStyled = isStyled; const isCSSHelper = t => (tag, state) => t.isIdentifier(tag) && tag.name === importLocalName('css', state); exports.isCSSHelper = isCSSHelper; const isCreateGlobalStyleHelper = t => (tag, state) => t.isIdentifier(tag) && tag.name === importLocalName('createGlobalStyle', state); exports.isCreateGlobalStyleHelper = isCreateGlobalStyleHelper; const isInjectGlobalHelper = t => (tag, state) => t.isIdentifier(tag) && tag.name === importLocalName('injectGlobal', state); exports.isInjectGlobalHelper = isInjectGlobalHelper; const isKeyframesHelper = t => (tag, state) => t.isIdentifier(tag) && tag.name === importLocalName('keyframes', state); exports.isKeyframesHelper = isKeyframesHelper; const isWithThemeHelper = t => (tag, state) => t.isIdentifier(tag) && tag.name === importLocalName('withTheme', state); exports.isWithThemeHelper = isWithThemeHelper; const isUseTheme = t => (tag, state) => t.isIdentifier(tag) && tag.name === importLocalName('useTheme', state); exports.isUseTheme = isUseTheme; const isHelper = t => (tag, state) => isCreateGlobalStyleHelper(t)(tag, state) || isCSSHelper(t)(tag, state) || isInjectGlobalHelper(t)(tag, state) || isUseTheme(t)(tag, state) || isKeyframesHelper(t)(tag, state) || isWithThemeHelper(t)(tag, state); exports.isHelper = isHelper; const isPureHelper = t => (tag, state) => isCreateGlobalStyleHelper(t)(tag, state) || isCSSHelper(t)(tag, state) || isKeyframesHelper(t)(tag, state) || isUseTheme(t)(tag, state) || isWithThemeHelper(t)(tag, state); exports.isPureHelper = isPureHelper;