"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.splitByPlaceholders = exports.placeholderRegex = exports.makePlaceholder = void 0; // The capture group makes sure that the split contains the interpolation index const placeholderRegex = /(?:__PLACEHOLDER_(\d+)__)/g; // Alternative regex that splits without a capture group exports.placeholderRegex = placeholderRegex; const placeholderNonCapturingRegex = /__PLACEHOLDER_(?:\d+)__/g; // Generates a placeholder from an index const makePlaceholder = index => `__PLACEHOLDER_${index}__`; // Splits CSS by placeholders exports.makePlaceholder = makePlaceholder; const splitByPlaceholders = ([css, ...rest], capture = true) => [css.split(capture ? placeholderRegex : placeholderNonCapturingRegex), ...rest]; exports.splitByPlaceholders = splitByPlaceholders;