import type { CSSProperties } from 'react'; export interface ComponentToken { /** * @desc 选择器宽度 * @descEN Width of Cascader */ controlWidth: number; /** * @desc 选项宽度 * @descEN Width of item */ controlItemWidth: number; /** * @desc 下拉菜单高度 * @descEN Height of dropdown */ dropdownHeight: number; /** * @desc 选项选中时背景色 * @descEN Background color of selected item */ optionSelectedBg: string; /** * @desc 选项选中时字重 * @descEN Font weight of selected item */ optionSelectedFontWeight: CSSProperties['fontWeight']; /** * @desc 选项内间距 * @descEN Padding of menu item */ optionPadding: CSSProperties['padding']; /** * @desc 选项菜单(单列)内间距 * @descEN Padding of menu item (single column) */ menuPadding: CSSProperties['padding']; } declare const _default: (prefixCls: string) => import("../../theme/interface").UseComponentStyleResult; export default _default;