import { blue } from '@ant-design/colors'; import { TinyColor } from '@ctrl/tinycolor'; import { clearFix, textEllipsis } from '../../style'; const genPictureStyle = token => { const { componentCls, iconCls, uploadThumbnailSize, uploadProgressOffset } = token; const listCls = `${componentCls}-list`; const itemCls = `${listCls}-item`; return { [`${componentCls}-wrapper`]: { // ${listCls} 增加优先级 [` ${listCls}${listCls}-picture, ${listCls}${listCls}-picture-card, ${listCls}${listCls}-picture-circle `]: { [itemCls]: { position: 'relative', height: uploadThumbnailSize + token.lineWidth * 2 + token.paddingXS * 2, padding: token.paddingXS, border: `${token.lineWidth}px ${token.lineType} ${token.colorBorder}`, borderRadius: token.borderRadiusLG, '&:hover': { background: 'transparent' }, [`${itemCls}-thumbnail`]: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, textEllipsis), { width: uploadThumbnailSize, height: uploadThumbnailSize, lineHeight: `${uploadThumbnailSize + token.paddingSM}px`, textAlign: 'center', flex: 'none', [iconCls]: { fontSize: token.fontSizeHeading2, color: token.colorPrimary }, img: { display: 'block', width: '100%', height: '100%', overflow: 'hidden' } }), [`${itemCls}-progress`]: { bottom: uploadProgressOffset, width: `calc(100% - ${token.paddingSM * 2}px)`, marginTop: 0, paddingInlineStart: uploadThumbnailSize + token.paddingXS } }, [`${itemCls}-error`]: { borderColor: token.colorError, // Adjust the color of the error icon : [`${itemCls}-thumbnail ${iconCls}`]: { [`svg path[fill='${blue[0]}']`]: { fill: token.colorErrorBg }, [`svg path[fill='${blue.primary}']`]: { fill: token.colorError } } }, [`${itemCls}-uploading`]: { borderStyle: 'dashed', [`${itemCls}-name`]: { marginBottom: uploadProgressOffset } } }, [`${listCls}${listCls}-picture-circle ${itemCls}`]: { [`&, &::before, ${itemCls}-thumbnail`]: { borderRadius: '50%' } } } }; }; const genPictureCardStyle = token => { const { componentCls, iconCls, fontSizeLG, colorTextLightSolid } = token; const listCls = `${componentCls}-list`; const itemCls = `${listCls}-item`; const uploadPictureCardSize = token.uploadPicCardSize; return { [` ${componentCls}-wrapper${componentCls}-picture-card-wrapper, ${componentCls}-wrapper${componentCls}-picture-circle-wrapper `]: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, clearFix()), { display: 'inline-block', width: '100%', [`${componentCls}${componentCls}-select`]: { width: uploadPictureCardSize, height: uploadPictureCardSize, marginInlineEnd: token.marginXS, marginBottom: token.marginXS, textAlign: 'center', verticalAlign: 'top', backgroundColor: token.colorFillAlter, border: `${token.lineWidth}px dashed ${token.colorBorder}`, borderRadius: token.borderRadiusLG, cursor: 'pointer', transition: `border-color ${token.motionDurationSlow}`, [`> ${componentCls}`]: { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', height: '100%', textAlign: 'center' }, [`&:not(${componentCls}-disabled):hover`]: { borderColor: token.colorPrimary } }, // list [`${listCls}${listCls}-picture-card, ${listCls}${listCls}-picture-circle`]: { [`${listCls}-item-container`]: { display: 'inline-block', width: uploadPictureCardSize, height: uploadPictureCardSize, marginBlock: `0 ${token.marginXS}px`, marginInline: `0 ${token.marginXS}px`, verticalAlign: 'top' }, '&::after': { display: 'none' }, [itemCls]: { height: '100%', margin: 0, '&::before': { position: 'absolute', zIndex: 1, width: `calc(100% - ${token.paddingXS * 2}px)`, height: `calc(100% - ${token.paddingXS * 2}px)`, backgroundColor: token.colorBgMask, opacity: 0, transition: `all ${token.motionDurationSlow}`, content: '" "' } }, [`${itemCls}:hover`]: { [`&::before, ${itemCls}-actions`]: { opacity: 1 } }, [`${itemCls}-actions`]: { position: 'absolute', insetInlineStart: 0, zIndex: 10, width: '100%', whiteSpace: 'nowrap', textAlign: 'center', opacity: 0, transition: `all ${token.motionDurationSlow}`, [`${iconCls}-eye, ${iconCls}-download, ${iconCls}-delete`]: { zIndex: 10, width: fontSizeLG, margin: `0 ${token.marginXXS}px`, fontSize: fontSizeLG, cursor: 'pointer', transition: `all ${token.motionDurationSlow}`, svg: { verticalAlign: 'baseline' } } }, [`${itemCls}-actions, ${itemCls}-actions:hover`]: { [`${iconCls}-eye, ${iconCls}-download, ${iconCls}-delete`]: { color: new TinyColor(colorTextLightSolid).setAlpha(0.65).toRgbString(), '&:hover': { color: colorTextLightSolid } } }, [`${itemCls}-thumbnail, ${itemCls}-thumbnail img`]: { position: 'static', display: 'block', width: '100%', height: '100%', objectFit: 'contain' }, [`${itemCls}-name`]: { display: 'none', textAlign: 'center' }, [`${itemCls}-file + ${itemCls}-name`]: { position: 'absolute', bottom: token.margin, display: 'block', width: `calc(100% - ${token.paddingXS * 2}px)` }, [`${itemCls}-uploading`]: { [`&${itemCls}`]: { backgroundColor: token.colorFillAlter }, [`&::before, ${iconCls}-eye, ${iconCls}-download, ${iconCls}-delete`]: { display: 'none' } }, [`${itemCls}-progress`]: { bottom: token.marginXL, width: `calc(100% - ${token.paddingXS * 2}px)`, paddingInlineStart: 0 } } }), [`${componentCls}-wrapper${componentCls}-picture-circle-wrapper`]: { [`${componentCls}${componentCls}-select`]: { borderRadius: '50%' } } }; }; export { genPictureStyle, genPictureCardStyle };