import { operationUnit } from '../../style'; const genExpandStyle = token => { const { componentCls, antCls, controlInteractiveSize: checkboxSize, motionDurationSlow, lineWidth, paddingXS, lineType, tableBorderColor, tableExpandIconBg, tableExpandColumnWidth, borderRadius, fontSize, fontSizeSM, lineHeight, tablePaddingVertical, tablePaddingHorizontal, tableExpandedRowBg, paddingXXS } = token; const halfInnerSize = checkboxSize / 2 - lineWidth; // must be odd number, unless it cannot align center const expandIconSize = halfInnerSize * 2 + lineWidth * 3; const tableBorder = `${lineWidth}px ${lineType} ${tableBorderColor}`; const expandIconLineOffset = paddingXXS - lineWidth; return { [`${componentCls}-wrapper`]: { [`${componentCls}-expand-icon-col`]: { width: tableExpandColumnWidth }, [`${componentCls}-row-expand-icon-cell`]: { textAlign: 'center', [`${componentCls}-row-expand-icon`]: { display: 'inline-flex', float: 'none', verticalAlign: 'sub' } }, [`${componentCls}-row-indent`]: { height: 1, float: 'left' }, [`${componentCls}-row-expand-icon`]: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, operationUnit(token)), { position: 'relative', float: 'left', boxSizing: 'border-box', width: expandIconSize, height: expandIconSize, padding: 0, color: 'inherit', lineHeight: `${expandIconSize}px`, background: tableExpandIconBg, border: tableBorder, borderRadius, transform: `scale(${checkboxSize / expandIconSize})`, transition: `all ${motionDurationSlow}`, userSelect: 'none', [`&:focus, &:hover, &:active`]: { borderColor: 'currentcolor' }, [`&::before, &::after`]: { position: 'absolute', background: 'currentcolor', transition: `transform ${motionDurationSlow} ease-out`, content: '""' }, '&::before': { top: halfInnerSize, insetInlineEnd: expandIconLineOffset, insetInlineStart: expandIconLineOffset, height: lineWidth }, '&::after': { top: expandIconLineOffset, bottom: expandIconLineOffset, insetInlineStart: halfInnerSize, width: lineWidth, transform: 'rotate(90deg)' }, // Motion effect '&-collapsed::before': { transform: 'rotate(-180deg)' }, '&-collapsed::after': { transform: 'rotate(0deg)' }, '&-spaced': { '&::before, &::after': { display: 'none', content: 'none' }, background: 'transparent', border: 0, visibility: 'hidden' } }), [`${componentCls}-row-indent + ${componentCls}-row-expand-icon`]: { marginTop: (fontSize * lineHeight - lineWidth * 3) / 2 - Math.ceil((fontSizeSM * 1.4 - lineWidth * 3) / 2), marginInlineEnd: paddingXS }, [`tr${componentCls}-expanded-row`]: { '&, &:hover': { [`> th, > td`]: { background: tableExpandedRowBg } }, // [`${antCls}-descriptions-view`]: { display: 'flex', table: { flex: 'auto', width: 'auto' } } }, // With fixed [`${componentCls}-expanded-row-fixed`]: { position: 'relative', margin: `-${tablePaddingVertical}px -${tablePaddingHorizontal}px`, padding: `${tablePaddingVertical}px ${tablePaddingHorizontal}px` } } }; }; export default genExpandStyle;