import type { CSSProperties } from 'react'; import type { FullToken, UseComponentStyleResult } from '../../theme/internal'; /** Component only token. Which will handle additional calculation of alias token */ export interface ComponentToken { /** * @desc 弹出菜单的宽度 * @descEN Width of popup menu */ dropdownWidth: number; /** * @desc 弹出菜单的 z-index * @descEN z-index of popup menu */ zIndexPopup: number; /** @deprecated Use `groupTitleColor` instead */ colorGroupTitle: string; /** * @desc 分组标题文字颜色 * @descEN Color of group title text */ groupTitleColor: string; /** * @desc 分组标题文字高度 * @descEN line-height of group title */ groupTitleLineHeight: CSSProperties['lineHeight']; /** * @desc 分组标题文字大小 * @descEN font-size of group title */ groupTitleFontSize: number; /** @deprecated Use `itemBorderRadius` instead */ radiusItem: number; /** * @desc 菜单项的圆角 * @descEN Radius of menu item */ itemBorderRadius: number; /** @deprecated Use `subMenuItemBorderRadius` instead */ radiusSubMenuItem: number; /** * @desc 子菜单项的圆角 * @descEN Radius of sub-menu item */ subMenuItemBorderRadius: number; /** @deprecated Use `itemColor` instead */ colorItemText: string; /** * @desc 菜单项文字颜色 * @descEN Color of menu item text */ itemColor: string; /** @deprecated Use `itemHoverColor` instead */ colorItemTextHover: string; /** * @desc 菜单项文字悬浮颜色 * @descEN Hover color of menu item text */ itemHoverColor: string; /** @deprecated Use `horizontalItemHoverColor` instead */ colorItemTextHoverHorizontal: string; /** * @desc 水平菜单项文字悬浮颜色 * @descEN Hover color of horizontal menu item text */ horizontalItemHoverColor: string; /** @deprecated Use `itemSelectedColor` instead */ colorItemTextSelected: string; /** * @desc 菜单项文字选中颜色 * @descEN Color of selected menu item text */ itemSelectedColor: string; /** @deprecated Use `horizontalItemSelectedColor` instead */ colorItemTextSelectedHorizontal: string; /** * @desc 水平菜单项文字选中颜色 * @descEN Color of selected horizontal menu item text */ horizontalItemSelectedColor: string; /** @deprecated Use `itemDisabledColor` instead */ colorItemTextDisabled: string; /** * @desc 菜单项文字禁用颜色 * @descEN Color of disabled menu item text */ itemDisabledColor: string; /** @deprecated Use `dangerItemColor` instead */ colorDangerItemText: string; /** * @desc 危险菜单项文字颜色 * @descEN Color of danger menu item text */ dangerItemColor: string; /** @deprecated Use `dangerItemHoverColor` instead */ colorDangerItemTextHover: string; /** * @desc 危险菜单项文字悬浮颜色 * @descEN Hover color of danger menu item text */ dangerItemHoverColor: string; /** @deprecated Use `dangerItemSelectedColor` instead */ colorDangerItemTextSelected: string; /** * @desc 危险菜单项文字选中颜色 * @descEN Color of selected danger menu item text */ dangerItemSelectedColor: string; /** @deprecated Use `dangerItemActiveBg` instead */ colorDangerItemBgActive: string; /** * @desc 危险菜单项文字激活颜色 * @descEN Color of active danger menu item text */ dangerItemActiveBg: string; /** @deprecated Use `dangerItemSelectedBg` instead */ colorDangerItemBgSelected: string; /** * @desc 危险菜单项文字选中颜色 * @descEN Color of selected danger menu item text */ dangerItemSelectedBg: string; /** @deprecated Use `itemBg` instead */ colorItemBg: string; /** * @desc 菜单项背景色 */ itemBg: string; /** @deprecated Use `itemHoverBg` instead */ colorItemBgHover: string; /** * @desc 菜单项悬浮态背景色 * @descEN Background color of menu item when hover */ itemHoverBg: string; /** @deprecated Use `subMenuItemBg` instead */ colorSubItemBg: string; /** * @desc 子菜单项背景色 * @descEN Background color of sub-menu item */ subMenuItemBg: string; /** @deprecated Use `itemActiveBg` instead */ colorItemBgActive: string; /** * @desc 菜单项激活态背景色 * @descEN Background color of menu item when active */ itemActiveBg: string; /** @deprecated Use `itemSelectedBg` instead */ colorItemBgSelected: string; /** * @desc 菜单项选中态背景色 * @descEN Background color of menu item when selected */ itemSelectedBg: string; /** @deprecated Use `horizontalItemSelectedBg` instead */ colorItemBgSelectedHorizontal: string; /** * @desc 水平菜单项选中态背景色 * @descEN Background color of horizontal menu item when selected */ horizontalItemSelectedBg: string; /** @deprecated Use `activeBarWidth` instead */ colorActiveBarWidth: number; /** * @desc 菜单项指示条宽度 * @descEN Width of menu item active bar */ activeBarWidth: number; /** @deprecated Use `activeBarHeight` instead */ colorActiveBarHeight: number; /** * @desc 菜单项指示条高度 * @descEN Height of menu item active bar */ activeBarHeight: number; /** @deprecated Use `activeBarBorderWidth` instead */ colorActiveBarBorderSize: number; /** * @desc 菜单项指示条边框宽度 * @descEN Border width of menu item active bar */ activeBarBorderWidth: number; /** * @desc 菜单项横向外间距 * @descEN Horizontal margin of menu item */ itemMarginInline: number; /** * @desc 横向菜单项横悬浮态背景色 * @descEN Background color of horizontal menu item when hover */ horizontalItemHoverBg: string; /** * @desc 横向菜单项圆角 * @descEN Border radius of horizontal menu item */ horizontalItemBorderRadius: number; /** * @desc 菜单项高度 * @descEN Height of menu item */ itemHeight: number; /** * @desc 收起后的宽度 * @descEN Width when collapsed */ collapsedWidth: number; /** * @desc 弹出框背景色 * @descEN Background color of popup */ popupBg: string; /** * @desc 菜单项纵向外间距 * @descEN margin-block of menu item */ itemMarginBlock: CSSProperties['marginBlock']; /** * @desc 菜单项横向内间距 * @descEN padding-inline of menu item */ itemPaddingInline: CSSProperties['paddingInline']; /** * @desc 横向菜单行高 * @descEN LineHeight of horizontal menu item */ horizontalLineHeight: CSSProperties['lineHeight']; /** * @desc 图标与文字间距 * @descEN Spacing between icon and text */ iconMarginInlineEnd: CSSProperties['marginInlineEnd']; /** * @desc 图标尺寸 * @descEN Size of icon */ iconSize: number; /** * @desc 收起时图标尺寸 * @descEN Size of icon when collapsed */ collapsedIconSize: number; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的菜单项文字颜色 * @descEN Color of menu item text in dark mode */ darkItemColor: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的危险菜单项文字颜色 * @descEN Color of danger menu item text in dark mode */ darkDangerItemColor: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的菜单项背景 * @descEN Background of menu item in dark mode */ darkItemBg: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的子菜单项背景 * @descEN Background of submenu item in dark mode */ darkSubMenuItemBg: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的菜单项选中颜色 * @descEN Color of selected menu item in dark mode */ darkItemSelectedColor: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的菜单项选中背景 * @descEN Background of active menu item in dark mode */ darkItemSelectedBg: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的菜单项悬浮背景 * @descEN Background of hovered menu item in dark mode */ darkItemHoverBg: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的分组标题文字颜色 * @descEN Color of group title text in dark mode */ darkGroupTitleColor: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的菜单项悬浮颜色 * @descEN Color of hovered menu item in dark mode */ darkItemHoverColor: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的菜单项禁用颜色 * @descEN Color of disabled menu item in dark mode */ darkItemDisabledColor: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的危险菜单项选中背景 * @descEN Background of active danger menu item in dark mode */ darkDangerItemSelectedBg: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的危险菜单项悬浮文字背景 * @descEN Background of hovered danger menu item in dark mode */ darkDangerItemHoverColor: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的危险菜单项选中文字颜色 * @descEN Color of selected danger menu item in dark mode */ darkDangerItemSelectedColor: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的危险菜单项激活态背景 * @descEN Background of active danger menu item in dark mode */ darkDangerItemActiveBg: string; } export interface MenuToken extends FullToken<'Menu'> { menuHorizontalHeight: number; menuArrowSize: number; menuArrowOffset: string; menuPanelMaskInset: number; menuSubMenuBg: string; } declare const _default: (prefixCls: string, injectStyle: boolean) => UseComponentStyleResult; export default _default;