import * as React from 'react'; import type { PresetStatusColorType } from '../_util/colors'; import type { LiteralUnion } from '../_util/type'; import type { PresetColorKey } from '../theme/internal'; import Ribbon from './Ribbon'; export type { ScrollNumberProps } from './ScrollNumber'; type CompoundedComponent = React.ForwardRefExoticComponent> & { Ribbon: typeof Ribbon; }; export interface BadgeProps { /** Number to show in badge */ count?: React.ReactNode; showZero?: boolean; /** Max count to show */ overflowCount?: number; /** Whether to show red dot without number */ dot?: boolean; style?: React.CSSProperties; prefixCls?: string; scrollNumberPrefixCls?: string; className?: string; rootClassName?: string; status?: PresetStatusColorType; color?: LiteralUnion; text?: React.ReactNode; size?: 'default' | 'small'; offset?: [number | string, number | string]; title?: string; children?: React.ReactNode; classNames?: { root?: string; indicator?: string; }; styles?: { root?: React.CSSProperties; indicator?: React.CSSProperties; }; } declare const Badge: CompoundedComponent; export default Badge;