import type { CSSProperties } from 'react'; import type { FullToken, GenerateStyle } from '../../theme/internal'; export interface ComponentToken { /** * @desc 默认内间距 * @descEN Default padding */ defaultPadding: CSSProperties['padding']; /** * @desc 带有描述的内间距 * @descEN Padding with description */ withDescriptionPadding: CSSProperties['padding']; /** * @desc 带有描述时的图标尺寸 * @descEN Icon size with description */ withDescriptionIconSize: number; } type AlertToken = FullToken<'Alert'> & {}; export declare const genBaseStyle: GenerateStyle; export declare const genTypeStyle: GenerateStyle; export declare const genActionStyle: GenerateStyle; export declare const genAlertStyle: GenerateStyle; declare const _default: (prefixCls: string) => import("../../theme/interface").UseComponentStyleResult; export default _default;