import escapeStringRegexp from 'escape-string-regexp'; export default function extractPathFromURL(prefixes, url) { for (const prefix of prefixes) { var _prefix$match; const protocol = ((_prefix$match = prefix.match(/^[^:]+:/)) === null || _prefix$match === void 0 ? void 0 : _prefix$match[0]) ?? ''; const host = prefix.replace(new RegExp(`^${escapeStringRegexp(protocol)}`), '').replace(/\/+/g, '/') // Replace multiple slash (//) with single ones .replace(/^\//, ''); // Remove extra leading slash const prefixRegex = new RegExp(`^${escapeStringRegexp(protocol)}(/)*${host.split('.').map(it => it === '*' ? '[^/]+' : escapeStringRegexp(it)).join('\\.')}`); const [originAndPath, searchParams] = url.split('?'); const normalizedURL = originAndPath.replace(/\/+/g, '/').concat(searchParams ? `?${searchParams}` : ''); if (prefixRegex.test(normalizedURL)) { return normalizedURL.replace(prefixRegex, ''); } } return undefined; } //#