import * as React from 'react'; import { Platform, Text } from 'react-native'; import useLinkProps from './useLinkProps'; /** * Component to render link to another screen using a path. * Uses an anchor tag on the web. * * @param Absolute path to screen (e.g. `/feeds/hot`). * @param props.action Optional action to use for in-page navigation. By default, the path is parsed to an action based on linking config. * @param props.children Child elements to render the content. */ export default function Link(_ref) { let { to, action, } = _ref; const props = useLinkProps({ to, action }); const onPress = e => { if ('onPress' in rest) { var _rest$onPress; (_rest$onPress = rest.onPress) === null || _rest$onPress === void 0 ? void 0 : _rest$, e); } props.onPress(e); }; return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Text, { ...props,,{ web: { onClick: onPress }, default: { onPress } }) }); } //#