import { useLocale, useTheme } from '@react-navigation/native'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Animated, Image, Platform, StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native'; import { MaskedView } from '../MaskedView'; import { PlatformPressable } from '../PlatformPressable'; export function HeaderBackButton(_ref) { let { disabled, allowFontScaling, backImage, label, labelStyle, labelVisible = Platform.OS === 'ios', onLabelLayout, onPress, pressColor, pressOpacity, screenLayout, tintColor: customTintColor, titleLayout, truncatedLabel = 'Back', accessibilityLabel = label && label !== 'Back' ? `${label}, back` : 'Go back', testID, style } = _ref; const { colors, fonts } = useTheme(); const { direction } = useLocale(); const [initialLabelWidth, setInitialLabelWidth] = React.useState(undefined); const tintColor = customTintColor !== undefined ? customTintColor :{ ios: colors.primary, default: colors.text }); const handleLabelLayout = e => { onLabelLayout === null || onLabelLayout === void 0 ? void 0 : onLabelLayout(e); const { layout } = e.nativeEvent; setInitialLabelWidth((direction === 'rtl' ? layout.y : layout.x) + layout.width); }; const shouldTruncateLabel = () => { return !label || initialLabelWidth && titleLayout && screenLayout && (screenLayout.width - titleLayout.width) / 2 < initialLabelWidth + 26; }; const renderBackImage = () => { if (backImage) { return backImage({ tintColor }); } else { return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Image, { style: [styles.icon, direction === 'rtl' && styles.flip, Boolean(labelVisible) && styles.iconWithLabel, Boolean(tintColor) && { tintColor }], source: require('../assets/back-icon.png'), fadeDuration: 0 }); } }; const renderLabel = () => { const leftLabelText = shouldTruncateLabel() ? truncatedLabel : label; if (!labelVisible || leftLabelText === undefined) { return null; } const labelElement = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(View, { style: screenLayout ? // We make the button extend till the middle of the screen // Otherwise it appears to cut off when translating [styles.labelWrapper, { minWidth: screenLayout.width / 2 - 27 }] : null }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Animated.Text, { accessible: false, onLayout: // This measurement is used to determine if we should truncate the label when it doesn't fit // Only measure it when label is not truncated because we want the measurement of full label leftLabelText === label ? handleLabelLayout : undefined, style: [tintColor ? { color: tintColor } : null, fonts.regular, styles.label, labelStyle], numberOfLines: 1, allowFontScaling: !!allowFontScaling }, leftLabelText)); if (backImage || Platform.OS !== 'ios') { // When a custom backimage is specified, we can't mask the label // Otherwise there might be weird effect due to our mask not being the same as the image return labelElement; } return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(MaskedView, { maskElement: /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(View, { style: styles.iconMaskContainer }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Image, { source: require('../assets/back-icon-mask.png'), style: [styles.iconMask, direction === 'rtl' && styles.flip] }), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(View, { style: styles.iconMaskFillerRect })) }, labelElement); }; const handlePress = () => onPress && requestAnimationFrame(onPress); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PlatformPressable, { disabled: disabled, accessible: true, accessibilityRole: "button", accessibilityLabel: accessibilityLabel, testID: testID, onPress: disabled ? undefined : handlePress, pressColor: pressColor, pressOpacity: pressOpacity, android_ripple: androidRipple, style: [styles.container, disabled && styles.disabled, style], hitSlop:{ ios: undefined, default: { top: 16, right: 16, bottom: 16, left: 16 } }) }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, renderBackImage(), renderLabel())); } const androidRipple = { borderless: true, foreground: Platform.OS === 'android' && Platform.Version >= 23, radius: 20 }; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'row', minWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth, // Avoid collapsing when title is long{ ios: null, default: { marginVertical: 3, marginHorizontal: 11 } }) }, disabled: { opacity: 0.5 }, label: { fontSize: 17, // Title and back label are a bit different width due to title being bold // Adjusting the letterSpacing makes them coincide better letterSpacing: 0.35 }, labelWrapper: { // These styles will make sure that the label doesn't fill the available space // Otherwise it messes with the measurement of the label flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'flex-start' }, icon:{ ios: { height: 21, width: 13, marginLeft: 8, marginRight: 22, marginVertical: 12, resizeMode: 'contain' }, default: { height: 24, width: 24, margin: 3, resizeMode: 'contain' } }), iconWithLabel: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? { marginRight: 6 } : {}, iconMaskContainer: { flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'center' }, iconMaskFillerRect: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#000' }, iconMask: { height: 21, width: 13, marginLeft: -14.5, marginVertical: 12, alignSelf: 'center', resizeMode: 'contain' }, flip: { transform: [{ scaleX: -1 }] } }); //#