"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.BottomTabBar = BottomTabBar; exports.getTabBarHeight = void 0; var _elements = require("@react-navigation/elements"); var _native = require("@react-navigation/native"); var _color = _interopRequireDefault(require("color")); var _react = _interopRequireDefault(require("react")); var _reactNative = require("react-native"); var _BottomTabBarHeightCallbackContext = require("../utils/BottomTabBarHeightCallbackContext"); var _useIsKeyboardShown = require("../utils/useIsKeyboardShown"); var _BottomTabItem = require("./BottomTabItem"); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } const DEFAULT_TABBAR_HEIGHT = 49; const COMPACT_TABBAR_HEIGHT = 32; const DEFAULT_MAX_TAB_ITEM_WIDTH = 125; const SPACING = 5; const useNativeDriver = _reactNative.Platform.OS !== 'web'; const shouldUseHorizontalLabels = _ref => { let { state, descriptors, layout, dimensions } = _ref; const { tabBarLabelPosition } = descriptors[state.routes[state.index].key].options; if (tabBarLabelPosition) { switch (tabBarLabelPosition) { case 'beside-icon': return true; case 'below-icon': return false; } } if (layout.width >= 768) { // Screen size matches a tablet const maxTabWidth = state.routes.reduce((acc, route) => { const { tabBarItemStyle } = descriptors[route.key].options; const flattenedStyle = _reactNative.StyleSheet.flatten(tabBarItemStyle); if (flattenedStyle) { if (typeof flattenedStyle.width === 'number') { return acc + flattenedStyle.width; } else if (typeof flattenedStyle.maxWidth === 'number') { return acc + flattenedStyle.maxWidth; } } return acc + DEFAULT_MAX_TAB_ITEM_WIDTH; }, 0); return maxTabWidth <= layout.width; } else { return dimensions.width > dimensions.height; } }; const getPaddingBottom = insets => Math.max(insets.bottom - _reactNative.Platform.select({ ios: 4, default: 0 }), 0); const getTabBarHeight = _ref2 => { var _StyleSheet$flatten; let { state, descriptors, dimensions, insets, style, ...rest } = _ref2; // @ts-ignore const customHeight = (_StyleSheet$flatten = _reactNative.StyleSheet.flatten(style)) === null || _StyleSheet$flatten === void 0 ? void 0 : _StyleSheet$flatten.height; if (typeof customHeight === 'number') { return customHeight; } const isLandscape = dimensions.width > dimensions.height; const horizontalLabels = shouldUseHorizontalLabels({ state, descriptors, dimensions, ...rest }); const paddingBottom = getPaddingBottom(insets); if (_reactNative.Platform.OS === 'ios' && !_reactNative.Platform.isPad && isLandscape && horizontalLabels) { return COMPACT_TABBAR_HEIGHT + paddingBottom; } return DEFAULT_TABBAR_HEIGHT + paddingBottom; }; exports.getTabBarHeight = getTabBarHeight; function BottomTabBar(_ref3) { let { state, navigation, descriptors, insets, style } = _ref3; const { colors } = (0, _native.useTheme)(); const { buildHref } = (0, _native.useLinkTools)(); const focusedRoute = state.routes[state.index]; const focusedDescriptor = descriptors[focusedRoute.key]; const focusedOptions = focusedDescriptor.options; const { tabBarPosition = 'bottom', tabBarShowLabel, tabBarHideOnKeyboard = false, tabBarVisibilityAnimationConfig, tabBarStyle, tabBarBackground, tabBarActiveTintColor, tabBarInactiveTintColor, tabBarActiveBackgroundColor = tabBarPosition !== 'bottom' ? (0, _color.default)(tabBarActiveTintColor ?? colors.primary).alpha(0.12).rgb().string() : undefined, tabBarInactiveBackgroundColor } = focusedOptions; // FIXME: useSafeAreaFrame doesn't update values when window is resized on Web const dimensions = (0, _reactNative.useWindowDimensions)(); const isKeyboardShown = (0, _useIsKeyboardShown.useIsKeyboardShown)(); const onHeightChange = _react.default.useContext(_BottomTabBarHeightCallbackContext.BottomTabBarHeightCallbackContext); const shouldShowTabBar = !(tabBarHideOnKeyboard && isKeyboardShown); const visibilityAnimationConfigRef = _react.default.useRef(tabBarVisibilityAnimationConfig); _react.default.useEffect(() => { visibilityAnimationConfigRef.current = tabBarVisibilityAnimationConfig; }); const [isTabBarHidden, setIsTabBarHidden] = _react.default.useState(!shouldShowTabBar); const [visible] = _react.default.useState(() => new _reactNative.Animated.Value(shouldShowTabBar ? 1 : 0)); _react.default.useEffect(() => { const visibilityAnimationConfig = visibilityAnimationConfigRef.current; if (shouldShowTabBar) { var _visibilityAnimationC, _visibilityAnimationC2; const animation = (visibilityAnimationConfig === null || visibilityAnimationConfig === void 0 ? void 0 : (_visibilityAnimationC = visibilityAnimationConfig.show) === null || _visibilityAnimationC === void 0 ? void 0 : _visibilityAnimationC.animation) === 'spring' ? _reactNative.Animated.spring : _reactNative.Animated.timing; animation(visible, { toValue: 1, useNativeDriver, duration: 250, ...(visibilityAnimationConfig === null || visibilityAnimationConfig === void 0 ? void 0 : (_visibilityAnimationC2 = visibilityAnimationConfig.show) === null || _visibilityAnimationC2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _visibilityAnimationC2.config) }).start(_ref4 => { let { finished } = _ref4; if (finished) { setIsTabBarHidden(false); } }); } else { var _visibilityAnimationC3, _visibilityAnimationC4; setIsTabBarHidden(true); const animation = (visibilityAnimationConfig === null || visibilityAnimationConfig === void 0 ? void 0 : (_visibilityAnimationC3 = visibilityAnimationConfig.hide) === null || _visibilityAnimationC3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _visibilityAnimationC3.animation) === 'spring' ? _reactNative.Animated.spring : _reactNative.Animated.timing; animation(visible, { toValue: 0, useNativeDriver, duration: 200, ...(visibilityAnimationConfig === null || visibilityAnimationConfig === void 0 ? void 0 : (_visibilityAnimationC4 = visibilityAnimationConfig.hide) === null || _visibilityAnimationC4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _visibilityAnimationC4.config) }).start(); } return () => visible.stopAnimation(); }, [visible, shouldShowTabBar]); const [layout, setLayout] = _react.default.useState({ height: 0, width: dimensions.width }); const handleLayout = e => { const { height, width } = e.nativeEvent.layout; onHeightChange === null || onHeightChange === void 0 ? void 0 : onHeightChange(height); setLayout(layout => { if (height === layout.height && width === layout.width) { return layout; } else { return { height, width }; } }); }; const { routes } = state; const paddingBottom = getPaddingBottom(insets); const tabBarHeight = getTabBarHeight({ state, descriptors, insets, dimensions, layout, style: [tabBarStyle, style] }); const hasHorizontalLabels = shouldUseHorizontalLabels({ state, descriptors, dimensions, layout }); const tabBarBackgroundElement = tabBarBackground === null || tabBarBackground === void 0 ? void 0 : tabBarBackground(); return /*#__PURE__*/_react.default.createElement(_reactNative.Animated.View, { style: [tabBarPosition === 'left' ? styles.left : tabBarPosition === 'right' ? styles.right : styles.bottom, { backgroundColor: tabBarBackgroundElement != null ? 'transparent' : colors.card, borderColor: colors.border }, tabBarPosition === 'bottom' ? [{ transform: [{ translateY: visible.interpolate({ inputRange: [0, 1], outputRange: [layout.height + paddingBottom + _reactNative.StyleSheet.hairlineWidth, 0] }) }], // Absolutely position the tab bar so that the content is below it // This is needed to avoid gap at bottom when the tab bar is hidden position: isTabBarHidden ? 'absolute' : undefined }, { height: tabBarHeight, paddingBottom, paddingHorizontal: Math.max(insets.left, insets.right) }] : { paddingTop: insets.top, paddingBottom: insets.bottom, paddingLeft: tabBarPosition === 'left' ? insets.left : 0, paddingRight: tabBarPosition === 'right' ? insets.right : 0, minWidth: hasHorizontalLabels ? (0, _elements.getDefaultSidebarWidth)(dimensions) : 0 }, tabBarStyle], pointerEvents: isTabBarHidden ? 'none' : 'auto', onLayout: tabBarPosition === 'bottom' ? handleLayout : undefined }, /*#__PURE__*/_react.default.createElement(_reactNative.View, { pointerEvents: "none", style: _reactNative.StyleSheet.absoluteFill }, tabBarBackgroundElement), /*#__PURE__*/_react.default.createElement(_reactNative.View, { accessibilityRole: "tablist", style: tabBarPosition === 'bottom' ? styles.bottomContent : styles.sideContent }, routes.map((route, index) => { const focused = index === state.index; const { options } = descriptors[route.key]; const onPress = () => { const event = navigation.emit({ type: 'tabPress', target: route.key, canPreventDefault: true }); if (!focused && !event.defaultPrevented) { navigation.dispatch({ ..._native.CommonActions.navigate(route), target: state.key }); } }; const onLongPress = () => { navigation.emit({ type: 'tabLongPress', target: route.key }); }; const label = typeof options.tabBarLabel === 'function' ? options.tabBarLabel : (0, _elements.getLabel)({ label: options.tabBarLabel, title: options.title }, route.name); const accessibilityLabel = options.tabBarAccessibilityLabel !== undefined ? options.tabBarAccessibilityLabel : typeof label === 'string' && _reactNative.Platform.OS === 'ios' ? `${label}, tab, ${index + 1} of ${routes.length}` : undefined; return /*#__PURE__*/_react.default.createElement(_native.NavigationContext.Provider, { key: route.key, value: descriptors[route.key].navigation }, /*#__PURE__*/_react.default.createElement(_native.NavigationRouteContext.Provider, { value: route }, /*#__PURE__*/_react.default.createElement(_BottomTabItem.BottomTabItem, { href: buildHref(route.name, route.params), route: route, descriptor: descriptors[route.key], focused: focused, horizontal: hasHorizontalLabels, onPress: onPress, onLongPress: onLongPress, accessibilityLabel: accessibilityLabel, testID: options.tabBarButtonTestID, allowFontScaling: options.tabBarAllowFontScaling, activeTintColor: tabBarActiveTintColor, inactiveTintColor: tabBarInactiveTintColor, activeBackgroundColor: tabBarActiveBackgroundColor, inactiveBackgroundColor: tabBarInactiveBackgroundColor, button: options.tabBarButton, icon: options.tabBarIcon ?? (_ref5 => { let { color, size } = _ref5; return /*#__PURE__*/_react.default.createElement(_elements.MissingIcon, { color: color, size: size }); }), badge: options.tabBarBadge, badgeStyle: options.tabBarBadgeStyle, label: label, showLabel: tabBarShowLabel, labelStyle: options.tabBarLabelStyle, iconStyle: options.tabBarIconStyle, style: [tabBarPosition === 'bottom' ? styles.bottomItem : [styles.sideItem, hasHorizontalLabels ? { justifyContent: 'flex-start' } : null], options.tabBarItemStyle] }))); }))); } const styles = _reactNative.StyleSheet.create({ left: { top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, borderRightWidth: _reactNative.StyleSheet.hairlineWidth }, right: { top: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0, borderLeftWidth: _reactNative.StyleSheet.hairlineWidth }, bottom: { left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, borderTopWidth: _reactNative.StyleSheet.hairlineWidth, elevation: 8 }, bottomContent: { flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row' }, sideContent: { flex: 1, flexDirection: 'column', padding: SPACING }, bottomItem: { flex: 1 }, sideItem: { margin: SPACING, padding: SPACING * 2, borderRadius: 4 } }); //# sourceMappingURL=BottomTabBar.js.map