import _slicedToArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray"; function splitValues(value) { if (typeof value === 'number') { return [[value], false]; } var rawStyle = String(value).trim(); var importantCells = rawStyle.match(/(.*)(!important)/); var splitStyle = (importantCells ? importantCells[1] : rawStyle).trim().split(/\s+/); // Combine styles split in brackets, like `calc(1px + 2px)` var temp = ''; var brackets = 0; return [splitStyle.reduce(function (list, item) { if (item.includes('(')) { temp += item; brackets += item.split('(').length - 1; } else if (item.includes(')')) { temp += item; brackets -= item.split(')').length - 1; if (brackets === 0) { list.push(temp); temp = ''; } } else if (brackets > 0) { temp += item; } else { list.push(item); } return list; }, []), !!importantCells]; } function noSplit(list) { list.notSplit = true; return list; } var keyMap = { // Inset inset: ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'], insetBlock: ['top', 'bottom'], insetBlockStart: ['top'], insetBlockEnd: ['bottom'], insetInline: ['left', 'right'], insetInlineStart: ['left'], insetInlineEnd: ['right'], // Margin marginBlock: ['marginTop', 'marginBottom'], marginBlockStart: ['marginTop'], marginBlockEnd: ['marginBottom'], marginInline: ['marginLeft', 'marginRight'], marginInlineStart: ['marginLeft'], marginInlineEnd: ['marginRight'], // Padding paddingBlock: ['paddingTop', 'paddingBottom'], paddingBlockStart: ['paddingTop'], paddingBlockEnd: ['paddingBottom'], paddingInline: ['paddingLeft', 'paddingRight'], paddingInlineStart: ['paddingLeft'], paddingInlineEnd: ['paddingRight'], // Border borderBlock: noSplit(['borderTop', 'borderBottom']), borderBlockStart: noSplit(['borderTop']), borderBlockEnd: noSplit(['borderBottom']), borderInline: noSplit(['borderLeft', 'borderRight']), borderInlineStart: noSplit(['borderLeft']), borderInlineEnd: noSplit(['borderRight']), // Border width borderBlockWidth: ['borderTopWidth', 'borderBottomWidth'], borderBlockStartWidth: ['borderTopWidth'], borderBlockEndWidth: ['borderBottomWidth'], borderInlineWidth: ['borderLeftWidth', 'borderRightWidth'], borderInlineStartWidth: ['borderLeftWidth'], borderInlineEndWidth: ['borderRightWidth'], // Border style borderBlockStyle: ['borderTopStyle', 'borderBottomStyle'], borderBlockStartStyle: ['borderTopStyle'], borderBlockEndStyle: ['borderBottomStyle'], borderInlineStyle: ['borderLeftStyle', 'borderRightStyle'], borderInlineStartStyle: ['borderLeftStyle'], borderInlineEndStyle: ['borderRightStyle'], // Border color borderBlockColor: ['borderTopColor', 'borderBottomColor'], borderBlockStartColor: ['borderTopColor'], borderBlockEndColor: ['borderBottomColor'], borderInlineColor: ['borderLeftColor', 'borderRightColor'], borderInlineStartColor: ['borderLeftColor'], borderInlineEndColor: ['borderRightColor'], // Border radius borderStartStartRadius: ['borderTopLeftRadius'], borderStartEndRadius: ['borderTopRightRadius'], borderEndStartRadius: ['borderBottomLeftRadius'], borderEndEndRadius: ['borderBottomRightRadius'] }; function wrapImportantAndSkipCheck(value, important) { var parsedValue = value; if (important) { parsedValue = "".concat(parsedValue, " !important"); } return { _skip_check_: true, value: parsedValue }; } /** * Convert css logical properties to legacy properties. * Such as: `margin-block-start` to `margin-top`. * Transform list: * - inset * - margin * - padding * - border */ var transform = { visit: function visit(cssObj) { var clone = {}; Object.keys(cssObj).forEach(function (key) { var value = cssObj[key]; var matchValue = keyMap[key]; if (matchValue && (typeof value === 'number' || typeof value === 'string')) { var _splitValues = splitValues(value), _splitValues2 = _slicedToArray(_splitValues, 2), _values = _splitValues2[0], _important = _splitValues2[1]; if (matchValue.length && matchValue.notSplit) { // not split means always give same value like border matchValue.forEach(function (matchKey) { clone[matchKey] = wrapImportantAndSkipCheck(value, _important); }); } else if (matchValue.length === 1) { // Handle like `marginBlockStart` => `marginTop` clone[matchValue[0]] = wrapImportantAndSkipCheck(value, _important); } else if (matchValue.length === 2) { // Handle like `marginBlock` => `marginTop` & `marginBottom` matchValue.forEach(function (matchKey, index) { var _values$index; clone[matchKey] = wrapImportantAndSkipCheck((_values$index = _values[index]) !== null && _values$index !== void 0 ? _values$index : _values[0], _important); }); } else if (matchValue.length === 4) { // Handle like `inset` => `top` & `right` & `bottom` & `left` matchValue.forEach(function (matchKey, index) { var _ref, _values$index2; clone[matchKey] = wrapImportantAndSkipCheck((_ref = (_values$index2 = _values[index]) !== null && _values$index2 !== void 0 ? _values$index2 : _values[index - 2]) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : _values[0], _important); }); } else { clone[key] = value; } } else { clone[key] = value; } }); return clone; } }; export default transform;