title: Z-Index
Utilities for controlling the stack order of an element.
| Class | Properties |
| ----------- | ------------------------ |
| z-0 | z-index: 0 |
| z-10 | z-index: 10 |
| z-20 | z-index: 20 |
| z-30 | z-index: 30 |
| z-40 | z-index: 40 |
| z-50 | z-index: 50 |
| z-auto | z-index: auto |
## 用法
# 响应式设计
支持通过添加设备前缀 `m:` 或者 `pc:` 来分别针对「手机端」或者「pc端」设置样式,更多说明请前往[「响应式设计」](../../../docs/style/responsive-design.md)。
## 状态前缀
不支持[「状态前缀」](../../../docs/style/state.md),有需求请提 [issue](https://github.com/baidu/amis/issues)。
@mixin make-z-index($prefix: '.') {
@each $name,
in (
'0': 0,
'10': 10,
'20': 20,
'30': 30,
'40': 40,
'50': 50,
'auto': auto
#{$prefix + 'z-' + $name} {
z-index: $value;
@include make-z-index();
@each $deivce in map-keys($devices) {
@include media-device($deivce) {
@include make-z-index('.' + selector-escape($deivce + ':'));