import sys import re from enum import Enum from dataclasses import dataclass, field from markdown import Markdown from io import StringIO def unmark_element(element, stream=None): if stream is None: stream = StringIO() if element.text: stream.write(element.text) for sub in element: unmark_element(sub, stream) if element.tail: stream.write(element.tail) return stream.getvalue() # patching Markdown Markdown.output_formats["plain"] = unmark_element __md = Markdown(output_format="plain") __md.stripTopLevelTags = False def unmark(text): """去掉文本样式,参考""" return __md.convert(text) class ContentType(Enum): Text = 1 Code = 2 # 最长段落 LONG_CONTENT_LENGTH = 20 @dataclass class BlockContent: """文本段中的文本或代码""" type: ContentType text: str @dataclass class MarkdownBlock: """文档段,这个是给大模型上下文的最小单位""" # 文件名 file_name: str # 文件标题 title: str = "" # 二级或三级标题 header: str = "" # 内容,可能是文本或代码段 content: list[ContentType] = field(default_factory=list) def gen_text(self, max_length: int = 500, include_code=True) -> str: """"输出文本""" current_length = 0 output = self.header + "\n\n" if self.header else "" for para in self.content: content = para.text # 超过长度限制了就中断,这里其实没考虑代码段 ``` 多出来的 10 个字符 if current_length + len(content) > max_length: break if para.type == ContentType.Code and include_code: output += f"\n```\n{content}\n```\n" else: output += content + "\n" current_length += len(content) return output def get_text_blocks(self) -> list[str]: """获取用于生成嵌入的文本段落列表""" blocks: list[str] = [] header = self.header.replace("#", "") if self.header else "" if header != "": if len(header) < 4: blocks.append(self.title + header) else: blocks.append(header) all_text = "" for para in self.content: if para.type == ContentType.Text: # 去掉各种样式及图片避免影响 text = unmark(para.text) all_text += text blocks.append(self.title + header + text) blocks.append(text) # 对于太长的段落,拆分一下 if len(text) > LONG_CONTENT_LENGTH: for line in text.split(","): blocks.append(line) if len(all_text) < LONG_CONTENT_LENGTH: blocks.append(header + all_text) # 删掉重复的和避免空字符 output_blocks = set() for block in blocks: block = block.strip() if block != "" and block not in output_blocks: output_blocks.add(block) return list(output_blocks) def split_markdown(markdown_text: str, file_name: str) -> list[MarkdownBlock]: """ 拆分 Markdown 文档为段落 """ markdown_text = markdown_text.replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\r", "\n") # 文档标题 title = "" lines = markdown_text.split("\n") # markdown 段落 blocks: list[MarkdownBlock] = [] # 当前二级标题 current_header = None current_content: list[BlockContent] = [] # 代码需要合并到一起,所以先收集 current_code: list[str] = [] # 是否在代码快中 in_code_block = False # 文档元数据 in_meta = False for line in lines: # 处理文档元数据 if line.startswith("---"): in_meta = not in_meta continue if in_meta and ":" in line: key, value = line.split(":") if key == "title": title = value.strip() continue # 这是版本说明,没什么用 if line.startswith("> ") and "以上版本" in line: continue if line.startswith(">"): line = line.replace(">", "") if line.strip() == "": continue header_match = re.match(r"^#+\s", line) # 匹配到了标题 if header_match: # 如果之前有标题,那么这就是新的一段 if current_header is not None: # 至少要有内容或者代码块 if len(current_content) > 0: blocks.append(MarkdownBlock(file_name, title, current_header, current_content)) current_content = [] current_code = [] # 开启新段落解析 current_header = line else: # 说明是刚开始的文本,没有标题 if current_header is None: current_content.append(BlockContent(ContentType.Text, line)) blocks.append(MarkdownBlock(file_name, title, current_header, current_content)) current_content = [] else: # 说明是代码块 if line.startswith("```"): in_code_block = not in_code_block if not in_code_block: current_content.append(BlockContent( ContentType.Code, "\n".join(current_code))) current_code = [] else: if in_code_block: current_code.append(line) else: current_content.append( BlockContent(ContentType.Text, line)) if len(current_content) > 0 or len(current_code) > 0: blocks.append(MarkdownBlock(file_name, title, current_header, current_content)) return blocks def test(file_name: str): with open(file_name) as f: content = blocks = split_markdown(content, file_name) for block in blocks: print(block.getText()) if __name__ == '__main__': test(sys.argv[1])