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2023-10-07 19:42:30 +08:00
import { __rest, __assign } from 'tslib';
import { addDefault, addNamed } from '@babel/helper-module-imports';
import traverse from '@babel/traverse';
import { createMacro } from 'babel-plugin-macros';
import babelPlugin from 'babel-plugin-styled-components';
function styledComponentsMacro(_a) {
var references = _a.references, state = _a.state, t = _a.babel.types, _b = _a.config, _c = _b === void 0 ? {} : _b, _d = _c.importModuleName, importModuleName = _d === void 0 ? 'styled-components' : _d, config = __rest(_c, ["importModuleName"]);
var program = state.file.path;
// FIRST STEP : replace `styled-components/macro` by `styled-components
// references looks like this
// { default: [path, path], css: [path], ... }
var customImportName;
Object.keys(references).forEach(function (refName) {
// generate new identifier
var id;
if (refName === 'default') {
id = addDefault(program, importModuleName, { nameHint: 'styled' });
customImportName = id;
else {
id = addNamed(program, refName, importModuleName, { nameHint: refName });
// update references with the new identifiers
references[refName].forEach(function (referencePath) { =;
// SECOND STEP : apply babel-plugin-styled-components to the file
var stateWithOpts = __assign(__assign({}, state), { opts: __assign(__assign({}, config), { topLevelImportPaths: (config.topLevelImportPaths || []).concat(importModuleName) }), customImportName: customImportName });
traverse(program.parent, babelPlugin({ types: t }).visitor, undefined, stateWithOpts);
var index = createMacro(styledComponentsMacro, {
configName: 'styledComponents',
export { index as default };