
66 lines
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2023-10-07 19:42:30 +08:00
import * as React from 'react';
import type { HandlesProps } from './Handles';
import type { AriaValueFormat } from './interface';
import type { MarkObj } from './Marks';
* New:
* - click mark to update range value
* - handleRender
* - Fix handle with count not correct
* - Fix pushable not work in some case
* - No more FindDOMNode
* - Move all position related style into inline style
* - Key: up is plus, down is minus
* - fix Key with step = null not align with marks
* - Change range should not trigger onChange
* - keyboard support pushable
export interface SliderProps<ValueType = number | number[]> {
prefixCls?: string;
className?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
disabled?: boolean;
keyboard?: boolean;
autoFocus?: boolean;
onFocus?: (e: React.FocusEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void;
onBlur?: (e: React.FocusEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void;
range?: boolean;
count?: number;
min?: number;
max?: number;
step?: number | null;
value?: ValueType;
defaultValue?: ValueType;
onChange?: (value: ValueType) => void;
/** @deprecated It's always better to use `onChange` instead */
onBeforeChange?: (value: ValueType) => void;
/** @deprecated It's always better to use `onChange` instead */
onAfterChange?: (value: ValueType) => void;
allowCross?: boolean;
pushable?: boolean | number;
/** range only */
draggableTrack?: boolean;
reverse?: boolean;
vertical?: boolean;
included?: boolean;
startPoint?: number;
trackStyle?: React.CSSProperties | React.CSSProperties[];
handleStyle?: React.CSSProperties | React.CSSProperties[];
railStyle?: React.CSSProperties;
dotStyle?: React.CSSProperties | ((dotValue: number) => React.CSSProperties);
activeDotStyle?: React.CSSProperties | ((dotValue: number) => React.CSSProperties);
marks?: Record<string | number, React.ReactNode | MarkObj>;
dots?: boolean;
handleRender?: HandlesProps['handleRender'];
tabIndex?: number | number[];
ariaLabelForHandle?: string | string[];
ariaLabelledByForHandle?: string | string[];
ariaValueTextFormatterForHandle?: AriaValueFormat | AriaValueFormat[];
export interface SliderRef {
focus: () => void;
blur: () => void;
declare const Slider: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<SliderProps<number | number[]> & React.RefAttributes<SliderRef>>;
export default Slider;